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As I create more mods it gets more difficult to find and download all mods. I wrote a post where you can easily download every mod I uploaded to this page.

Mods Compilation | Patreon

Video Polls:

Every Saturday I'll upload a new video showcasing my mods. Patrons of Video and Mod tiers can vote for which game in the weekly poll.
This week's poll is here (Open until Thursday 19th, included).

Video Collection

Galleries Collection

Installing mods:

Note: None of this methods replace any of the original files of the game, so no backup is needed.

Soul Calibur VI:

Doesn't need any program.

  • 1. Go to folder ...\SoulCaliburVI\Content\Paks and create the folder ~mods

  • 2. Place the .pak files of the desired mods in there.

To uninstall a mod, delete the .pak file(s).

For CDLC mods I wrote a tutorial here: Vodkalibur Tutorial | SegadorMods en Patreon

Dead or Alive 6:

REDELBE is needed. Attached below is the latest version of the program. Whenever the game is updated, the tool must be updated too. I'll keep the post updated with the latest version.

  • 1. Open the REDELBE zip and copy the file "dinput8.dll" and the folder "REDELBE" in the folder where you have the game installed.

  • 2. Copy the REDELBE folder of the mod in the folder where you have the game installed.

The are two kind of mods in Dead or Alive 6, I usually include both:

  • Direct Swap: Replaces a costume, hair, stage, etc.

  • Layer2 Method: Adds a costume, hair, stage, etc. in an existing slot.

To use a mod using the Layer 2 method, you have to select the costume, hair, stage, etc. and then press a button.

  • XBOX controllers: The "Back" button.

  • PS3 controllers: The "Select" button.

  • PS4 controllers: Use the "Share" button. You may need a program called "DS4Windows" and ticking an option called "Hide DS4 controller" for the button to work as equivalent of the xbox back button.

  • Other controllers: The equivalent key to the above three.

  • Keyboard: The F key.

There can be multiple mods in the same slot.

To remove the mod, delete the files you copied.

There are further instructions inside the zip.

Dragon Ball Z Kakarot:

Doesn't need any program.

  • 1. Go to folder ...\AT\Content\Paks and create the folder ~mods

  • 2. Place the .pak files of the desired mods in there.

To uninstall a mod, delete the .pak file(s).

Samurai Shodown:

Doesn't need any program.

  • 1. Go to folder ...\SamuraiShodown\Content\Paks and create the folder ~mods

  • 2. Place the files of the desired mods in there.

To uninstall a mod, delete the .pak and .sig files.

Dissidia Final Fantasy NT:

DFFNT_PATCHER is needed. Attached below.

  • 1. Open the dffnt_patcher zip and copy the file "dinput8.dll" and the folder "DFFNT_PATCHER" in the folder where you have the game installed.

  • 2. Unzip the mod in the "DFFNT_PATCHER/Data" folder.

To uninstall a mod, just remove these files.

Granblue Fantasy Versus:

Doesn't need any program.

  • 1. Go to folder ...\RED\Content\Paks and create the folder ~mods

  • 2. Place the files of the desired mods in there.

To uninstall a mod, just delete the .pak and .sig files.

Guilty Gear Strive:

Doesn't need any program.

  • 1. Go to folder ...\RED\Content\Paks and create the folder ~mods

  • 2. Place the files of the desired mods in there.

To uninstall a mod, just delete the .pak and .sig files.

Bright Memory: Infinite:

Doesn't need any program.

  • 1. Go to folder ...\BrightMemoryInfinite\Content\Paks and create the folder ~mods

  • 2. Place the files of the desired mods in there.

To uninstall a mod, just delete the .pak files.

King of Fighters XV:

Doesn't need any program.

  • 1. Go to folder ...\KOFXV\Content\Paks and create the folder ~mods

  • 2. Place the files of the desired mods in there.

To uninstall a mod, just delete the .pak and .sig files.

Sex Chess:

Doesn't need any program.

  • 1. Go to folder ...\SexChess\Content\Paks and create the folder ~mods

  • 2. Place the files of the desired mods in there.

To uninstall a mod, just delete the .pak files.

One Piece Odyssey:

Doesn't need any program.

  • 1. Go to folder ...\odyssey\Content\Paks and create the folder ~mods

  • 2. Place the files of the desired mods in there.

To uninstall a mod, just delete the .pak files.

Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection:

Recommended to be installed with Fluffy Mod Manager.
Download and instructions here.

Mortal Kombat 1:

MK12TTH is needed. Attached below.

  • 1. Unzip the contents of MK12TTH in ...\MK12\Binaries\Win64 so mods can be loaded.

  • 2. Go to folder ...\MK12\Content\Paks and create the folder Mods.

  • 3. Place the files of the desired mods in there.

If you need the Grey Texture Fix, you can find it here.

To uninstall a mod, just delete the mod's files.

Midnight Suns:

Doesn't need any program.

  • 1. Go to folder ...\MidnightSuns\Content\Paks and create the folder ~mods

  • 2. Place the files of the desired mods in there.

To uninstall a mod, just delete the .pak files.

Tekken 8:

Doesn't need any program.

  • 1. Go to folder ...\Polaris\Content\Paks and create the folder Mods.

  • 2. Place the files of the desired mods in there.

To uninstall a mod, just delete the mod's files.


Frank Leo

Thank You


Why it`s not working? I have this error: " Failed to apply patch"layer2:PatchMRCWI"

Apathyman the Mundane

the link to superwombat's mods doesn't seem to work as of current

Nicholas Flores

my mods have somehow made the controls for the game go bonkers. any idea what thats about or how to fix it?


My mods don't mess with the controls at all. No idea what could happen to your game.


Can you make clothes damaged, and destroyed only when all clothes are damaged?


How comfortable, Luv it


Will you make more topless mod for doa6 this month?thank you!!



Leona Do Russ

Segador, can you please make another version of Creation Topless that has the updated light nipples? I don't use it because of the color but I wish I could because of the protruding nipple. This is my second month subscribing to your Patreon, thanks!


Ah, ok. I thought it might be similar to DOA, so hope in the future you will give a look 😉


There is a limit to the number of games I can mod at the same time, but I'll try to take a look at it.


Yes, I understand. I wish I was able to mod by myself...but I'm too noob...