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Taking the cosplay of Breakfast princess Maple to another step.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

I'm actually glad that I named her Maple, and constantly have this maple syrup joke around her, or I wouldn't have thought of her cosplaying BP for this Halloween special theme  XD

Really enjoyed  drawing both Maple's character illustration this month, and I hope you liked it too.

(Oh, and a little side note, I was planning for a Lili red riding hood cosplay if she won, with Marc as woodsman and Miya as the wolf for the Standard one ...XD) 



Lilian Lee

^^ LOL You boys...it doesn't help that I envisioned chibi soph waitress/maid dress/fancy dress... or chibi maple with breakfast suit 🤣

绿豆 彡

looking forward to breakfast everyday now