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 Stone Mane's panniers chafed him as he stood along with the Apple Family on the platform of the Ponyville Train Station in my Equestria dreamscape. The morning had been a flurry of activity as the colt and the Apple Family had scrambled to take care of the morning chores and get their guest to the train station to so he could catch the morning train out of town. 

  Stone Mane had scheduled for this trip to be just a one day visit, but now he was regretting that decision. The Apple family had welcomed him into their home, and he really wanted to learn more about Applebloom and this place she called home. Although whenever he found himself thinking about her his emotional reaction could only be described as being conflicted. 

  He really liked the filly, but why then did he feel so confused and short of breath around her? Unfortunately that would have to wait for another day. 

  Applebloom was standing alongside the colt. The filly had been making small talk with Stone Mane. She was saddened that he was leaving already, but at the same time she was trying to determine what exactly last night had meant for them? Could ya help me? 

       Ponies were beginning to congregate on the platform, and in the distance one could hear the sound of the approaching train. Soon the smoke plume from the locomotive could be seen rising above the treeline. Then the maroon locomotive came into view. With screeching brakes, a moaning steam whistle, and a great cloud of steam, the engine came to a stop alongside the platform.

  Soon doors were opening and ponies began disembarking. In a few minutes ponies would start boarding the train. The colt closed his eyes. All morning he'd been trying to decide when was the best time to tell Applebloom what he'd tried to tell her last night. If he didn't act soon it would be to late. Closing his eyes he spoke. 

  "Applebloom. Before I leave there is something I want to tell you." 

  Opening his eyes he looked over at the filly who had turned and was now facing him.  

  "Yes." Said the filly. 

  The colt looked into the hazelnut brown eyes of the filly and the carefully composed declaration he'd been planning to say scattered like a covey of terrified quail.

  Why is this happening to me! Why should her just looking at me leave me so scattered brain! 

  "Um, uh, look Applebloom. I, I want to thank you and your family for letting me stay overnight at your place. And the dinner and the fair last night was awesome!"

  Applebloom nodded her head. "Uh huh."

  Stone Mane pressed on trying to build momentum before his indecision and insecurity bogged him down again. "And, and I wanted you to know that, that, I consider you a good friend, and I can't thank you enough for everything you've done to help me." 

  Applebloom smiled. "Thank you Stone Mane. It means a lot that you consider me a friend. 

  The colt felt his heart flutter for reasons he really didn't understand. 

  Why do I feel like I she has cast some spell on me? 

  Shaking his head he pressed on. "But I want you to know that I think of you as being more than just a friend." He paused. 

  This is it.  

  "Applebloom. Before I leave today I need to tell you are very special to me, and I am so happy to have you in my life!" 

  The filly blushed a little and smiled. "Thank ya Stone Mane. Yer special ta me as well!"

  For several seconds they just stood there and looked at each other as the conductor called out. 

  "All passengers departing Ponyville need to begin boarding now!" 

  Stone Mane stood there staring at the filly. He knew he needed to say something else, do something else, before he departed. But he couldn't think of anything else! Suddenly he remembered what his dad always to his mom did when he was going away. 

  Without thinking he closed his eyes. Leaned forward and kissed the filly on the lips.  Then he leaned back and opened his eyes to stare at Applebloom's now beet red face. 

  "See you in my dreams!" Then he turned and galloped onto the train.

  Applebloom stood stone still as the colt galloped away. Applejack and Big Macintosh slowly stepped forward and watched the colt board the train.

  "Well, he's a fast mover! Would ya agree Big Mac?"

  "Eeyup!" Said the stallion. 

  Applebloom just stood there silently as the train slowly left the station. 

  Stone Mane sat in his seat with a stupid grin on his face. His heart was racing, and he shivered with nervous of energy. He looked out the window and watched the countryside slowly pass by. 

  This had been a very good trip.  

 To be continued.       



Dark Forge

Can you make this ship anymore adorable!

Dorian Inman

Good on ya, lad! I love that boy! I really do. hehe AB's BSOD is adorable!


They make a great couple, and being there for each other is going to make the next couple of years much more endurable.

Dorian Inman

Yes, they do make a lovely couple. I know that's a bit of a spoiler, but I'm glad for it.


They will be adversities and events will challenge their conviction but hey that's life.

Dorian Inman

True. Life can't be sunshine and rainbows all the time. Besides...without some rain, you can't get the rainbows.


Definitely looking forward to see how their relationship develops, considering what we know of Applebloom's future. Considering that was a concern Stonemane had, it makes their future... complicated.


Hope his head doesn't get stepped on by Big Mac like in Whisper.


I find it so amusing that everyone assumes the worst from AJ and Big Mac. They care about their little sister, but remember they know she's been through some serious stuff already and came out the winner. They'll make certain those two don't do anything stupid but that is typical of parents/older siblings stuff.


yeah, but big brothers can get stupid when is comes to there baby sister. The look on AJ's and Big Mac's faces promise mayhem if he doesn't behave. Of course with Aj and BM watching over them Applebloom will probably be the fast one.


*Cue Applejack researching how to get a chastity belt into the Dream Realm...

William Bell

Lol Applebloom.exe has stopped working. Lol I didn't get my first kiss like that till I was 20. Go get'em, Bloomers!

William Bell

Everyone wants 'em to be mean to poor Stone Mane! It's Applebloom, she's awesome! A filly like that is obviously gonna provoke a strong reaction from colts!


Speculation: During Stone Mane's next visit, Mac takes the colt aside and performs the traditional threatening of life and limb of anypony foolish enough to play with his little sister's heart.


Kiss and run is better than post/comment and run!