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Ready for the next victims of the O.N.I Corporation?

The exotic properties of demon slime will create a beautiful addition to this monster business. But first, the new Senior Officer Jane, the Demon Fox from part 1, has to whip the Labworker into shape! Join Jane on her visit to the Monster labs of Outer Nethertech International!

Now to the details.

This comic contains themes of slime, absorbing, merging, melting, and growing! In the first act, we see a bit of horror with the melting of a human body into a living slime. This new slime triggers a nice Futanari growing scene of our girl Jane. But be prepared for spicier scenes containing the tongue and some hypnotic steam. These and more will catch even the most resistant woman off-guard! Imagine what else a demon can do with these hypnotic abilities and an irresistible penis.

But be prepared for the final act. There will be a slimy and extreme curvy takeover of the lead of this lab! Gigantic Breast Expansion, a superb Butt Expansion, and slime belly inflation are just the start! The Possession scene will get an exciting climax with a new and improved monster girl!

This new Slime Mommy will be an excellent addition to this monstrous Firm! That is the promise straight from the C.E.O. of Outer Nethertech International, Mariko.



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