Kaz and Eva - Hi, Can I Have...: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Bhvdkso7sNHgWe66TZfweEBvyWJ7szWf?usp=sharing Wip: 113-118: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1wIrtIrczi5MDcq60CEPvIJpuELEs5sN0?usp=sharing enjoy! :>
Showing 21801 - 21850 of 23530
https://discord.gg/W9FvVb6v Guys this is a discord server I’ve opened I’ll start doing streams there! So you all are welcome :)
Again, thanks A LOT for your support! Here it goes a link for download all the renders from November 2021. https://mega.nz/file/akNATLRa#KsOBrsMFyY7yxOYDveHfKQmfV2BJr2uDWg7xTIMxXB8 I hope you to enjoy them, take care and have a great month!
Again, thanks A LOT for your support! Here it goes a link for download all the renders from October 2021. https://mega.nz/file/SxsF0SyQ#fg8qTkau3IlmWxjsQH2sauLIdzIz9y6OEXdyvVT8srg I hope you to enjoy them, take care and have a great month!
Again, thanks A LOT for your support! Here it goes a link for download all the renders from Septemeber 2021. https://mega.nz/file/XptxHYLA#pjWT7bJECj3WG29GX4nIrrdV-jBMtUq_Pycqk2hVmIo I hope you to enjoy them, take care and have a great month!
Again, thanks A LOT for your support! Here it goes a link for download all the renders from August 2021. https://mega.nz/file/3wF2RJRB#5RrOuGtfYlVUlmQ90jkCBSE21zF7M00KcDSx9t1SEms I hope you to enjoy them, take care and have a great september!
https://sta.sh/01owzpuxgp1g What do you think?
GWPW - GROWING WOMEN PRO WRESTLING 4 RELEASE Here's download link and password for newest comic. Enjoy! LINK - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/o6bg250rc1lkw1x/AACjwJBVwevYD3xBAbyY9S8Ia?dl=0 PASSWORD - fmoqDnOkYRGYWG44 I hope you liked this comic, feel free to share your thoughts and feedback too! Feel free to dm me in case of any problems. Stay tuned for new content teasers next Tuesday! :)
BOTTOM HEAVY - picture pack release Here's a download link + password to newest picture pack: Link - https://mega.nz/file/zloAzKIY decryption key - koJY30FOk69vQaM7_Th0GzuKHOFGGUUHF0_Y7QMKtp4 I hope you liked this picture pack, feel free to share your thoughts and feedback too! Feel free to dm in case of any problems. Stay tuned for new content teasers next Tuesdy and comic release on october 1st :)
THE GRAND TRADITION - Fute picture pack release Here's a download link + password to newest futa picture pack: Link - https://mega.nz/file/jpBDiS4C decryption key - TQQCcHvA16ECqSV3MEyFsyxtjEQdx8Oq5_oBs8-ps58 I hope you like this picture pack, feel free to share your thoughts and feedback too! Feel free to dm in case of any problems. Stay tuned for new content teasers next Tuesday :)
COURTSHIP FOR A QUEEN - RELEASE Here's download link + password to newest comic: LINK https://www.dropbox.com/sh/m26dusiklk7s168/AABOGviAA5qMfBhtBYNB-_Zpa?dl=0 PASSWORD pleplORGLhoYj4R8 I hope you liked the comic. Feel free to share your feedback, and stay tuned for new comic and packs teasers coming next tuesday! :)
Big and Blonde - Picture pack - RELEASE Here's a link and decryption key to newest picture pack https://mega.nz/file/v14m3CRR vnXIskyWAE94R9oCYO74xv5ZsjGIkjZW-j17diDVTo4 I hope you enjoyed the pack! Stay tuned for new content and teasers coming next tuesday :)
The Grand Tradition 2 - Futa picture pack - RELEASE Here's link and decryption key to newest futa picture pack https://mega.nz/file/3lJygLoY 4bTPvf4FDJp9poICJdduXqYRcqECRTJMipOG7Qf_oKs I hope you enjoyed the pack! Stay tuned for new content and teasers coming next tuesday!
SELF-CENTERED - COMIC RELEASE Here's download link and password for newest comic. Enjoy! LINK https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ze7f7qzt4396lxg/AADzE6Npqn_JAovBvjFgYx03a?dl=0 PASSWORD - C2tuRFXUNaILOdQD I hope you liked this comic. Feel free to share your thoughts and feedback too! Feel free to DM me in case of any problems. Stay tuned for new content and teasers coming next Tuesday! :)
Consumption - Picture pack - RELEASE Here's link and decryption key to newest picture pack, Enjoy! https://mega.nz/file/fkIG2LYC key: Xmbl4ezWb0oh419DIx5ePUbJSou5mCoWoVwegDHmcRM In case of any problems with download feel free to DM me. I hope you liked the pack! Stay tuned for comic teasers and other content coming this month! :)
DUAL WORKOUT - Futa picture pack - RELEASE Here's link and decryption key to newest futa picture pack, Enjoy! https://mega.nz/file/esBSBJSR key: jB3-QWmqEJ0Ko5lmwz4G6EZmP1ax8mFAkR4UZSWpdhM In case of any problems with download feel free to DM me. I hope you like the pack! Stay tuned for next pack and comic teasers and other content coming this month! :)
ALL-NATURAL 13 - COMIC RELEASE Here's download link and password for newest comic. Enjoy! LINK https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zf564rr79e88tw2/AAAfy0a7DuPFWHqfUnarWykza?dl=0 PASSWORD - fERE8U9wvgcxt3Cz I hope you liked this comic. Feel free to share your thoughts and feedback too! Feel free to DM me in case of any problems. Stay tuned for new content teasers coming next Tuesday! :)
BIG IN PUBLIC - PICTURE PACK RELEASE Here's download link and password to newest picture pack. Enjoy! LINK - https://mega.nz/file/OtgCFSxa PASSWORD - SiCoBADADwgSjMoSevb8bbnYj6XGb7b0ailQTmcESxM I hope you liked this pack, feel free to share your thoughts and feedback too! Feel free to dm me in case of any problems. Stay tuned for new content teasers next Tuesday! :)
STREAMING SERVICES -FUTA PICTURE PACK RELEASE RELEASE Here's download link and password for newest Futa picture pack Enjoy! LINK - https://mega.nz/file/yw5AhCbJ PASSWORD - EBgCIhvCmekOiSW1nTGww1oScrYBlAnnIczkTcgcW9Y I hope you liked this pack, feel free to share your thoughts and feedback too! Feel free to dm me in case of any problems. Stay tuned for new content teasers next Tuesday! :)
Thanks for your support special: https://mega.nz/#!xopwASyK!dqnjaCsexj8VJDhjn5vFH0X_uG-akNh4_l2MXi8sQME
Thank you for joining the support plan. The folder access link for the target month is as follows. 支援プランにご入会頂きまして、ありがとうございます。 対象月のフォルダアクセスリンクは以下となります。 ◆2020年05月(May) https://mega.nz/folder/jjhhgBJD#35gMhyiQmt5LExRdjBz26A ※Video data was transferred to MEGA as a countermeasure against pirate sites. Please check the following articles for details. 海賊サイトの対策で、動画データをMEGAに移行しました。 詳細は以下の記事をご確認下さい。 https://www.patreon.com/posts/important-zhong-38771779 ※No reply is required for this message. このメッセージに対する返信は不要です。
<Apology and compensation> I moved the video data to MEGA as a countermeasure for the pirate site. I needed to move it before the pirate site could copy the data anymore, so I took a sudden action. It was a sudden thing, so those who have recently subscribed may have missed past videos. I am terribly sorry. To compensate for this, I will send a month's worth of Root access rights to those who subscribed in June. 【Root URL】 https://mega.nz/folder/quwR2KKR#z9AgzHcvNx4zIEXZww7_Tw ※expiration date:~2020/07/31 I am terribly sorry.<(_ _)> -------------------------------- <お詫びと補償> この度、海賊サイトの対策として、動画データをMEGAに移行する作業を行いました。 海賊サイトがこれ以上動画をコピーするより前に動画を移す必要がありましたので、急な対応となってしまいました。 その結果、最近加入された方は過去の動画を見逃してしまった可能性があります。 本当に申し訳ございません。 その補償として、6月に加入頂いてた方を対象に、1ヵ月分のRootアクセス権を送らせて頂きます。 【Root URL】 https://mega.nz/folder/quwR2KKR#z9AgzHcvNx4zIEXZww7_Tw ※有効期限:~2020/07/31 この度はご迷惑お掛け致しまして、本当に申し訳御座いませんでした。<(_ _)>
Thank you for joining the support plan. The folder access link for the target month is as follows. 支援プランにご入会頂きまして、ありがとうございます。 対象月のフォルダアクセスリンクは以下となります。 ◆2019年04月(Apr) https://mega.nz/folder/Sz4FkajB#fvtZf6t3tOMPJ3Ouamd9YQ ※Video data was transferred to MEGA as a countermeasure against pirate sites. Please check the following articles for details. 海賊サイトの対策で、動画データをMEGAに移行しました。 詳細は以下の記事をご確認下さい。 https://www.patreon.com/posts/important-zhong-38771779 ※No reply is required for this message. このメッセージに対する返信は不要です。
Thank you for joining the support plan. The folder access link for the target month is as follows. 支援プランにご入会頂きまして、ありがとうございます。 対象月のフォルダアクセスリンクは以下となります。 ◆2019年05月(May) https://mega.nz/folder/b2AAFIbC#nsg3heWxoSghgXGgAetIHg ※Video data was transferred to MEGA as a countermeasure against pirate sites. Please check the following articles for details. 海賊サイトの対策で、動画データをMEGAに移行しました。 詳細は以下の記事をご確認下さい。 https://www.patreon.com/posts/important-zhong-38771779 ※No reply is required for this message. このメッセージに対する返信は不要です。
Thank you for joining the support plan. The folder access link for the target month is as follows. 支援プランにご入会頂きまして、ありがとうございます。 対象月のフォルダアクセスリンクは以下となります。 ◆2019年06月(June) https://mega.nz/folder/bzJThCyC#AKPCJFB9BFaxO7D8K4jDow ※Video data was transferred to MEGA as a countermeasure against pirate sites. Please check the following articles for details. 海賊サイトの対策で、動画データをMEGAに移行しました。 詳細は以下の記事をご確認下さい。 https://www.patreon.com/posts/important-zhong-38771779 ※No reply is required for this message. このメッセージに対する返信は不要です。
Thank you for joining the support plan. The folder access link for the target month is as follows. 支援プランにご入会頂きまして、ありがとうございます。 対象月のフォルダアクセスリンクは以下となります。 ◆2019年07月(July) https://mega.nz/folder/z7YwFA4C#c5-TihA02FgX9wt59yc45w ※Video data was transferred to MEGA as a countermeasure against pirate sites. Please check the following articles for details. 海賊サイトの対策で、動画データをMEGAに移行しました。 詳細は以下の記事をご確認下さい。 https://www.patreon.com/posts/important-zhong-38771779 ※No reply is required for this message. このメッセージに対する返信は不要です。
Thank you for joining the support plan. The folder access link for the target month is as follows. 支援プランにご入会頂きまして、ありがとうございます。 対象月のフォルダアクセスリンクは以下となります。 ◆2019年08月(Aug) https://mega.nz/folder/LmBgQKDK#oUVRMgEm5EXR6An9MgxBmQ ※Video data was transferred to MEGA as a countermeasure against pirate sites. Please check the following articles for details. 海賊サイトの対策で、動画データをMEGAに移行しました。 詳細は以下の記事をご確認下さい。 https://www.patreon.com/posts/important-zhong-38771779 ※No reply is required for this message. このメッセージに対する返信は不要です。
Thank you for joining the support plan. The folder access link for the target month is as follows. 支援プランにご入会頂きまして、ありがとうございます。 対象月のフォルダアクセスリンクは以下となります。 ◆2019年09月(Sept) https://mega.nz/folder/GnI3xYKI#BGYEp8N2YnvS7Arklu0NSw ※Video data was transferred to MEGA as a countermeasure against pirate sites. Please check the following articles for details. 海賊サイトの対策で、動画データをMEGAに移行しました。 詳細は以下の記事をご確認下さい。 https://www.patreon.com/posts/important-zhong-38771779 ※No reply is required for this message. このメッセージに対する返信は不要です。
Thank you for joining the support plan. The folder access link for the target month is as follows. 支援プランにご入会頂きまして、ありがとうございます。 対象月のフォルダアクセスリンクは以下となります。 ◆2019年10月(Oct) https://mega.nz/folder/ajg2XQwL#-lEvdbzjiCW5YYH6AFpL-A ※Video data was transferred to MEGA as a countermeasure against pirate sites. Please check the following articles for details. 海賊サイトの対策で、動画データをMEGAに移行しました。 詳細は以下の記事をご確認下さい。 https://www.patreon.com/posts/important-zhong-38771779 ※No reply is required for this message. このメッセージに対する返信は不要です。
Thank you for joining the support plan. The folder access link for the target month is as follows. 支援プランにご入会頂きまして、ありがとうございます。 対象月のフォルダアクセスリンクは以下となります。 ◆2019年11月(Nov) https://mega.nz/folder/r3gVHAKK#BKiK3K9oFDpQ9qxeWAYQFQ ※Video data was transferred to MEGA as a countermeasure against pirate sites. Please check the following articles for details. 海賊サイトの対策で、動画データをMEGAに移行しました。 詳細は以下の記事をご確認下さい。 https://www.patreon.com/posts/important-zhong-38771779 ※No reply is required for this message. このメッセージに対する返信は不要です。
Thank you for joining the support plan. The folder access link for the target month is as follows. 支援プランにご入会頂きまして、ありがとうございます。 対象月のフォルダアクセスリンクは以下となります。 ◆2019年12月(Dec) https://mega.nz/folder/TyhFRAYZ#yJHGXQW9_Yh1_7I-kKOmgg ※Video data was transferred to MEGA as a countermeasure against pirate sites. Please check the following articles for details. 海賊サイトの対策で、動画データをMEGAに移行しました。 詳細は以下の記事をご確認下さい。 https://www.patreon.com/posts/important-zhong-38771779 ※No reply is required for this message. このメッセージに対する返信は不要です。
Thank you for joining the support plan. The folder access link for the target month is as follows. 支援プランにご入会頂きまして、ありがとうございます。 対象月のフォルダアクセスリンクは以下となります。 ◆2020年01月(Jan) https://mega.nz/folder/fuxXlC5Y#wDCr3I-BIj1dGUwoCt36Qw ※Video data was transferred to MEGA as a countermeasure against pirate sites. Please check the following articles for details. 海賊サイトの対策で、動画データをMEGAに移行しました。 詳細は以下の記事をご確認下さい。 https://www.patreon.com/posts/important-zhong-38771779 ※No reply is required for this message. このメッセージに対する返信は不要です。
Thank you for joining the support plan. The folder access link for the target month is as follows. 支援プランにご入会頂きまして、ありがとうございます。 対象月のフォルダアクセスリンクは以下となります。 ◆2020年02月(Feb) https://mega.nz/folder/qupBVC6R#jbaUq2DxYwpXxFAS2SNBXQ ※Video data was transferred to MEGA as a countermeasure against pirate sites. Please check the following articles for details. 海賊サイトの対策で、動画データをMEGAに移行しました。 詳細は以下の記事をご確認下さい。 https://www.patreon.com/posts/important-zhong-38771779 ※No reply is required for this message. このメッセージに対する返信は不要です。
Thank you for joining the support plan. The folder access link for the target month is as follows. 支援プランにご入会頂きまして、ありがとうございます。 対象月のフォルダアクセスリンクは以下となります。 ◆2020年06月(June) mega.nz/folder/Gn5xgDKL#mva3E9pHRqErXO2uv1Ca8Q ※Video data was transferred to MEGA as a countermeasure against pirate sites. Please check the following articles for details. 海賊サイトの対策で、動画データをMEGAに移行しました。 詳細は以下の記事をご確認下さい。 patreon.com/posts/important-zhong-38771779 ※No reply is required for this message. このメッセージに対する返信は不要です。
Thank you for joining the support plan. The folder access link for the target month is as follows. 支援プランにご入会頂きまして、ありがとうございます。 対象月のフォルダアクセスリンクは以下となります。 ◆2020年03月(Mar) https://mega.nz/folder/XmRkBYRL#uT7YLr7QcTPP1QCjcnIpMg ※Video data was transferred to MEGA as a countermeasure against pirate sites. Please check the following articles for details. 海賊サイトの対策で、動画データをMEGAに移行しました。 詳細は以下の記事をご確認下さい。 https://www.patreon.com/posts/important-zhong-38771779 ※No reply is required for this message. このメッセージに対する返信は不要です。
Thank you for joining the support plan. The folder access link for the target month is as follows. 支援プランにご入会頂きまして、ありがとうございます。 対象月のフォルダアクセスリンクは以下となります。 ◆2020年04月(Apr) https://mega.nz/folder/T3IB3axT#wmkDqr9p1QZXcwNGk3jhtQ ※Video data was transferred to MEGA as a countermeasure against pirate sites. Please check the following articles for details. 海賊サイトの対策で、動画データをMEGAに移行しました。 詳細は以下の記事をご確認下さい。 https://www.patreon.com/posts/important-zhong-38771779 ※No reply is required for this message. このメッセージに対する返信は不要です。
May 2020 MMD Folder https://mega.nz/folder/hdwFnYzQ#2VrkQT7V8Uk_-EUWf4nhTA My New Swag Red Zhao DDD MushroomChocolate (3) Exercise Ball Bounce (4) I tried some added Futa videos this time around. I'm not sure what people's position on it is. personally I'm not super crazy about futa if I'm being honest, I generally don't go looking for it specifically. However it can be good when done well so I don't mind trying it out more if people want. I did want to try to futa-on-girl sex stuff at least also. The character's name is Remi and is based on how the character looks in 2D. Also I edited together an outfit loosely based Street Fighter's Chun-Li character and used some chinese motions/music for couple of the videos. And finally I also worked on Leeina. I've used her in an old video, and she is in really old videos also but never had a proper update. In any case, I have previews in there for all the videos so you can see what's going on before download if you want. Don't have Luma this time, I still need to fix her boobs. I didn't get around to monotama motions yet. I was able do the ball bounce because I already had a lot of it set up from previous ball bounce videos. I also wanted to start trying out cloth sim in blender soon.
https://mega.nz/folder/EA5WFYLI#ldhR9ZO58B_9CxGaKa786g November 2020 Folder Pretty Savage (blender render test) Straight Up (blender clothsim test) Toy (mmd ray 1.5.2 test) Destination Your Body Rain On Me Heavy experimenting with different things this month. 2 of the videos were rendered in blender after a LOT of trial and error and trying to figure stuff out. And they both still are not right. One has unintentional low gravity and the other the clothsim is not behaving as I'd like. Not to mention the blender videos take 14+ hrs hours to render, compared to maybe 15-20 min in mmd. I wanted to try experimentation with rain particles and do Rain On Me in blender also but I didn't have the time to learn how to do rain, plus the time it takes to set it up and render. The Zytra video was rendered using mmd ray 1.5.2, I normally use 1.4.2 beta. so it's a lot of stuff different there also. I also had to make new shaders in both blender and ray 1.5.2. The camera is BAD at the end. but this was mostly just a test of 1.5.2 shaders. I plan to remake this video and fix the camera. I also toned Maiko's body some more in blender, and totally redid the nipples from scratch. I am working on clothing again also for the new Maiko body. Once I'm done I'll start to update other characters again so they will all have clothes and nipples with all the morphs. I think after model current edits, I'll be done editing for a while. I also plan to migrate to ray 1.5.2 I want to tinker in blender a bit more but that will be later in the new year. I think almost every month, the past few months, I've spent a lot of my time editing models and stuff. I'd like to redo several videos properly focusing more on camera and effects once I get the model updates finished.
https://mega.nz/folder/EA5WFYLI#ldhR9ZO58B_9CxGaKa786g November 2020 Folder Pretty Savage (blender render test) Straight Up (blender clothsim test) Toy (mmd ray 1.5.2 test) Destination Your Body Rain On Me Heavy experimenting with different things this month. 2 of the videos were rendered in blender after a LOT of trial and error and trying to figure stuff out. And they both still are not right. One has unintentional low gravity and the other the clothsim is not behaving as I'd like. Not to mention the blender videos take 14+ hrs hours to render, compared to maybe 15-20 min in mmd. I wanted to try experimentation with rain particles and do Rain On Me in blender also but I didn't have the time to learn how to do rain, plus the time it takes to set it up and render. The Zytra video was rendered using mmd ray 1.5.2, I normally use 1.4.2 beta. so it's a lot of stuff different there also. I also had to make new shaders in both blender and ray 1.5.2. The camera is BAD at the end. but this was mostly just a test of 1.5.2 shaders. I plan to remake this video and fix the camera. I also toned Maiko's body some more in blender, and totally redid the nipples from scratch. I am working on clothing again also for the new Maiko body. Once I'm done I'll start to update other characters again so they will all have clothes and nipples with all the morphs. I think after model current edits, I'll be done editing for a while. I also plan to migrate to ray 1.5.2 I want to tinker in blender a bit more but that will be later in the new year. I think almost every month, the past few months, I've spent a lot of my time editing models and stuff. I'd like to redo several videos properly focusing more on camera and effects once I get the model updates finished. -V00
https://mega.nz/folder/NVBjyQrA#1RqJOCJB0XoKbz6bFRWpfg October 2020 Folder Follow The Leader Say My Name Something Stay Tonight Take a Hike This month I experimented with editing models in blender. I smoothed out the boob weights and added more definition to the back, stomach areas. tweaked and shaped the butts physics, and edited the nipples. I think Zytra's boobs are still just a tad too floaty but you should be able to notice a difference in all the editing compared to just the previous month. The trade off is, I'd have to remake all the clothes again. However I have been talking about learning blender more, so this was the first step. model editing. Next month I want to have at least one video rendered in blender and perhaps clothing ported from Marvelous designer (a 3D clothing making program). with a end goal of getting my models rendered with blender's eevee graphics and cloth sim. -V00
https://mega.nz/folder/pIQR1AqY#4KeMPhZkKqQSNvOOZZKt1w September 2020 Folder Breakthrough Dumhdurum Good Feeling Ice Cream Gym workout I didn't actually make videos this month irrc, was hard to really be creative with the stuff I was dealing with this month. The good news is the idea for the videos were in my head since before that so when I was finally able to implement them I they came out ok.
Thank you for supporting me, for next month I will try to have better pic for you, thanks youuuuu!! Here is your free set: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_kw2wnXNoni5N0iTJQ3fSOWhwVlpuhgV?usp=sharing
>The Kanna Free Set will be sent on the last day of the month< Hello nyaa~ Sending you all the biggest thanks for supporting me this month. All the rewards are now ready. Hope you enjoy them and have a wonderful day >w< Phone Set: Eve and Ayaka https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xdEu0B69zhYMJRKfF95rRLMNGloPCDc6?usp=sharing Lil Master set: Magical Kitty Girl https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1n86kReKoJxEuHd0pTg-vUciNoZ1rq-DP?usp=sharing Great Master set: Ayaka – Genshin Impact https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17sewKC_xP8Vdmo7FVgKmz6VkANYLO42b?usp=sharing Video Folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1S92QjsvohvbInXAJ29sutae91dBGbQjc?usp=sharing Grand Master set: Eve Lovecall https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13rjKuaF_cUk7iFCgZagwdNg7cZ83dTQA?usp=sharing Fetish Folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10Do6WV3x8c9Lb9OWm5t6qOeej6VRCVI4?usp=sharing
Hello, thank you again so much for helping me reach the big goal. Here is the Amelia FREE SET for you. Stay tune for more set coming next month: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17-aFKSSrBPuVvxlPOoETwA70PE2wHqgc?usp=sharing
>Amelia FREE SET will be sent on the last day of the month< Nyaaaa~ Showing you my biggest thanks for supporting me this month. All the rewards are now ready. Here they are and hope you have a wonderful day >w< Phone Set: Samsung Sam https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1oLFz37M6CqTmGhmnsPOYfude7Lu6OaI5?usp=sharing Lil Master set: Mashu Race Queen https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1y-6kYafcdIQfxMnd-I8Q94IYqR0JFAuF?usp=sharing Great Master set: Nagatoro https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rTNwX35T9bHRbRiKdv1j9qyir9zxT9eg?usp=sharing Video Folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Ymnzn8WmEld9AubqH2xFyVjSkJv9O6VJ?usp=sharing Grand Master set: 2B https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1dNc9Kop_cjsrEYGKkRj2wNZ4EN1P24Nk?usp=sharing Fetish Folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1yMOyAcS9xIbvONLvxWGwjOcj3QxVvPER?usp=sharing
Nyaa Nyaa~ Biggest thanks for supporting me this month, you are awesome. All rewards of May are here. Enjoy the pic and have a great day >w< Gura FREE SET https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1VMu0p0CB5u_wFzdXQb04IBWeY2z7KdZV?usp=sharing Phone Set: Denim Kitty https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1d5J1DaY-F8zwgfWZbbPVsKYCLCP4mitx?usp=sharing Lil Master set: Minato Aqua https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1UHQetmOfQng2gkCCGiIFaPBemIte1Fu2?usp=sharing Great Master set: Shiny Prism https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17NcFa-MJhrXpdEbLE0Sg7WhdJmtOEc1F?usp=sharing Video Folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1s1XMmys4XKM5dcvoVKi_hszJSnj7qEiq?usp=sharing Grand Master set: Ishtar x Ereshkigal – FGO https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/142DofLXi0vDixNWxeDgDm8tQSsoWkcpL?usp=sharing Fetish Folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1UF2wLrdUHH1XGF5SfUUmJxIevhgkW3EH?usp=sharing
Hello everyone, Thanks a lot for pledging this month! Here are the rewards for November 2021♥ https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S4qjTacqya5Qk2QvznfvrSygC5xN3nRk/view?usp=sharing Make sure to download the file, because at some point I'll delete the folder so I'll have space again. Thank you very much!
To all silver/Gold/Diamond nekos Happy Halloween animation HD: https://mega.nz/file/jTolRKoB#eTVM1wVMxLtPihmmUb677Vz7_oPokJaZjvHLdvrzaVo happy Halloween! x33333333333
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