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Thank you so much for reacting to Dreamcatcher! It's also not the first time you said you regretted that their intro wasn't made into a separate song, and same lol


Also they have a performance video for Shatter, it's meant to play off the myth of Medusa and the choreo also reflects that


Thank you again for this listening party! Your lyrical breakdowns really help me appreciate the songs even more. I think my favorite from this one is Rising! Pure, classic Dreamcatcher. :)

Erin Violet

Loved seeing you react to this LP, everything feels so fantastical and opulent in this album. They leaned hard into their strengths and the result was so powerful!


they did open their concert Luck Inside 7 Doors with this EP's intro then went into OOTD!! watched it last week in Hong Kong it was wilddddddd