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  As Dash and I enjoyed each others company in my Equestria Dreamscape, Shooting the bridge some other ponies were enjoying each others company as well.

  Fantasy smiled as she carefully examined the unicorn stallion moving in front of her. The glistening black and red unicorn mare made various satisfied sounds at what she saw. The stallion grinned at her as he pranced around wearing a bridle and tack. Finally after one last rearing stance he sauntered over to the mare who was lying on the bed. 

  "So what do you think?" Flying Gallop smiled at the mare. 

  "Oh it's very nice! Very evocative. So you're proposing this outfits for all the stallions in the fifth dance number?" 

  The copper brown stallion tossed his long flowing platinum blonde causing the bells on his bridle to jingle. "Yeah I figured they could synch their moves so the bells act as a counterpoint to the drums." 

  Fantasy nodded her head. "Yes I think Scratch will be very, very pleased with these outfits. The only catch is can you have 14 of them ready in time for the performance in Ft. Trotterdale in about 6 weeks? Understand the crew will need them earlier than that so they can practice and rehearse in them. Which means we'll need practice rigs for them to use, and final ones for the performances" 

  Flying Gallop rolled onto the bed and looked up at the ceiling of the loft he called home and his workshop. For several minutes he mentally chewed various details of the job. Finally he rolled onto his side and looked at Fantasy. 

  "Yes, yes I can them finished and shipped in two and half weeks. Will that be fast enough for you mistress?" 

  The mare rolled on to her side and looked at the stallion. "Finish and ship two weeks and there will be a bonus in it for you." 

  "A bonus you say. What kind of bonus are we talking about?"

  Fantasy extended her front legs and pulled herself up against him and looked him in the eyes. "Actually several types of bonuses." 

  "Like this kind" Asked the stallion.

  The mare started rubbing her face against his neck. "Some like this. Think of this as an advance to motive you to finish on time." 

  "Mmmm, this is an excellent form of advance. I wish I got these more often." He gently lifted the mare's face with a front hoof and then kissed her on the lips. 

  For the next hour or so Flying Gallop enjoyed his perk. 

  He'd started working with Scratch's troupe almost from the beginning of her career. The stallion loved her passionate for her art, and her willingness to be unencumbered by the existing conventions of the art world. Another thing that made her a joy to work with was her willingness to pay top bit for his skills, and the promptness that she paid her invoices.  

  And since Flying Gallop had started working with Scratch he had found his studios skills in demand with other performers and artists. Enough so that he'd hired a couple of assistants fresh out of the local art academy to assist him with the work load. All in all things considered business was looking up for him. 

  The two ponies had dozed off on the bed. There nap time was interrupted by the sound of another voice. "Gez! I hope you two aren't already done for the day having fun because I've just got here and I could use some myself!" 

  Opening his eyes Flying Gallop looked up into the brilliant gold eyes of the batpony Sundown. The mare had been crashing at his loft for the last month or so as she worked on her next series of articles. They'd know each other since the art academy and both had fallen into Scratch's orbit about the same time. Over the years they'd had an on and off relationship. Nothing too serious, but alway interesting. 

  Fantasy raised her head, and with a brief bit of levitation she moved her mane from her eyes. "Hello Sundown." Purred the unicorn. "Oh I think we can go another round for you. So how have you been?" 

  The batpony flopped down on an empty part of the bed and rolled over and grabbed the stallion. "Good to hear! Because I could use a mounting after spending the entire morning over at Scratch's dance studio watching them practice!" 

  The crimson mare peered over the stallion at the mare. "Oh Fantasy! Scratch told me to pass a message along to you. She says the party from Ponyville will be coming down to Silver Mirror. Whatever that is suppose to mean?"

  Fantasy perked up and smiled. "Oh. Very nice. Very nice! Scratch will be very happy about that."

  Fantasy could see the curiosity in the other mare's eyes so she answered the question that was obviously on the batpony's tongue. "There are two mares and a stallion who'll be coming down to help train Scratch and her troupe in a new dance style. They were the mares who instructed Rainbow Dash in her performance this year at the Best Young Fliers Competition. "The unicorn smirked. "I think you'll find them to be very interesting ponies Sundown. The kind of ponies you love to know. In many different ways." 

  Sundown nuzzled her nose into the stallions long mane and breathes in his scent. Then she grinned at the mare. "Oh, this will be interesting. Please tell me more." 

 To be continued.




Flying Gallop, you say...

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'Love the cuddling pose of the two ponies! Also, Fantasy has an interesting mane style (2 cans of hair spray, at least! ;) )


Oh wait until you really get a chance to look at it. She can give Dovetail a run for her money.


Tack and harness have an interesting position in Equestrian culture, it seems.


Well like many garments, accessories, and uniforms tack and harness can have multiple meanings in a culture. Very often it depends on context, setting, and place in history.