Tom Cartos Dungeondraft Assets (Patreon)
Hi Everyone!
Some of my Patrons have converted ALL of the assets I have released so far for use in Dungeondraft and they have very kindly given me permission to share them with all of you!
These are my weekly themed packs, if you would like to get all of the packs in one easy to manage set check out my Dungeondraft Megapack
If you use my assets to create your own maps, whether in Dungeondraft or any other program, I'd love to see them. You can share them on social media and tag me @CartosTom on Twitter or @tom.cartos on Instagram.
As Builder Tier patrons, you have permission to use my assets for maps that you share publicly or commercially, so long as you don't have a pledge limit set lower than $8 per month. I only ask that you credit me and provide a link back to my Patreon page. You can find more information about commercial licensing HERE.
Please note that these were put together by patrons, so have not been quality checked by me, and there may be some bugs or inconsistencies in the packs. Leave any issues you may find in the comments below and if I am able to update them in the future I will take your comments on board.
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