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accendio MV will come out in 16 hours!

Kevin F.

It does come out tomorrow but the timing is off here^^ 11pm KST is when it comes out


Fully their best album period, music and concept wise. Accendio into Blue Heart into Ice Queen is one of the best three track runs in a kpop album in a LONG time. Accendio is my favorite title of the year so far and I'm losing my mind at the concept, I just hope the MV for it lives up to the Heya MV.


You should definitely check out rei and liz lee Mujin service

Linh vu

PLEASE REACT TO IU'S PALETTE WITH D.O! IT'S LITERALLY LEGENDARY BOTH OF THEIR VOCALS ARE OUT OF THIS WORLD. D.O covered IU's Love Wins All and it is literally a legendary performance since IU harmonized with him at the end of the song as well.


Wheres the MV reaction?

Gustavo Ramos

Watch accendio mv. Such a great video


Accendio is actually the second of the double title tracks (alongside Heya) and the MV just dropped today! It’s so camp I love it fun kpop is back

DITI123 (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-20 03:10:23 I think it's their best album too, even if not better than IVE I've but definitely equal too.
2024-05-20 03:10:23 I think it's their best album too, even if not better than IVE I've but definitely equal too.
2024-05-20 03:10:23 I think it's their best album too, even if not better than IVE I've but definitely equal too.
2024-05-16 11:21:55 I think it's their best album too, even if not better than IVE I've but definitely equal too.

I think it's their best album too, even if not better than IVE I've but definitely equal too.