Haunting memories (Patreon)
Although Half-cock had said they'd bring any corpses back in a cart, it was decided instead to bury the dead at the site of the battle in my Equestria dreamscape. Of course the remainder of Tombstone's gang were put to work doing this and in couple of hours the bodies had been put to rest in the ground and marked. In the future the bodies might exhumed and reburied, but for the moment at least the local wildlife wouldn't be disturbing them.
By this time the sun had set. After securing the prisoners and a quick patrol to determine that immediate area was safe Half-cock decided to pitch camp on the edge of ruins. In the early morning they'd break camp and begin the journey back to Equestria's borders.
The prisoners had been fed and given water. All of them had been hobbled and the unicorns now were adorned with inhibitor rings. Since the nights were frigid in the high desert the prisoners had been allowed to retrieve their blankets along with a few of their personal belongings.
Long Shot finished running the last patch through her rifle's barrel. Holding the detached barrel and fore-end up the earth pony pointed muzzle at the campfire and looked down the chamber at the bore. Satisfied with what she saw the mare proceeded to detach the scope from the barrel assembly. With equal care she cleaned the scope's delicate lens. Then she affixed the lens covers to the ends of the scope. Having finished maintenance on her rifle she stowed these pieces along with the rear stock and the rifle's action into a waterproof, rigid, scabbard case. With this done she looked over at Half-cock who was writing an after action report in her journal.
"You want me to take first watch Half-cock?" The Earth pony said as she removed her harmonica pistol from her holster. Giving it a quick status check she holstered it again.
The unicorn finished her report. Then she put the cap back on her fountain pen and stowed it and the journal in her panniers. With this task done the mare unwrapped a horehound flavored lollipop and put it in her mouth. Then she glanced over at her teammate.
"Yes." Said the unicorn. "Then Squall can take second watch, and I'll take the last." Unicorn levitated another lollipop toward the pinto pony. "Want one?"
Long Shot shook her head. "No thanks."
Half-cock shrugged and stowed the candy. A minute or so later a pegasus pony swooped down and landed by the campfire. The pegasus adjusted the chin strap on her bowler as she pushed it back on her head. With that accomplished Squall lifted the goggles from her eyes and plopped down next to the fire.
"Just did a patrol out to a couple of miles out around the canyon. The only things moving out there are coyotes, scorpions, and rattlesnakes." Growled the mare in a raspy voice.
Half-cock rolled her lollipop around in her mouth. "Okay. Long Shot is gonna take first watch and ya will take the second." The unicorn levitated a lollipop from her panniers and offered it to Squall. "Want one?"
The violet pegasus made a face. "Ugh! No thanks. I don't know how ya can enjoy those?"
The unicorn stowed the candy. "Horehound is good fer sore throats ya know? Yer always complaining about having one."
Squall pulled a metal flask from a pocket on her vest. Removing the stopper the mare took a big chug from it and then grinned at the her teammate. "That's why I take my medicine."
Half-cock smirked. "I don't think rye whiskey qualifies as medicine."
The pegasus ignored the unicorn's observation and continued to enjoy her medicine. Through all this Long Shot had poured herself a cup of coffee. Taking a swig she looked around at the ruins.
"I'm glad that this place is going to be finally dealt with for good. This place just seems to attract trouble!"
The unicorn laid down and stared up at the stars. "Yeah. One of the terms that Royal Sisters gave the dragons at the end of the war was that the dragons surrendered several territories ta Equestria. In a few months this here will be absorbed within the kingdom's borders. Rumors have it there gonna base a garrison out here, and there gonna clean this festering sore away once and fer all."
Squall stowed her flask and then looked around at the ruins. "Isn't this where they found Phoenix years ago?"
"Yeah, it is." Said Half-cock softly.
"I wonder if she still thinks about this place?" Asked Long Shot.
Squall looked over at the earth pony. "Considering what happened to her here, do ya honestly think she could ever forget about this place?"
Maybe it was the winds blowing through the canyon and the dropping temperatures, but Long Shot shivered. Suddenly the stories of this place seemed to come to life, and in the mare's mind she could hear a little filly screaming in the distance. Slowly the mare shook her head.
"No you're right." She said softly. "I can't see how she could ever forget about this place."
The three mares stared silently at fire. All of them had faced adversity in the past, but none of them had endured the type of horrors that Phoenix had in this accursed place.
To be continued.