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The new ongoing TF story for subscribers beings here! Updated bi-weekly! Hope you enjoy this start.

By FoxFaceStories

A Commission for Al

When four friends break into a condemned mountain lodge spa in order to fulfil a dare, none of them could have guessed it would change their lives forever. All they have to do is dip into the waters for one hour and they will be accepted into a local fraternity, but the mutagenic run off into the spas waters will instead begin to change them into female anthro creatures! Without options, the four must find a way to turn back . . . or uncover a community of other transformed spa goers.

Next Part

Chapter 1: The Dare

I can’t believe we’re doing this,” Rob said, huffing and puffing as they made their way up the mountain path. “I won’t even have the energy to get down again. And what if our lights run out?”

The thin-limbed young man ran his hands through his blonde hair, as if trying to wring the sweat out of it. He had been sickly his whole life, and even now was having to go for his inhaler in order to calm his breathing. His pale skin was a testament to how much he’d spent indoors during his early childhood, sick with one illness or another.

His friend Chris chuckled. “You’re doing fine, Rob, you just need to exercise more, and this is a good start.”

“Easy f-for you to say. You’re good at this s-sort of thing.”

It was true. Chris was the unofficial leader of their group of four, and was at the head of their single file for a reason, with Doug behind him, followed by nerdy Lee, and then weak-limbed Rob at the very back. He had dark-skin and a manly jaw, and his trimmed curls only added to his charismatic appearance.

“Besides, we’re almost there,” he continued. “I can see the Overview Spa between the trees. Half an hour trek longer, and then we’re there.”

“And we can finally join the Alpha Kappa Kappas,” Doug said, slapping Chris on the back and chuckling. “And then we can pull all the hot girls!”

“You and your hot girls,” Lee said.

“Better than just having my head in a book all the time. Would much rather have my face in a lovely pair of tits, ha!”

Lee and Rob shared a look that said ‘he never quits, does he?’ And he really didn’t. If Chris was their charismatic leader who got girlfriends easily, then Doug was the over-eager wannabe casanova. He was hispanic, with wavy black hair he was particularly proud of, and looks that were indeed above average. The only problem was that women could practically smell that overeagerness and usually avoided it like the plague, not that it stopped him from constantly trying to woo them.

Lee, on the other hand, was a stereotypical Asian nerd-type. He had thick glasses, a small frame, wiry black hair that never obeyed his attempts to calm it, and he was constantly approaching everything from a scientific angle. He got along best with Rob for that reason, who was also quite academically minded.

“I’m just saying,” Lee said, “we should be very wary of what we find at this spa. It’s condemned for a reason. That can lead to a lot of health hazards, particularly for Rob here.”

“And there’s the r-rumours,” Rob said, coughing a little.

“Oh, not this again!” Chris announced, smiling as he continued to advance up the forest mountain path. “It’s all just nonsense to convince people not to go up! None of it is real.”

“There did use to be a laboratory further up the mountain river,” corrected Lee. “And it did have illegal runoff into the water. I looked it up in the town archives.”

“I thought it was a veterinarian clinic?” Rob puffed, gesturing for the group to pause for a little. Reluctantly, Doug motioned for Chris to stop.

“That was just a cover,” Lee said. “It had animals of all types, mostly household pets but also farm animals. I hear it had some exotic types too, but who knows? Either way, it poisoned that section of the river which the Overview Spa relied on. At least, that’s why I think it was condemned.”

Chris frowned. “I still think that’s just rumour. Even then, it’s been closed for years and years now. Any pollution would be gone.”

“Maybe, but . . .”

“But now there’s no hot ladies getting naked in the hot spa!” Doug cried, exaggeratedly clutching his heart. “And that’s the real tragedy! How are you feeling, Rob?”

Rob put up a hand. “Just one more minute.”

“We can’t wait too long, buddy, or else it will be getting real dark.”

“That’s just part of the dare,” Chris said, grinning smugly. “Don’t be spooked, Lee.”

The nerd of their group adjusted his glasses. “I’m not spooked. I’m just . . . cautious.”

“Well, just remember to lower the caution a little when we get there. We have to go skinny dipping too, remember?”

It was all because of the dare. The four friends had finally left their little mountain lodge hometown for the big city and enrolled in college together. They were later to arrive than others, being twenty years old each by the time they ‘got out,’ but Alpha Kappa Kappa was indeed willing to take them. It was a fraternity that took in all kinds, but was known for partying, for bringing in girls, and generally being a bit raucous. And while the sickly Rob and geek-minded Lee weren’t exactly the party raging kind, neither wanted to miss out on the opportunities. They still wanted to get girls, after all. They still wanted to have the full college experience.

But to join the fraternity, there was the matter of the hazing. The brothers at AKK had decided that because the four of them were ‘late entrants,’ then the requirements to be allowed in would have to be raised. Instead of just humiliating stunts at the college, the brothers had researched into the friends’ hometown and discovered something gnarly for them to do: walk up to the Overview Spa in the evening, arriving at their at night, and then go skinny dipping in the supposedly haunted waters for a full hour, just like it was a real spa. An AKK member would apparently be waiting for them as well. Then, they had to walk back down, and upon providing proof they had gone, they would be allowed into the fraternity. 

At first, even Chris has been hesitant, and this despite him being an easy entrant given his masculine qualities and charm. Everyone had heard weird rumours about the Overview Spa, how it was condemned and haunted. People who went up there, supposedly, did not return. It had been vacant for over two decades now for a reason. And there were missing posters for out-of-town hikers and ‘urban explorers’ who might have trespassed upon the spa’s grounds . . .

But in the end, the desire to join had won out, and he had convinced the other four to come along as well. Doug had been the easiest to convince: the olive-skinned would-be wooer of women had an image in his head of descending down to his hometown having ‘survived’ the spa, and getting laid with a bevy of attractive women. Rob and Lee had followed along, admittedly caught up in Doug’s dreams a little.

“We’re going to be local legends for this,” Doug said in the present as they began walking again. “We should definitely stay in town for a few days - we’ve got the weekend, right? I reckon with this on our resume we can definitely score some chicks, even you, Rob. I call dibs on that hot red-head Stacey Ackermann,” he boasted. “I’d love to get her knocked up.”

“You want to be a father?” Rob had asked, bewildered.

The man scoffed. “Nah, no way! I’m not ready to be a parent. But man, I’d love to knock her up all the same.”

Chris chuckled. “Trust me, she’s very careful about contraception.”

There was a pause in the conversation as they continued to trek, followed by an explosion of conversation.

“What!? No way!”

“Did you really sleep with Stacey Ackermann?”

“That’s no fair, I called dibs! I’ve called dibs since the eighth grade, man!”

Chris just shrugged. “It was a couple of years ago. I’d like to see her again.”

“Get in line, man! You can coach Rob and Lee instead. They can have the Heller twins or whatever.”

Rob smirked to himself. The Heller twins were quite hot, even if a little . . . crazy, in that twin sort of way. He had this strange image in his head of entering the spa’s waters and indeed finding them imbued with mutagenic properties. They would heal him, just like one of those superhero movie accidents, and he would emerge from the waters as a virile, tough, golden-haired god of a man, instead of his frail self. Lee had dismissed such a possibility outright, but he still clung to it; better than admitting he was putting his body at risk just to join a club

The four continued to make their way up the overgrown path. It had been abandoned for a long time, and there was little evidence of it compared to the new forest growth. For a moment, Rob actually worried that they were getting lost, but then Chris and Doug cheered with triumph as the Overview Spa came into view. It was larger than Rob had pictured in his head. He had imagined just a single spa area, but it was clear this was an entire facility, with multiple separated buildings with what used to be meditative walk spaces and adjoining gardens. This was a place where rich patrons would once have visited to get a new lease on life, or to recover from stress and illness. The mountain river that passed alongside the facility, split into two streams, was clearly kept in mind for the construction: various mills and pipes took in the water flow, imbibing it to be part of the ‘natural healing’ of the institution’s ethos. One could even see the word ‘Natural’ on a white wall, though the paint had nearly entirely flecked off everywhere else. Indeed, the whole area was quite overgrown now, though it would be years still before it was truly reclaimed. That was clearly the goal though: a wire-fence with coiled barbs along the top surrounded the entire facility, and numerous half-rusted signs proclaimed the following:





And so on. And yet, interestingly, the nearest section of the fence had been sliced open with bolt cutters, allowing one to lift a curtain of it and simply pass on through. Clearly, these four were not the first to visit here.

“Fuck yeah,” Chris said. “This is proper creepy.”

“Y-yeah,” Doug said, recoiling just a little. “But it’ll be totally worth it. The parties we’ll have. The girls . . .”

He was clearly psyching himself up, and no one could blame him. Lee approached the signs warning of hazardous materials, and clearly was a bit disturbed by this.

“It has to be run off from that higher up facility. The experimentation lab. We should be very careful, especially you, Rob.”

Somehow, this put a fire in Robert’s belly. He loved his friends, but he hated being seen as the weaker member, the weight to be dragged. Lee’s words, though kind, just made him want to start moving already. So, to everyone’s surprise, he barged past and was the first person through.

“Woah, go Rob!” Doug said. “But I’m still dibsing Stacey Ackermann.”

Chris just chuckled and headed on through, eager to catch up to Robert. 

Lee followed last, still cautious. As he passed through, he noticed something odd attached to a section of the fence. It was an inscribed flyer of some kind, beaten by the weather but preserved. It had a message scratched into it below the ‘Hazardous’ warning.

Enter the spas at your own risk. If you do, seek us out. The Community will help you. Follow the signs with your senses.

Lee frowned. He considered bringing it up with the group, but decided against it. As much as he had more scientific worries about the scenario, this wasn’t one of them. The message was clearly just there to rile up visitors with the myths of the place being haunted.

“Okay, Lee,” he told himself. “You can do this. Just be silly for once! It’s not like you’re getting laid without a bit of help from a fraternity.”

And with that, he followed the group in.

It was Chris who strong-armed the front door and got them into the Overview Spa itself. The reception was empty, though animals scurried away at their appearance. Junk had piled up in places, plant growth in others. 

“Looks like we just go left,” Chris said, turning on his flashlight. “Looks like the moon is out, so we won’t need the torches once we get under the glass roofing.”

“Aren’t we supposed to be meeting somebody?” Doug asked, suddenly a bit more nervous. “Jesse or Jason or something? One of the Alpha Kappa Kappa guys said he’d be here.”

Chris just waved his hand. “We’ve got our phones. We can do a recording of ourselves. I bet he’s a no-show in order to creep us out. That won’t work though, will it, Rob?”

Rob set his jaw. “No,” he said.

They advanced into the spa pool area. There were a number of pods, individual personalised spas to get into and relax within, presumably while getting personalised treatment. They were in separated rooms, but to the group’s surprise they were all still running to an extent: the water flow from the supposedly polluted river still surged through, filling the spas and making them bubble on some automatic mechanism. 

“Hell yeah,” Doug said. “This won’t be nearly as uncomfortable as I thought.”

“Everyone choose a spa!” Chris announced, holding up his phone and recording them. “And get naked, ladies! That’s part of the deal, remember?”

Rob and Lee sighed, but both removed their clothing, as did their friends. Lee set his glasses aside as well. A bit meek over his less-than-impressive member, Lee quickly went to his own spa. Rob was in even quicker; his member was impressive, but he so rarely got a chance to use it given his poor health. Chris and Doug were quickly in show off mood, one in which Chris handily won, and they retreated to their own spa pods.

And yet, despite their eagerness, there was hesitation to actually get in the water itself. It seemed to almost . . . shine, just a little bit. Perhaps it was just the light of the full moon down upon them, or the strange sounds in the forest beyond, or the sense of taboo in what they were doing. For a moment, no one entered.

“Fuck it!” Rob exclaimed, his words echoing down the hall. “Maybe this mutagenic shit will actually make me better!”

And he got in. Not to be outdone, Chris followed in his own room, followed by Doug, followed finally by a more hesitant Lee, who had brought a lot of sanitiser and cleaning solution for his body so he didn’t get infected or anything. Each of them lay down, finding the water surprisingly warm and comforting, perhaps again unnaturally so. 

“One hour, gents!” Chris’s voice echoed. “I’ve got myself on record, and Doug has as well. I hope you’ve set up your phones.”

They confirmed they had.

“Very good! Enjoy the next hour! And let’s hope we don’t all mutate into something horrific, right?”

The group laughed together, buoyed by the shared experience. Even Lee was starting to feel less worried, and Rob was just determined now to prove himself.

But Chris’ words had been truer to reality than he could ever have known, just as Lee’s research was closer on the mark than even the young nerdy man suspected. An experimentation lab had been operating further up the mountainside years ago, and it indeed had been the cause of this spa facility’s closure. The runoff from the various laboratory experiments had flooded the river with mutagenic properties, and these properties were still within the spa’s tanks and waters, constantly being cycled through thanks to the hydroelectric power of the facility. There was even still runoff making it down the river.

All this had the effect of causing mutagenic properties to gather in the spa pods themselves. Unbeknownst to the four friends, they were quite literally being bathed in them right now. It infused their bodies, bonding to their skin and nerves and making it inwards to their very gene sequences. Already, small hairs began to sprout in unusual places, and bone began to shift, causing each member to frown, adjust themselves, and continue bathing. Their very DNA was being remoulded, and each pod had gathered up a different specimen of change, one that would see them altered in unique ways. 

Rob grimaced, shifting his shoulders as he waited the hour out. He was, surprisingly, very comfortable apart from the muscle twitches he was getting. In fact, it was like the spa was giving him even more energy. He panted a little, his tongue lolling out to one side.

Chris scratched at his chest, feeling a slight pressure there, only to begin scratching his scalp as well, where another two pressures formed. Still, the spa was too lovely to get out. When the horns began to push through his scalp, he’d already stopped caring about the sensations and learned to enjoy them.

Doug lay back luxuriously, stroking himself with arousal that was only growing, fantasies of all kinds of women in his mind. God, he’d love to get them pregnant. It was more than just a comment now, it was a fantasy. His ears began to extend, and he didn’t even notice.

Lee moaned, feeling more at home than anyone else, ironic given his earlier worries. He purred, licking his lips, and laying back. The whiskers that began to grow from his cheeks weren’t even seen; he already had his eyes closed.

And so the Spa Treatment had begun . . .

To Be Continued . . .



Really like where this story is going. Enjoy the variety of animals they will tf into