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I can only attach .zips up to 200mb in size to an entry. So, for now, I'm going to make a series of master posts for those looking for back issues, with the back issues divided into .zip files of less than 200mb a piece.

2017 is when file sizes started getting big for my comics, so those will contain fewer pages, but larger sizes overall.

I'll keep these entries as kind of a master list I can link back to so I don't have to keep uploading these. I hope this will suffice for now! Thank you, and keep your collections up to date!



To be honest.. Fisk and Elizabeth's storyline were the only comic-series of yours that made marriage seem like a decent and wholesome decision for me. It is rather wholesome in the context of "Better days".


Thanks you for your archiving efforts on your works and for making them available to us here on Patreon. I appreciate it. ☕️


Have you considered using a business dropbox for sharing stuff?


only problem with dropbox is the cost. I know others that use it, and it's not cheap


The dropbox monthly per user costs are for people that can *contribute* to the account. Jay doesn't need anyone besides himself to be able to add/remove/modify stuff in the dropbox. You can send public download links to as many people as you want. That's how Fluff-Kevlar's been doing his patreon downloads - every month, over a thousand people get dropboxed one to three .zips depending on their pledge level, which can be hundreds of MBs.


Thank you.


Like hell it's too old. That's a well written set of panels. ( Had to google for it ) and well fitted to a more realistic situation. Nothing to be embarrassed about.


Is there gonna be something like this for more up to date comics? Like maybe up to 2020??


Yes. I update comic updates on the 5th of every month. It contains a back issue link list.