Tag! Yer it! (Patreon)
Princess Luna and Applebloom entered into Stone Mane's dream fabric in my Equestria dreamscape. It was a warm summer afternoon in the colt's mind. A bit on the hot side for the filly's tastes, but she was more than willing to put up with it if it meant seeing Stone Mane. Due to Luna's busy schedule this was the first time Applebloom had a chance to see the colt since his visit to Ponyville.
As they flew over the colt's dream version of his home town of Baltimare, Applebloom's started searching the colt's home. It wasn't much of chore since they'd visited it many times now. Heck Applebloom knew how to get there, but she obediently played Luna's wingpony. The princess had started banking toward the colt's home when a voice called to them from nearby.
"Princess Luna! Applebloom! Over here!"
Pausing in midair the two ponies looked around for the source of the sound. After a couple of seconds they found the origin of the sound. Perched on nearby small cloud about 1,000ft above the city streets was Stone Mane. The colt was waving his front legs in the air.
Applebloom flew over and joined the colt on the cloud. Luna was very happy to find the colt up on the cloud. "Excellent Stone Mane! I see you've been practicing dream flight lessons! How have you been?"
The colt nodded his head. "I've been doing better your Highness!" The colt looked off in the distant horizon of his dream fabric. "I, I took another trip to see my parents graves at the cemetery like you recommended."
Applebloom leaned over and nuzzled the colt. "I know it wasn't easy for ya ta do, but it was the right thing ta do. I'm proud of ya Stone Mane."
Luna extended a wing and pulled the colt to her side. "I agree with Applebloom. I know this was not trip you wanted to take, but it was one you needed to make."
Sadness passed over the Princess's eyes for Stone Mane's burden was also hers in many ways. After a few seconds she shook her head. "But let us set aside those memories for the night. Tonight Applebloom and I have traveled help you learn something fun!"
"Oh. What's that?" Asked the colt.
"Well since yer gitting way better at yer flying, Luna and I thought we'd a start teaching ya aerobatics! That way you can learn how ta do loops and stuff in yer dreams!" Exclaimed the filly."Doesn't that sound like fun!?"
The colt smiled and nodded his head. "Yeah that would be neat!"
What followed was an afternoon of cavorting around the skies of above Baltimare. Stone Mane picked up the basics pretty quick and soon the two foals were swooping and diving amongst the clouds while Luna sat on a cloud and watched them play.
This play soon evolved into a game of tag with either Stone Mane or Applebloom being the one who was trying to tag the other. This resulted in lots of giggling, yelling that somepony didn't tag the other, and all around good fun.
Applebloom had been chasing the colt for what seemed like an eternity and wasn't making any progress on tagging him. Much to her annoyance he was a natural when it came to this aerobatics stuff. She needed something to give her the advantage. She didn't want to hurt him. Just put him off his game.
As Stone Mane succeeded in avoiding another of her attempts to swat him the filly remembered something from his visit to Ponyville. Something he'd done to her that left her stunned and confused.
Perfect. Thought the filly. Now to implement it.
Breaking off her pursuit the filly turn and dove into a cloud and vanished. It took a couple seconds for the colt to realized he no longer had a pursuer. Coming to a halt in midair he started searching for the filly. After a couple of seconds he started calling her name.
"Applebloom. Applebloom. Hey where are you! Um, Where did you go?"
With no immediate reply from the filly he started backtracking his old path. Slowly he drifted near the cloud he'd flying by when...
Suddenly from within the cloud Applebloom burst out grabbed the colt's face with her front hoofs and gave him a big old kiss on the lips. Then she looked at him and yelled.
Stone Mane hung there in midair stunned for a couple of seconds. Then he dropped out of the sky like a rock. Applebloom was initially very happy with her results until she realized he was plummeting out of control.
"Oh horse apples!" Exclaimed the filly as she dove after him. Rocketing downward she caught him and then poured on the brakes. Even so they both ended up landing in the pond at a local park with great splash. They surfaced covered with lily pads, for a couple of seconds they both stared at each other. Then they started yelling.
"What the hay happened ta ya up there! Why ya suddenly go all dumb up there and turn into a sack of potatoes?" Exclaimed the filly.
"Why did go and do that! For that matter what exactly did you do to me anyways?" Yelled the colt.
"What ya mean what did I do. I kissed ya ya big lunk!" Hollered the waterlogged filly.
"That's not how you play tag!" Exclaimed the soggy colt.
"Says who?" Growled the wet filly.
"Well, um, I do!" Said the flustered colt.
"Well I think that's just stupid!" Grumbled the filly.
"Is not!" Said the colt.
"Is to!" Rebuttal the filly
"Is not!" Said the colt as he stood his ground.
"It is to!" Said the filly as she leaned over and poked him in the chest with a front hoof.
"Fine!" Exclaimed the colt. Reaching over he grabbed Applebloom and kissed her.
"There! Tag! You're it!"
The filly blushed and then grabbed the colt and kissed him. "Hah! There! Tag yer it!"
This game of tit for tat might've gone on longer, but it was interrupted from a voice on the shore. "Are you two done soaking in the pond? If so please come out now."
The two foals turned and saw Luna standing there on the shoreline. Quickly they scrambled out the pond and stood there dripping in front of the Princess of the Night.
"Um, yes your Highness. We're done playing for the moment." Said the colt
"It was getting boring anyways." Said the filly as she looked away with a slight blush on her face.
Luna looked at them with a quizzical look. After several seconds she spoke. "I think we should wrap up this session for the evening. Shall we?"
"Uh, oh, okay. If you say so." Said Stone Mane.
"Um, Princess Luna I don't want ya thinking I was angry with Stone Mane. Well I was, but not that way. Uh, It was the other way. That's not like the first way. Sort of like...."
Luna raised a front hoof. "I think I understand, but I still think its prudent for you two to cool off for awhile."
Stone Mane looked at the Princess. "Um, I'm pretty cool now your Highness. The dunk in the pond took care of that."
"Yeah. I'm not hot at all." Said the filly.
Luna gave the two foals a long silent stare. After a couple of seconds the foals connected the dots.
"But yeah we should probably call it a night." Said the colt.
"Um yeah, definitely." Said the filly.
"Good." Said Luna.
To be continued.