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With the admission of Stone Mane into the CMC completed Princess Luna had everypony leave CMC treehouse and make their way back done to the ground for the astronomy presentation in my Equestria dreamscape.

     Lying on a picnic blanket with sky now ablaze with millions of twinkling stars Luna had the foals join her. For Applebloom much of this information had been covered in previous visit, but for Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo's sake Luna decided to give them a general introduction in case they were unaware or unfamiliar with the subject of astronomy.

     As with her previous visit she had Applebloom lie under her left wing along with Stone Mane; while under her right wing was Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. For Stone Mane he once again found himself pressed between silky coat of Luna and the warmth of Applebloom's velveteen clad body as she snuggled up right against him. This was very distracting but there was no way he was going to complain about it.

     Scootaloo's situation was bit more awkward. Because of Sweetie Belle's excitement and eagerness to hear everything Luna had to say she had shifted over pinning Scoots between her and the alicorn. The pegasus was very, very aware of silkiness of her friends coat and the warmth of her body. Never mind Luna's elegant, regal form. Scootaloo didn't know why but she suddenly felt very short of breath and was having a really, really hard time understanding anything Luna was saying. That and her wings kept wanting to twitch. At one point Luna paused in her presentation and looked down at the orange filly.

     "Fair Scootaloo. Are you okay? You appear to be in a state of distress?"

     The filly looked up and shook her head several times. "No, no! Well. Um. I think maybe I ate too much at dinner! Um, because I have something of a tummy ache." Which was sort of true because the filly was suffering from a critical case of butterflies in the stomach.

     "Oh no! Scootaloo are you going to be okay?" Sweetie said as she rubbed her cheek against her friend's.

     That did not help Scootaloo.

     Luna did a quick check and determined that the filly wasn't coming down with any illness. The filly did have elevated heart rate and breathing, and she was sweating a bit. However none of Luna's spells detected the signs of disease or food poisoning. But the Prussian Blue alicorn did get a rather quizzical look several times as she spoke with Scootaloo. As if the princess was reading something between the lines when it came to the filly's behavior and answers.

     Eventually Luna was able to get the astronomy lesson back on course and for next half hour things stayed on course. Then once again it veered off wildly into the weeds.

     Luna was answering a question that Sweetie had asked her about how the moon effects the tides when suddenly Applebloom became intensely fascinated with Stone's left ear.

     Without saying a word, or giving it much consideration, the filly reached up with her head and grasped the tip of the colt's ear with her lips. She then gently started sucking and nibbling on it. She wasn't sure where the idea had come from but it seemed like a fun thing to do. Applebloom did this for a second before letting go of it and then started nuzzling the colt's neck. Her curiosity satisfied.

   For Stone Mane the experience was like nothing he'd ever encountered before. Suddenly it felt like there had been an explosion behind his eyes as what felt like a live wire was suddenly running through him. He tensed up and was very, very aware that his body had suddenly done something that was normally very inappropriate to do in public. Fortunately he was under Princess Luna's wing and was lying on his belly. Although this was now rather uncomfortable position to be lying in, but there was absolutely no way he was going to get up at the moment.

     Luna felt the colt lying against her suddenly tense up, but by the time she looked over Applebloom was just nuzzling the colt which she'd been doing most of the lesson. Arching an eyebrow as she addressed the colt.

     "Is something amiss Stone Mane?"

    Wide-eyed and staring straight ahead the colt nervously shifted a bit from side to side as he shook his head. Finally he spoke in slightly higher pitched voice. "I'm fine your Highness! Just fine! Sorry didn't mean to interrupt you!"

     The Prussian Blue alicorn didn't believe the colt for an instant, but she didn't press the matter. Although now she realized that her duties tonight were definitely going to include being chaperone. She resumed her lesson but now was constantly looking from side-to-side as she kept eye on the foals.

To be continued.



The One Hammer

Applebloom needs to chill, the poor colt might not survive


The AB still doesn't yet fully understand the effect she can have on the colt by her actions, and she's starting to have these new ideas and thoughts popping into her head that she's never had before.

Chris Teet

Methinks Luna will be seeing some VERY interesting dreams from those ponies tonight...


Her Highness is already planning for that and will unveil her scheme next posting.


Oh my goody-goodness, my heart! ❤️

Drew Maxwell

And poor Scootaloo is having similar problems... thankfully with less wing-boners.

Snowy Haze

Poor Stonemane, hot filly doing hot filly stuff and he's trapped XD


I can guess the results of the pop quiz Luna will give the goals to determine how well they understood the lesson. Sweetie Belle: 10/10. Aplebloom: 10/10 (already knew the material). Stone Mane and Scootaloo: 0/10. 🤣😁 Luna admonishes them and threatens to repeat the lesson until they can pay attention. Somehow, for the next pop quiz they do even worse!

Haefen Zebra

This is way too cute, poor Stone having to sit extra still in an uncomfortable position and learn of something new he really likes at the same time.