Extreme TICKLE MACHINE!! (Patreon)
2019-11-07 18:15:28
2022-02-28 16:22:30
Greetings to all Extreme Club members!
This month I have prepared ANOTHER surprise for you. (This time exclusive to Extreme Club members.) As you know every month I make an extreme illustration ... but this month I want to do something different.
To offer a different and original content for you I propose something:
So... What's this about?
This is an illustration of a character subjected to an extreme tickle machine.
And what kind of tools does this machine have?
You will choose it.
I make a summary of the proposal:
- 1rst STEP- You will choose a character in a POLL. (from among your proposals)
- 2nd STEP - You will choose in a POLL the type of tools available to the machine to tickle. (EXAMPLES: mechanical hand, mechanical tentacles, mechanical dicks, feather wheel, etc). The machine can have more than one tool! (the most voted)
- 3rd STEP - You will choose in another POLL the area of the body that you would like to be tickled. (neck, belly button, breasts, feet, etc.) The character can be tickled in more than one area of the body! (the most voted areas)
- 4th STEP - I will draw a picture of the character submitted to the tickle machine with all the tools you have chosen to tickle the parts you prefer.
What do you think of the proposal? Are you interested?
Let me know your opinion below in the comments or in the new Discord group: "⚙TICKLE_MACHINE⚙" in the "🤖machine_chat”.