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Iori feeling relieved someone is not licking her feet for once What a pair of fat sacks she has, great seedbeds


Wowee!!! Thanks a million for more urethral sex! I really prefer the different scenes, not so keen on POV stuff, though I will say that yours are actually the only stuff I like lol. Excellent work. You have great variety in bodies which is a real talent. I'm not into petites or lolis but you make me question this haha.


What just happened before Iori got her schlong impregnated


She got caught. As for who is annotating the ominous purple text is up for imagination.


Will we get to see one of The birthing sessions in the future?


With that big of a scrotum, Iori must be showing like half of her balls or more from below her skirt. If I was her pervert sensei, I would be grabbing them by surprise, massaging them and licking the oily, smelly sweat they let out, and Iori being so loaded with semen, she wouldn't be able to resist, cumming hard on the spot. She would eventually give in to the pleasure and voluntarily let me do it, while also sucking her cock dry at the same time. She would start giving me balljobs too, seeing how hard I am from just touching her balls, and she would do so while saying humilliating things. Then she would let me use her lubed, sweaty cum stained balls as a pillow In the end, urethral sex everyday, her tight urethra vacuums you while you thrust, sucking your semen, her balls inflate just a little from your pitiful volume of semen, and then Iori puts a cheeky face and cums hard, semen leaking from her glans and filling your balls, impregnating them


What is the next work?Blue archive?


Under "Iori tent F": https://k00.fr/5hluomv4