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 Another scene from the anthro MLP dream/movie Petina and I watched one night in my sleep. 

  It was raining lightly outside. That light, swirling type of misty rain that seems to take its time falling from the sky. It soften the edges of objects and made the Manehattan skyline fade away until one could only see a few city blocks in any direction.

  Coco usually enjoyed this kind of quiet weather, but today it made it difficult to keep the reticle of her scope centered on her target 300 meters away. She was sitting in the living room of an apartment with a 12.7mm anti-material rifle aimed at the head of a Death Bringer. The target was sitting crossed legged in a mediative state on the floor of a nearby flat.

  Coco could hear the chatter of encrypted radio communications on the headset she wore. Local law enforcement had almost finished discreetly evacuating all of the residents in the immediate area. The assault teams had successfully infiltrated the building and were moving to their final positions. 15 minutes ago local cell coverage had gone down. The local cellular carrier had sent a truck out to investigate the problem, but the crew was actually undercover RESF personnel who would assure that the coverage would stay down for the duration of the operation.

  A series quick beeps alerted Coco of a transmission being sent to her, then she heard the refined,  smooth voice of her commander. Rarity. 

  "Ms. Pommel, what is your status? Over."   

         Coco replied in a calm voice. "The targets appear to be unaware of our presence m'am. The main target is still in sight."

  Coco quickly glanced away for a second from the scope to the laptop on the table which was monitoring and controlling the other equipment she was using. Her eyes then returned to the reticle.  

  "All equipment is operating within acceptable parameters and I have a shot on the main target. I am in standby awaiting further instructions. Over."

  "The operation is scheduled to begin in 5 minutes. Please confirm last transmission Ms. Pommel? Over."

  "Operations to commence in 5 minutes. Understood m'am. Over" 

  Royal Equestria Security Forces (RESF) had become aware of this cell a few weeks ago and had been planning this Op ever since. Coco had been assigned to help keep the cell under observation until the enemy combatants could be captured or neutralized. As part of that plan Ms. Pommel had moved into this apartment a couple of weeks ago. Working under the guise of a young, work from home, author she spent her days in the living room or out on the balcony of her 22nd story apartment working on her latest literary masterpiece on her laptop. 

  In reality what she was doing was a monitoring the flat across the small park through a series of hidden cameras that had been installed by undercover RESF personnel who'd come and replaced and installed new lighting on her balcony before she'd moved in. The cameras were linked to a secure laptop that she used to monitor the enemies activity. 

  There were 3 other RESF operatives along with Coco in the area that kept the flat under 24/7 observation, but this week she'd received word that RESF would be eliminating this cell. 

  In preparation for the operation more undercover RESF personnel had come into Ms. Pommel's apartment earlier in the day to supposedly fix a faulty furnace. This required moving large number of big, bulky, heavy boxes into her apartment. Unfortunately the repair crew had been unable to fix the problem with her furnace but promised to come back tomorrow and take care of it once and for all. They'd made sure to have this conversation out in the hall as they tried to calm down the now very grumpy tenant.  

  They apologized for the mess they'd made and promised to move all the furniture back tomorrow and make things right. However they did ask if Coco leave the door to her balcony open so the fumes from some of the solvents they'd used would vent out of her place? 

  In reality what they'd done was deliver and install all the wards and equipment that Coco would need for operation later today. Her apartment was now warded so anyone scanning her apartment either magically or physically would not pay attention to her place. Their eyes would just slide off it and look at something else. Also acoustic cancellation wards had been installed which would help dampen the thunderous concussion of firing the anti-material rifle from inside the apartment. 

  So Coco having returned from a supposed trip to the local deli, which had another RESF operative working there, to find a new laptop similar to the one she'd been using. A bolt action 12.7 x 99mm rifle with a programmable real-time ward-breaker encoder attached to the muzzle, and a passive ward evaluator attached to rifle scope.

  It had come to rude shock to Equestrian force to find some beings from the Realm of Shadows seemed to be unaffected by projectiles using destabilized mage crystal (DMC) ammo. The projectiles either failed to pierce the wards and if they did they acted like normal ball ammo which was not very effective against them. At first troops had blamed defective or flawed ammunition ,but recently it had been learned that some of the more powerful beings from the Realm of Shadows were able to constantly modulate their wards, rendering DMC ammo ineffective.

  Princess Twilight and her team of researchers had come up with a solution but it was an imperfect one. They'd developed a ward evaluator that could take passive observations of a beings wards and in real-time compile a spell that could be applied to a ward-breaker projectile.

  Unfortunately this solution which had been rushed into initial field operations used some rather brute forces methods to achieve its results. The result was it produced a projectile with very unstable properties to it. Projectile undergoing this process had a life expectancy of only 15 seconds before they simply detonated on its own.

  This meant that they had to be encoded, compiled and sent on their way in shortest time possible. Also the stresses put on the crystals meant they had to be of a larger physical size to take the strain and had to be handled much more gently than regular ammo. The end result was that 12.7mm was smallest current projectiles available and the ammo was restricted to use in bolt action and single shot weapons since was found that even act cycling then rounds through semi-automatic actions damaged them.  

  Fortunately encoding only took milliseconds so projectile could encoded as it left the muzzle. However this placed the encoder head where it was subjected to the punishing effects of the muzzle blast. Especially since 12.7 x 99mm rifles used muzzle brakes. At the moment Twilight would only guarantee an encoder head would work for about 15 rounds before it need replacing. Also the encoder  system drained power packs at a terrifying rate so the system wasn't activated until the last instant. 

  So Coco sat with the rifle tucked against her shoulder. Her target in her reticle but her finger was off the trigger. In her left hand she the button to activate the encoder system. An instant before she pressed the trigger she'd push the button to activate.  

  Now she waited for the signal.    




12.7 at only 300meters?? Wow. Lots of bullet for such a close shot. 300 WinMag or 338 Lapua would work at that range. Is the need due to the physical nature of creature? Physical toughness like armor? Just curious. I like a big rifle at close range but over penetration can be a problem. When shooting this way you have to consider what is behind your target. This is a very fine rifle. I also like her shooting stance......relaxed and open.😊


Primarily because the special projectiles she is using cannot be made smaller than 12.7mm at the moment so went with 12.7mm x 99m because they had existing rifles in the supply chain that can handle it. Also what she's shoot at is armored, large, and very tough is the extra oomph doesn't hurt.


The only thing I forgot do was put the folded towel under her left arm that she had in the dream. It made it so bottom of the pistol grip rested naturally on her left forearm supporting the rifle.


Ahhh. That makes sense on the round. Her grip is fine. I would not want that kick racking my left forearm. I support grip my right forearm with my left hand when I shoot from a bipod support. Some grip the rear part of the stock. Preference is personal.😊


Also the guys who brought the gear also laid a thin non slip rubber mat on the table so the bipod feet has some purchase on it


Also in the dream the armorers had to be very careful how the place the encoder so it would disrupt the barrel harmonics as little as possible.


It’s a good placement of the encoder. Just hope it’s tough enough to absorb the blast behind that bullet. Even with the muzzle brake there is a serious shock blast at muzzle exit. This eventually will bend the prong tips outward. But this weapon I would say only needs one well placed shot......maybe a follow up for a secondary but primary should be neutralized. A rubber mat does help......a little.😋 It’s still going to move.


I wonder if Equestria (any version) ever came up with the "impeller" technology I'm considering for a setting of my creation. It's a form of magical kinetic inductor, useful in pumps, fans, and with some care also for firearm-like weapons. Basically, it would make a mass driver gun.