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In a turn of events, the Producer encounters two music videos with similar themes but different paths. Which will they enjoy more? "My Sunday" or "My Melody"?


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Producer Reacts to LOONA "My Sunday + My Melody"

In this episode the Producer checks out two versions of a similar music video "My Sunday" and "My Melody" from LOONA members HeeJin and HyunJin, and YeoJin and HaSeul. SEND US STUFF! FOT MEDIA PO BOX 552 LOS ALAMITOS CA 90720 Help support Form of Therapy by subscribing to us on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/formoftherapy Subscribe to Form of Therapy for more future Reaction videos & let us know in the comments down below what else you'd like to see! #이달의소녀 #LOONA #하슬 #여진 #HaSeul #YeoJin #MyMelody #MV #BlockBerry #BlockBerryCreative #희진 #현진 #HeeJin #HyunJin Follow us & stay up to date Facebook: https://facebook.com/formoftherapy Twitter: https://twitter.com/formoftherapy Instagram: https://instagram.com/formoftherapy Follow the cast @formoftherapy


Andrea Z

To me I like My Melody better and actually you're right about the nostalgia because in the Loonaverse story after this song YeoJin gets lost in the woods. Won't say more is too deep 😁