[F4M] She Saves You... So She Can Have You To Herself [Creampie Ending] - (All Variants Linked) (Patreon)
hi hi hi hi hiiiiii everyoneeeeee. zoooweeemama, i don't know if y'all are ready for this one. remember when i said this month i was gonna go ham on the demented audios? well, boy oh BOY this one right up there. talk about an insane girl with a severe hero complex. that's what this girl is. but she has her own idea in mind on how she should be "rewarded" for saving you teehee
also, this script was written by the amazing u'SpaceCowboy_1999 on reddit!!! thank you so much for the best birthday gift ever!!
please mind the tags
Synopsis: You're the shy, virgin boy who depends on her for everything. You don't really go out much, but you were dragged to this stupid Halloween party by your friends and decided "oh, what the hell, why not?" You made this Power Rangers costume for ComicCon and decided that would be your attire for the night. It's just a simple Power Rangers costume, nothing noteworthy. You had no idea it would get you some attention you were never expecting... You find yourself backed into a locked bathroom scared, in need of advice from the only person you can trust. She rushes to your aid, doting as always. But, here and now she finds that she has unconsciously repressed possessive feelings that come out really strong, and you find out even you have limits that you're afraid to push...
tag list: [Controlling Gentle Fdom] [Concerned to Demanding] [Hero Complex] [Possessive] [Ownership] [Fondling] [Handjob] [Standing Missionary] [Pinned To The Wall] [Riding] [Creampie] [Yandere] ["I Saved You, So, Where's MY Reward?"] [Taking Your Virginity Before Anyone Else Can] [Super Jealous] [Beating Up Your Bully Then Beating Your Dick] [Creampie] [Tell Me You Love Me] [Multiple Orgasms] [Thrusting Into My Hand] [Mutual Orgasm] [Good Boy]
find the audio and all of its variants linked -> here <-