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praying for a dec / January comeback 🙏🏽


Frustrated and conflicted Flover here. I completely agree with your frustration towards Pledis, but its also hard to be mad at them when they also gave us 3 new Best Fromis Song Ever (so far hopefully). THIS is my fun Fromis I've been missing. My only complaint is that Beat The Heat needed one last chorus and/or outro. Praying for more as well, Im so tired of Fromis hiatus'. Need Channel9 back as well

Alessandra Munoz

🫶🏼😭 Such mixed emotions. So happy with what we got (they always slay) but left wanting more just like you said. Ugh pleasssssse Pledis.


This single purely exists because of fan love and how we finally said enough was enough with pledis. Enjoyed every second of it.


THEY NEED MORE. How can you have such a perfect group with an amazing discography and the skills to boot and NOT DO MORE WITH THEM. CMON PLEDIS --- Supersonic feels like a super flirty meet cute, Beat The Heat is like the energy of the first date, and Take A Chance is a cool summer evening and the date is ending. A whole movie played in my head haha