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English: If you dislike complexity, there's no need to change anything.

Spanish: Si no te gusta la complejidad, no hay necesidad de cambiar nada.

French: Si vous n'aimez pas la complexité, il n'est pas nécessaire de changer quoi que ce soit.

German: Wenn Ihnen Komplexität nicht gefällt, gibt es keinen Grund, etwas zu ändern.

Arabic:كل شيء تم إعداده وفقًا لتفضيلاتي، لذا إذا كنت لا تحب التعقيد، فلا داعي لتغيير أي شيء.

Japanese: もし複雑さが嫌いなら、何も変更する必要はありません。

Chinese: 如果你不喜欢复杂,不需要改变任何东西。

Korean: 복잡함을 싫어한다면, 아무것도 바꿀 필요가 없습니다.


Version: VaM

Game Settings (see attached image)

Detailed Menu Introduction (see attached image)


Tips for improving performance:

VAM is a game with high hardware requirements, especially in VR mode. While you can boost FPS, it usually comes at a cost. If you still can't run the game smoothly after clicking the "Performance" button, here are some tips to improve performance:

  • Too many VAR files can significantly impact game performance, even if you're not using them. So, it's important to clean up unnecessary VAR files. The most effective method is to create a fresh game environment to run my scenes.

  • Avoid using skins and clothing that heavily impact performance.

  • Reduce the amount of hair.

  • Decrease the number of light sources.

  • Lower the physics options, turning off soft body and high-quality physics.

  • Upgrade your hardware. Here are my specs for reference:


  • GPU: RTX 4060 Ti

  • CPU: Intel i9-12900KF

  • RAM: 32GB


  • Quest 2

  • Streaming: Virtual Desktop


Here are some tips:

The Girl wear drip cloth by default. If you don't like it, simply unselect it in the clothing options.

If your character is wearing shoes and the animation causes shoe distortion, try deleting the animation layer:

  • Open the Girl's Timeline plugin and find the action causing the shoe distortion (e.g., Pose2).

  • In the Layer section, find TOE_Layer.

  • In the top menu, next to "Animations," click the "+".

  • In the right-hand options, click "Manage/reorder animations..."

  • Click "Delete layer" and then "Confirm" to complete.

Add music:

  • Select the Atom "Music_AudioSource."

  • In the plugin options, find the "AudioMateController" plugin and "Open custom UI."

  • Click "Import File" and select your music.

  • In the music list, click your music again to confirm.

  • You can play your music by clicking "Next" in the music menu.

Once everything is set up, save it as a new scene so you won't need to configure it again next time.




I really love your new scene its easier to use and easier to change character! thanks for the option for girl height too!! very nice!

