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 "Sky Brush. What do you think of this blouse on me?" Carousel shook me out of my daydreaming in my Equestria dreamscape. 

  We'd finally arrived in Baltimare and late tomorrow afternoon we'd board the paddle wheel steamer the Sea Stallion and begin the final leg of our journey to Ft. Trotterdale. It had become almost ritual that in every city we'd stopped along the way both Petina and Carousel had insisted we check what the local stores had to offer. 

  Much to my surprise I found out that while one of the smaller cities we'd stopped at along our journey, Baltimare actually had a rather vibrant art scene. In fact it possessed a couple excellent art museums, a new concert hall, and a very respectfully art school.  

  Along with these larger established institutions the city had a growing club scene with cabaret clubs popping up all over the place. Many performers either unable to make it in Manehattan or seeking a more intimate setting had left the big city and had set up shop in Baltimare. 

  This had resulted in a whole host of shops, stores, and artisans who supported and thrived as a result of this art community. So it was I found myself standing in a boutique while Petina and Carousel explored the store's wares. Looking over at the earth pony mare in the blouse I smiled. "The design is nice, but I think the deep red silk one with the gold batik marbling on it was more flattering of you." 

  Suddenly another, but very familiar, voice spoke up. "Darling! I do believe Sky Brush is correct. The color is too close to you coat color. It provides no contrast." 

  Spinning around Carousel and I found ourselves looking at Ponyville's resident fashionista Rarity. The unicorn grinned. "Well this is a pleasant surprise! I knew you'd be stopping in Baltimare on your way to Ft. Trotterdale. But I never imagined I'd bump into you here while I was visiting!" 

  Carousel came over and gave Rarity a nuzzle. "I think we're more surprised to see you! Why are you even here?"

  The Element of Generosity played with her blue-violet mane for moment with her right front hoof before replying. "Oh! Well darling! Baltimare is becoming quite the hotbed of activity when it comes to the arts and fashion. I'm caught up on orders back home so I decided to take a little field trip. Do a little reconnaissance and see what might be the next hot thing. When you're in the business I'm in you simply must stay ahead of the curve!"

  "Well this is a pleasant surprise!" Petina smiled as she wandered into the conversation. "I thought this shop had potential, and finding you in it just confirms my suspicions!" 

  What followed was an in-depth discussion about the boutique, the staff there, and the range wares they offered. It was obviously aimed squarely at the club crowd. Which was what had drawn Petina and Carousel to it, and had piqued Rarity's curiosity. Unfortunately the mares were soon deep into technical discussions of the various wares being offered. Which meant I understood maybe one in every ten words said. 

  Once again my mind started to wander and I started looked at one various fashion plates and advertisements that adorn the wall. However at some point Petina and Carousel had started discussing some outfit that they thought Rarity would find intriguing

  At some point all the mares had wandered off to dressing room. I was watching one of the new electric trams trundle by when I heard them emerge again. Turning my gaze I found myself staring at something far more interesting to look at.

  Rarity was now wearing a very snug, almost corset-like, vest of blue-violet velvet. This was worn over a brilliant white, sleeveless silk shirt. Around her neck was pleated, white satin cravat. Keeping the cravat company was a bronze pendant with a large deep, blood-red gemstone set in it. 

  However the most distinctive element of the whole ensemble was the boots. Glossy black, high boots of leather that looked like they'd be right at home during one of Carousel and Petina's performances at the Bucking Mare. The boots were festooned with belts of similar black leather and adorned with little silver buckles. 

  At first the fashionista silently walked around and looked at herself in the mirror. She repeatedly stopped and looked at herself in different angles in the mirror. As she did a smile slowly spread across her lips.

  "Normally this wouldn't I consider such an outfit darling. But..." Her voice tapered off as she started posing in front of the mirror. 

  "But this outfit does flatter my figure." She gave her hips a little wiggle. "And it is fun try new things!"

  Petina grinned. "That's half the excitement of wearing things like this. The thrill of actually doing it!" 

  Rarity's poses became more flamboyant as twinkle in her eyes and an impish grin started to grow on her face. "Darling you are so right! Heh heh! Oh! How the tongues would waggle back in Ponyville if I wore this in public. It's so daring! So outrageous! So Brash! It would be positively scandalous!" 

  She leered at Petina. "I'll take it!" 

 To be continued.   



Sylvan Ryan (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 19:40:06 Rarity is a gem <3
2020-05-09 18:07:44 Rarity is a gem <3

Rarity is a gem <3


Of course she will. I'm only surprised she didn't *make it*.


Well that's one Petina's super powers. The ability to open folks minds to ideas and concepts.