Appleboom! (Patreon)
The barrier separating the Dream Realm from the lower Dark Realms tore open as the eldritch monstrosity threw itself into the realm of dreams. It's great pulsating bulk hurled tentacles thousands of feet into the early evening sky as more and more of its obscene mass poured in. It was happy with its progress. Here it would feed. Here it find what it craved. Here it would rule supreme and unchallenged! It had performed the rituals. It had made the sacrifices. It had studied the mysteries and had gained unholy knowledge. It had waited millions of years patiently waiting for its time. That time was now.
It never saw the pulsating orb of yellow-green streaking toward it. It never had time to comprehend it was under attack. It never considered that it's reign for this realm would challenged. It never realized it was about to get its unholy butt kicked.
A flash brighter than the rising sun filled the evening sky; slowly it was followed by a great fiery roiling column of fire. 20 seconds later the shock wave hit with a thunderous roar that flattened the grass in the field and made the trees sway violently. As the great column climbed higher and higher it began spreading out forming a massive reddish-orange mushroom cloud.
Floating several hundred feet above the field a black globe vanished leaving Applebloom floating as she assessed the effects of her attack. It hadn't completely destroyed the horror but she could sense it frantically retreating back to the Dark Realms and just as quickly she felt it sealing the barrier again. The filly nodded her head.
Well that probably bought us a few million years of peace and quiet!
Her self-congratulation was interrupted by the voice of her servant in her mind. Well that was rather excessive don't you think?
The filly looked at the gigantic scythe draped across her shoulder It's large malachite green cat eye was fixed on the mushroom cloud.
Yeah, well it got the job done and it won't be a bothering anypony fer awhile. Beside did ya see the size of that thing! Said the filly as a mental rebuttal.
"That, was, very, loud." Galapagos slowly extended his head from his shell. "My, ears, will, be, ringing, for, days, after, this."
The earth pony looked down at the giant tortoise. "Sorry about that, but it's gone and it won't be causing anypony trouble." Upper Lower Tortoisestan
The filly looked at the tiny castle perched on the shell of the giant tortoise. Except for a couple of lopsided pennants and banners the castle appeared to have weathered the whole affair just fine. Then she started hearing the crashing, clattering, and high pitched swearing coming from within. The drawbridge of the castle dropped with a clatter and a few seconds later a very diminutive, and grumpy, King Trafalgar Maximilian Augustus Leopold the III came stomping out. Along with his usual trappings of office the king had a white apron on and was brandishing a teeny-tiny feather duster. He looked up at Applebloom and pointed the duster at her.
"Young lady! Next time before you decide to employ such extravagant powers please give me time lock my china cabinet and clear the cupboards in the great hall! It's going to take me days to find all the pieces of the afternoon tea set now that they've been scattered to every corner of my castle!"
"Oops! Sorry!" The filly giggled nervously. "But it worked! Look! I sent that horror packing back ta where it came from!"
A another black globe floating a few feet from Applebloom vanished and Princess Luna appeared. The Prussian blue alicorn looked at mushroom cloud on the horizon and then her Blade Mare. She cocked an eyebrow. "Well, that was a bit over the top."
"Yeah will I taught it a lesson it won't ferget! Gez! I thought everypony would be happy with me!" Grumbled the filly.
The filly looked over the princess. "So, um, Princess Luna. Do ya need me ta help with anything else here? Cuz if ya don't have anything else fer me ta do I'd like ta leave."
The king's grumpy voice could be heard echoing from within the castle. He'd obviously had resumed his search for missing pieces of his tea set. "You can help me find where the blasted biscuit tray has gotten to!"
"Where else do you need to be tonight?" Asked the princess quizzically.
"Oh well, um you see—"
She was hoping to go over into Stone Mane dream fabric. Princess Luna suddenly heard the scythe say in her head. She'd planned to do that tonight before this crisis popped up.
The filly glared at the weapon and then looked back at the princess. "Well ya. I was hoping ta drop by and a say hi. I haven't seen him ages and—"
You saw him two nights ago. Said the scythe
If the filly's looks could've killed she would've been shopping for a new scythe that evening. She looked back a Luna and smiled. "Soooooo, can I leave."
Luna pointed at the filly. Minus ginormous scythe and her signature red bow the filly was wearing a one piece pants/boots on her hind legs that made it look her back-half been dipped glossy black paint. Matching high boots of similar finish rounded the filly's wardrobe. "You're going to go see him dressed like that."
"Well, uh, yeah. I mean he's seen me wear this before." Applebloom twirled around in midair as she looked down at herself. "And he seems ta like it."
"I can't imagine why." Said the princess with a deadpan voice.