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night drive feels like its straight from CJP EMOTION and i'm here for it


sunflower was a contender for the title track lol, but i’m so happy they went with cosmic instead my ranking for the album would be love arcade cosmic bubble night drive last drop sunflower and i agree this is one of their best albums in a long time, my favorite since feel my rhythm. if i had to rank this album it would probably be my third favorite rv mini album right behind reve festival day 2 and feel my rhythm


My ranking would be: 1) Last Drop 2) Cosmic 3) Bubble 4) Night Drive 5) Love Arcade 6) Sunflower + Body Talk is literally my favorite Red Velvet song! Like everrr! That song is just other worldly! I always feel like I’m ascending when I listen to it!


19:39 first it's Seulgi, then Joy followed by Wendy


Red Velvet is on a roll with Chill Kill and Cosmic, IMO! I have been a big fan of them since their debut, but I felt let down by their Queendom/Feel My Rhythm/Birthday albums. I've always been a bigger fan of their velvet-style songs, though, so I'm super excited for the return to this sound!

Kelvin Thar

You're right when you mentioned there were issues with this comeback. Long ass rant incoming. For the teaser/concept photos, a heavy amount of AI was used, mostly in the background, where you could tell SM just hit autogenerate in Photoshop. There are also instances in the physical album and some photos where they just lazily photoshopped the girls into backgrounds. Speaking of the physical albums, there were only 2 versions (3 if you count smini version) with 2 subversions with each type of album even though it's a 10th-anniversary comeback and no member versions. Are the girls gorgeous? Yes, but it was an insult to their creative track and their concept for their previous comeback was CHILL KILL, which conceptually was amazing. The girls were only shown this photoshopping and stuff AS/AFTER they were released, meaning they had very little feedback on this. This was also why we got problems like the alleged Joy photo which was most likely photoshopped or at the very least ended up being altered due to the AI. Some Luvies argue that it's just simply Joy with different makeup and although I agree that the makeup look for the Concept photo is different from her usual look, I do also have to be realistic and admit it was probably AI that made her look wacky as hell. The original concept for the Cosmic MV was also about self-destruction or something along those lines and Joy/the rest of the members had to severely steer the idea of the entire album to be more like Red Velvet (Joy talked about it on her Bubble where she said the original concept felt like SM didn't understand who RV was and she had to draw up presentations and stuff to point it towards the direction it is now). And the annoying part about this is that Joy had originally talked about this before on her Bubble before the teaser photos and stuff dropped so a lot of shitty Luvies and akgaes started hating on Joy, saying it was her fault for the AI and messy teasers. Oh, and we can't forget the fact that the MV itself came out 45 minutes late, with SM staff only posting about it after 30 minutes. Also, some scenes that were shown in the MV teaser were completely missing from the MV itself, including a sacrifice scene of the Mystery Girl and some close-ups during the flower scenes of the bridge. Overall, it did kill a lot of hype for this comeback, and on Twitter alone, a lot of fans (such as myself) were worried about the MV, the album itself, and just the creative look the album would take, especially since we have seen already how much SM wants to play with AI now. At the end of the day though, the music came out fantastic! You can tell the girls put their heart and soul into this comeback and it makes me so happy despite all of the crappy things that occurred leading up to the release of Cosmic itself. My ranking is very much the same as yours, and I'm so so happy that the girls have made it to their 10th anniversary. Cosmic is, to me, one of their most cohesive and well-produced albums and I can't wait to listen to it for years to come. It's a timeless album.


Im still trying to pick a favorite on this album, but its definitely between Sunflower, Last Drop and Night Drive. Wendy's vocals are always top-notch, but she absolutely went above and beyond on some of these tracks. Also, I dont really understand why the "lets roll the dice" line bothered you in Night Drive, the hangul right before translates to "like fate", so the whole line was "Like Fate, lets roll the dice" as in lets take a chance on us, this relationship and take a drive and just see where the night takes us. So thematically it does make sense, unless there is some nuance in the hangul that was lost in translation.


I had the hardest time deciding the ranking fro this album, but for now it's: 1. Cosmic 2. Sunflower 3. Last Drop 4. Love Arcade 5. Bubble 6. Night Drive I think that it's criminal that night drive ended up last but when you have this level of quality in your discography it's bound to happen. I will say that my favorite mini album is probably still the russian roulette album, but that might be getting dethroned after I listen this cosmic a couple more times


1- Night drive 2- Bubble 3- last drop 4-cosmic 5- love arcade 6- sunflower this album is CRAZY!

rubens oliveira

1 - Last Drop (SOTY) 2 - Night Drive 3 - Cosmic 4 - Bubble 5 - Sunflower 6 - Love Arcade


my ranking: 1. Cosmic 2. Bubble (i am so in love with this song) 3. Last Drop 4. Night Drive 5. Sunflower 6. Love Arcade


my ranking: 1. cosmic 2. last drop 3. night drive 4. bubble 5. sunflower 6. love arcade but honestly, i almost feel bad ranking these songs because they’re all SO good. it’s crazy how they keep releasing amazing tracks 10 years into their career

Ugne Jablonskyte


Theread 34

An interesting thing I saw regarding the concept is that you can pretty definitively see the direction switch SM made after Joy basically told them they have no idea what they're doing. If you look at the physical album, the album cover, and the teasers, you notice that one thing is missing. The midsommar concept that is in the MV. The MV has a completely different concept than literally everything else on the album. The only thing in the physical albums that actually has the midommar concept is the clipbook, which makes sense because those can be made really quickly. If you look at the album cover they're all wearing sailor outfits. You could almost describe it as Sailor Moon esque. No where in the MV will you see this concept. The sailor/ethereal concept seen in the physical album was definitely SM's original concept while the MV was Joys concept.