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The Kulture Study: Loossemble 'Girls' Night' MV

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YAASSS this song + mv are TOO good .. i hope you get around to listening to the album too


I’m pretty sure you’re on the right track with your lore interpretation!! From my point of view I think that there is a set of “evil” versions of them on that big spaceship and they kidnapped(?) Yeojin


I loveeee girls night!!!! Definitely my favorite of their two title tracks so far. This song was stuck in my head every day for a couple weeks after it first came out lol. I think I like the first mini album more than the 2nd, but this song takes the cake!


Also yes u are correct that yeojin went missing in the original loonaverse lore as well. Also with the lore, u might remember that the original lore often displayed the concept of a mobius strip, bringing the idea of an endless time loop. I think that the flash of that snake thing eating itself is also meant to be representing an endless time loop. So yeojin is getting lost just like she did in “the past”. Another thing to note is that in the original loona lore vivi is an android who was once human but is now an android. Idk if that explains the glowing red eyes but it’s a theory.


Hyeju killed it with the lyrics on Girls Night, exactly what I’d expect from her and more, just glad they let her do that for the title track the fact that she’s THE SOLE LYRICIST CREDIT MY GIRL!!!!


Yeojin was “lost in the forest” in the lore of loona 1/3 and they do confirm they’re looking for her in the MV + android vivi (who has always been theorized to have been killed by another loona member or gone rogue—we’re getting into old school orbit lore here 😂)


I remember @awildclinton saying Loossemble is that like KARA Step type with this and I totally agree, in the way that it’s just such a solid song, strongly sung chorus, A LONGER THAN 3 MINUTE SONG, upbeat and energizing, and creating a sound full of their own color—they don’t sound like KARA, but like KARA : their music + vocals sounds so FULL and enjoyed by the members when performing, to that extent it does remind me of 2nd gen in Loossembles own color

Erin Violet

Super loved this cb!! Already the orbits are in the comments theorising lol. Cannot wait for ur reaction to the album! Also, Artms and Yves are both having a comeback at the end of May, which is really exciting

Emeleon (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-19 04:49:23 personally think the aliens hacked vivi's mainframe to take control of her lol
2024-06-19 04:49:23 personally think the aliens hacked vivi's mainframe to take control of her lol
2024-06-19 04:49:23 personally think the aliens hacked vivi's mainframe to take control of her lol
2024-06-19 04:49:23 personally think the aliens hacked vivi's mainframe to take control of her lol
2024-06-04 17:09:42 personally think the aliens hacked vivi's mainframe to take control of her lol

personally think the aliens hacked vivi's mainframe to take control of her lol