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It’s ridiculous how good this comeback is, I was hesitant based on the teaser images but wow they just killed it


It’s so amazing how Itzy still has more sides and styles to show and their Japanese comebacks perfectly showcase their pushes — their Japanese releases have such a dedicated aesthetic and a clear creative direction just look at all the things they tried here!! Innovation !!


Why does JYP always have the best japanese tracks for their groups


At the ITZY concert in London. I met Yuna and Chaeryeongs family! (They sat in front of me). I spoke with Chaemin (Chaeryeong and Chae Yeons younger sister) and she was so nice and both their families were a lot of fun! Chaemin is really good at english! AND yunas dad gave me a banner of Yuna at the end! It was honestly one of the most INCREDIBLE experiences to have on my first ITZY concert. Yeji, Ryujin and Yuna all waved at me and I even got picked to do a “fan random dance” 😭 it’s honestly surreal. And after I did that that’s when the girls all found me in the crowd and waved at me. Yeji even gave me thumbs up!


I dunno why but the small buit of vibrato yeji puts on at 1:38 is my favourite part of the song for sone reason