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By FoxFaceStories

A Commission for KillerMonkey

Two couples out camping are awed when they see a bright blue meteor shower, and even get to see and touch an asteroid piece that lands near them. Unfortunately, it crumbles after they touch it, and the two couples return home to their apartments. Little do they know they have been infected with an alien virus, one that shall soon turn them into alien broodmothers destined to make their entire apartment tower their hive. Perhaps the changes won’t be all bad, however. Perhaps they might even be pleasurable . . . 

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Part 3: It Begins

Pete woke up feeling bloated. His body was bigger, his stomach larger, and his chest felt kind of achey, as if the tissue had stretched and filled out there. Wearily, he pulled himself up a little, finding this more of a struggle than usual. Something was different about him that morning, but before he could even inspect the changes that had occurred, he realised he was not in his bed. He was in the apartment living room instead.

Beneath the eerie blue light of the meteorite.

“What the - ughhh!”

He clutched himself, gripping his chest as it began to expand. To the changing man’s astonishment, he had actual breasts now. They must have filled in overnight, complete with large nipples and wide areolas, the kind you would see on a pregnant woman. They were small, perhaps only modest B-cups or so, but suddenly the light of the meteorite seemed to inflame the changes, and his mind was gripped by the strange message again.

‘You will will will be empress will birth will create will spawn will law will produce will form the centre of the mighty hive you are royal you are spectacular you are woman you are female you are mother to all mother to all and SHE will protect you mate with your warrior mate with your warrior MATE WITH HER’

“Ngnh, stop it!” he cried, his voice much higher than it should have been. He clutched his head, and to his surprise, dark hair spilled down nearly to his shoulders. “What the - how have I - ahhh!”

His chest grew out further, becoming full C-cups. Other parts of him were changing also. His groin became numb as his member pulled inwards, shrinking along with his testes. His skin shed its body hair, even upon his pubic, and his hips creaked and groaned as they widened.

“What’s h-happening to m-mee!?”

Something stirred beside him, moaning and grunting as much as he was. Pete looked to his right, and there was his wife! Lily was writhing, murmuring in a state of half-sleep, half-wakefulness as her body changed as well. She too was naked, her breasts blooming larger to full D-cups, her hair spiralling out longer, her skin looking like it was covered in small denticles like that of a shark. It disturbed Pete, but only for a moment, as he realised he too was changing in such a way, his skin even taking on a dark purple sheen to it. 

“Lily, something’s h-happening! Wake up!”

Her eyes opened, and to his surprise they were larger than usual, with a greater blackness to them, as if her pupils were threatening to envelop her irises.

“Pete? How did we get h-here? How did - eeeuugh!!”

She gripped her breasts, squeezing them together and writing as more changes continued beneath the brilliant blue light of the meteor. Like her husband, a message creeped into her brain, frenetic and glorious.

Protect your empress she is glorious she is perfect she is to be mated again and again and again you must become tougher you must protect her your muscles will grow and your senses sharpen none shall hurt the empress you are her bodyguard and her mate breed her breed her BREED HER BREED HER

Lily shook her head. It didn’t make sense. She was always so demure. She had always deferred to her husband. He was the man of the proverbial house, and she the shy librarian. Now though, she wanted to be the protector. The powerful figure who could breed her husband, as crazy as it was.

“I just h-heard a voice, I think,” she murmured. “It’s like it wanted me to - nnghh! Ahhh, yesss!”

Her muscles swelled as surely as her husband’s form was growing. Her thighs, once so slim and ordinary, suddenly stretched with new muscle, ready to spring into action. Her biceps swells, her arms becoming those of a professional female wrestler, while her core ached and burned as it developed a noticeable six-pack within seconds. She squirmed, her skin becoming bluish in tint. Her scalp continued to push, and soon the development of what would be insectoid antenna was undeniable. They pushed out from her head, and seeing this, Pete was overcome by the same set of changes upon his head. The stalks extended, long and thin and insectoid.

“Nghh, yes!” he groaned, body becoming even more feminine, his hips wonderfully wide like those of a woman who had birthed many children. “Yes, k-keep changing! M-make me an empress!”

He had no context for what that meant or why he should want it, but want it he did. He twisted, pressing his flesh against his wife. She was taller now, at least a foot or more taller than she should have been, but he had grown also. But where his wife was all hard muscle like he liked to brag about possessing, his own body had become paradoxically soft and curvaceous. It should have horrified him, and perhaps a small part of his mind was screaming, but a much bigger part wanted her.

“Lily, I don’t know why this feels so okay, but I want you. I - I need you to breed me.”

“I know you mean, Pete! My love, I feel the same!”

She clambered on top of him, running her hands over his belly. The ends of her digits had hardened and the same was true for his own hands, but that seemed right too. She fondled his manhood even as it began to shrink back within him, coaxing it to return to his body and become something new. Pete moaned, willing this to happen.

“Make me the empress of the hive,” he whispered as she began to rub his new opening, already sensitive as it formed.

“I will. And I will be your warrior and bodyguard, my love. Your protector.”

The two began to make love, their tongues snaking into one another’s mouths as they pressed their busty forms against one another. There was no insemination left to be had, or at least so they thought.

But then something began to unfurl from Lily’s larger-than-normal opening; a set of male genitalia that was no longer humanoid at all, thin and tube-like. For a moment she was terrified.

“What are we - ohhhh . . .”

But then the arousal, that alien programming, set itself into her mind again. And then, slowly, she inserted her long male member from her hermaphroditic body into her husband’s new vaginal passage, and the two of them groaned with all-consuming lust. 

It was only the beginning.

But it had begun.


In the aftermath, the married pair had changed more than they could have imagined. Their skin was rubbery and beautiful, almost like that of a dolphin’s, with a slight sheen to it. Pete’s appeared to be a dark purple in colouring, while Lily’s was a turquoise blue with a slight white patterning, almost like a set of warrior’s stripes. Both had larger eyes with far more prominent pupils, and both had antenna stalks pushing from their heads, the same new colour as their changed skin but even darker in tone to set them out. They were small, only two inches long at most, but significant already: the pair felt a strange connection to one another that hadn’t existed before; an awareness of what the other was doing and even some surface emotions, even when they were not looking or concentrating on the other.

There were other changes too. Pete only noticed in the blissful aftermath of receiving Lily’s alien seed that his hands and feet had changed. Two fingers had disappeared from each hand, leaving him with just three digits, one of which was, thankfully, still a useful thumb. Their feet were even more drastically changed; just two toes on each foot, which spread in V formation outwards. There was also something strange growing out of their backsides, like their spines were extending out to become tails, only fatty tissue surrounded them. Pete’s in particular was quite large, being almost the size of a volleyball already. 

But there were other changes that marked them out beyond the colour. Pete was bigger. Fatter. This was undeniable. The proud alpha male’s body was now soft and doughy, his thighs thick, his stomach more rotund, his hips wide and shockingly maternal looking. His breasts were almost as large as Lily’s, and they were shockingly sore. He couldn’t stop grasping them, squeezing and groping and moaning in response to their sensitivity. It was as if his body demanded they grow bigger. There were a number of points below those breasts that were also sore, like pimples in need of further growth as well. Pete wasn’t sure what was going on there, but he rubbed them too, willing them to grow if that was what was needed.

Lily, by contrast, had become a fit titan. She was easily over six feet tall, but where her husband had grown vertically and horizontally, she was only beefier in the sense of her impressive fitness and strength. Her muscles were like those of a wrestler, a boxer, an olympian gymnast; powerful yet lithe, strong yet elegant. Her hips had widened a little, but overall there was not nearly so much dramatic change to her body structure as her husband’s, at least externally. Internally, she now knew she possessed both male and female genitalia. Something about that freaked her out, but not as much as it should have.

“Pete,” she whispered, clinging to her husband’s larger former and feeling his maternal softness. “What’s happening to us? This is wrong, right?”
 Her husband grimaced. He couldn’t stop touching his breasts, nor feeling his new womanhood. It was alien - literally! - and all kinds of wrong. And yet . . .

“It is. It’s a mutation, or something to do with that meteor, I just know it. I’m not meant to be a damn woman, let alone some freak alien. But . . . oh God, Lily, I can’t help myself. I need to change more. I need to be-”

“Our empress,” Lily finished, and her husband nodded. “Just like you need me to be your protector. I think . . . I think I’m becoming a warrior. Whatever alien species that accursed rock is making us, it’s turning me from a shy woman to this tough, buff, confident warrior. One who keeps her empress safe and-”

“Pregnant,” Pete finished. It was hard for them not to finish each other’s sentences; the antenna was feeding so much into their synchronicity.

“We have to fight this,” the former male continued. He coughed, trying to clear his voice, but it was female now, like the rest of him. It had a low, contralto quality, like that of a powerful queen. Or an empress. “I should be strong enough. I’m meant to be a man, for Christ’s sake!”

Lily was about to try and reassure her empress - it was hard not to think of her as such - when suddenly the door to their apartment crashed open, the lock breaking off. Instantly she was on her feet. Her back ached for just a moment, and she realised that two points were developing there, pushing forward to aid in her manoeuvrability.  She automatically flicked out her arm and gripped part of the back of the living room catch. Her three-digited hand gripped the wooden beam in the back of its construction and easily ripped it forth, allowing her to brandish a sharp stake weapon against the possible intruders.

Protect the empress protect her protect her be her warrior keep her safe for the eggs for the hive for the expansion of the hive!

But just before she could throw the stake like an improvised javelin - a knowledge she somehow now possessed, muscle memory and all - her antenna flickered, shifting on her head. Instantly, a friend-foe identification recognised friend.

“Mick?” she asked, her voice possessing an edge it never had before. “Sharon?”

Two figures entered, both enlarged from their usual selves, both differently coloured and shaped and yet somehow recognisable.

“I’m sorry!” Mick declared, stepping into the light. “I just had this - this need to be with your guys! I brought food. Something weird has happened to us overnight, and we needed the meteor’s light, and - oh God there it is!”

“The moon spirit is calling to us!” Sharon said, almost in a daze. Both were discoloured - Mick looking green and his hippie wife looking appropriately pink. They were both larger than they should have been, with wider hips and swollen breasts, and they too had the antenna-like stalks that Pete and Lily possessed. As the outdoorsy pair basked in the blue light of the meteor, praying as if in worshipful congregation, it was also obvious that nubs were growing above their behinds as well. Both were still adorned in clothing, but that situation did not take long.

“I’m so sorry!” Mick said. “But we need to be naked too!”

“The spirit of the stars is calling us!” Sharon exclaimed. “At least, it feels that way. I’ve never felt so in tune with it all before. Mmhmm!”

Right before Pete and Lily’s eyes, their friends’ changes exaggerated further. Mick’s breasts became fuller, and his hips wider. His shoulders lost their manliness, and his body shed its hair, gaining that same rubbery smooth exterior that the others had. Sharon followed suit, but whereas her skin was going pinker and pinker, Mick’s was becoming a lush forest green. The sensations finally left them, and the meteorite dimmed once more, looking like inert - albeit fascinating - rock.

“Oh my God,” Lily whispered. “Did you just see that, my empress? I mean, my love?”
 Pete nodded. “Guys, you just stormed in here naked and changed in the light of that thing!”

Mick clutched his head. Sharon groaned, running her hands down her front. She looked as if she had a number of mosquito bites down her front, parallel to her breasts.

“D-did we?” she asked. “I thought it was just a dream . . . wait, what happened to the pair of you? Mick, what’s happening to us?”

Her husband, formerly bearded and now smooth-faced, clutching his chest. His hair was longer, and his fingers were now only three-digited, but his greater horror seemed to be more centred around his female attributes rather than his male ones: like Pete, he too had seemingly lost his genitals. An empty passage waited between his legs.

“F-fuck! Shit! I think I’m losing my cool here. I even sound like a woman.”

“We all do,” Pete said, “especially us guys. My own wife is sounding tougher than me.”

“That’s because I need to be,” Lily said automatically, before rubbing the back of her head. “Or at least, that’s what the meteor wants me to be, I think.”

“You have a role?” Mick asked.

Pete and Lily affirmed this.

“She’s . . . a protector. A warrior, or something,” Pete said. “God, this is so crazy. That should be me, or you, Mick. Instead, I keep thinking of myself as some damn empress or something.”

Sharon gasped, and all eyes turned to her. She was starting to try and clothe herself again, and the fact that Sharon was doing that, the same woman who liked to frequent nudist beaches, made them all realise their nakedness. 

“I’ll grab us some clothes from my wardrobe,” Pete explained, moving away. “It’s the only stuff that will be big enough for . . . this weirdness.”

“Why did you gasp, Sharon?” Lily asked.

“Because Pete said he was thinking of himself as an empress. He has this aura now, I can detect it.”

“We all can love,” Mick said. “It’s these damn antenna or whatever they are.”

“Whatever it is, can’t you feel it? Pete is our new earthmother. Our leader. He - she - is the centre of the hive this meteor wants us to make. And I’m . . .”

“His queen,” Lily finished, the antennas helping connect them in a sort of light hivemind. “I can sense that too. My first duty is to protect Pete, but you are priority two. You help my husband produce for the hive, and if something happens to him . . .”

“I become the new empress. This is a lot to take in, even for me. This goes way beyond my own hippie knowledge. But Mick, what does that make you?”

Mick gulped, remembering the words of the comet. Even thinking about it made them return in his mind, a new message to remind him of his cause.

Feeder you are feeder you produce nectar goo for hive you produce and all will feed it will be as ecstasy ecstasy ECSTASY you will be engorged with nectar and all shall drink and royal jelly flows from YOU to nourish the empress and queen and strengthen the warrior!

Mick exhaled. The others could almost feel that he’d received a message, thanks to their mind link.

“Um, I think I feed you. I make meals. I, uh, need to make a lot of meals. Is anyone else starving?”

“Desperately,” Pete said, returning with loose clothing to pass to everyone. They all got changed, mindful of their sensitive new bumps and bits. Both men contended with their breasts, trying not to agitate them, but a large part of themselves wanting them to grow further. It should have made them terrified, but the mental changes were getting stronger, and the pull of the hive was strong. Now that all four were present, particularly their future empress, it was getting hard to push back against the transformation.

“We should alert the police,” Lily said, summoning her warrior spirit to fight the programming.

“That . . . is that a good idea?” Mick asked. “We could be hauled away.”

“And I don’t have a good history with the feds,” Sharon added.

Pete knew that’s what they should do. Call the police, the ambulance, hell, even the government leadership directly. Whatever they were becoming, it could be a threat. His visions alone . .  . and he knew that Sharon was also feeling that same message. The one that told them to breed and mate and produce. It was scary stuff. Scary as shit.

But it was also enticing, and his hormones were giving him a near-instinctive need to continue them forward.

“M-maybe we should see where they go, first,” he said. “It might be like a disease. It might go away on its own.”

“We’ve turned into women,” Mick said. “I’ve got a damn pussy, no offence to the ladies of the room, which is all of us now, I guess.”

“The empress has a point, babe,” Sharon said, clutching her husband. “We should see where these changes lead us. We should stay together-”

“As a hive,” Lily added.

“Exactly! We can help each other.”

“We’ll need more space though,” Pete said, already envisioning it. “Lily, you could knock out that west-facing wall. The apartment at the end of the block that is still empty, and it connects in a U around to you two. We could have our very own lair. Our place to figure things out and . . . proceed from there.”

The others took this in. Mick didn’t know what to think, but when Pete declared something, it sounded right. Pete himself wasn’t so sure, and his desire to become a true empress was humiliating to say the least.

But in some ways, it was already too late. As much as he wanted to fight it, the changes were making him a female broodmother. And he’d just given a plan for them to create their own centre of the hive . . .

“Let’s get started,” Lily said.

To Be Continued . . .


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