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The Kulture Study: Rocket Punch "JUICY" MV

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I felt this comeback didn’t meet the expectations I had for Rocket Punch, because as you said, their previous title tracks had been AMAZING, and Juicy is pretty different from the Rocket Punch signature title track imo (a really dynamic/unexpected song arrangement, very bright but also powerful), and also the styling felt exactly how you described it, kids-show-like. But with that being said, the rest of the EP is really good, cohesive with the summer theme, but each song feels unique. Actually, I’d have liked it better if ‘Summer Punch!’ had been the title track maybe, I feel it has more of that RP signature sound. I’d love to see a listening party to Blue Punch and hear your thoughts on it!

Layman's Outlook

Yes pls check out their EP I think you'll enjoy it alot more than juicy it is more mature but still fun. Hope you check it out.


Juicy is a cute song but it's also not very much my taste. I prefer Summer Punch and The The from this mini album that I found overall a really fun and solid album. Hope you have some time to listen to it and continue to watch Punch Time when you can!


/sigh as a title track it is missing the Punch i expect from Rocket Punch. It is cute and i am all for groups trying different things and all but this was lacking for a title. just like Twice and WSJN i feel like PCPC or rather their management deciding on the tiitle tracks missed the mark and chose the wrong song from the respective EPs.


Yes!!! I already mentioned in community tab but this EP is so good, i cannot wait for the EP listening party or something like that :)


As a title track, it feels...lame. I LOVE this group to bits, but this is just not it. It's dull, not catchy at all, the MV is colorful but still looks bland... that's a pass from me. And usually, their EPs are great, but I only lime one song this time around. Not a great comeback.

WookbooK (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-18 05:22:35 AOTY? or is my opinion a little bias? I cant stop listening to the song and album. Song definitely top5. We'll see in 5 months how it holds up. I've been into Kpop for 2 years. ROCKET PUNCH is the first group i stanned at debut. So i may have sentimental bias. But Bouny didn't make my top10 of ½ year. So I think I have some objective. A kids song? Well that i guess explains me but never admitted it. Funny you mention Lazy Town. Not really now, but im my 20s I watched kids programming. Especially Lazy Town. I watched it more of appreciating the artistic craft in teaching children. And Sporticus was a cool character. Robbie Rotten I felt was a well written antagonist for children. And tie it back to kpop, Stephanie was a great dancer. Yeah, I love Rocket Punch. Adorable and talented girls. And at least Woollim gave Sohee a little rap in the title track. Summer Punch she gets more.
2020-08-10 01:47:56 AOTY? or is my opinion a little bias? I cant stop listening to the song and album. Song definitely top5. We'll see in 5 months how it holds up. I've been into Kpop for 2 years. ROCKET PUNCH is the first group i stanned at debut. So i may have sentimental bias. But Bouny didn't make my top10 of ½ year. So I think I have some objective. A kids song? Well that i guess explains me but never admitted it. Funny you mention Lazy Town. Not really now, but im my 20s I watched kids programming. Especially Lazy Town. I watched it more of appreciating the artistic craft in teaching children. And Sporticus was a cool character. Robbie Rotten I felt was a well written antagonist for children. And tie it back to kpop, Stephanie was a great dancer. Yeah, I love Rocket Punch. Adorable and talented girls. And at least Woollim gave Sohee a little rap in the title track. Summer Punch she gets more.

AOTY? or is my opinion a little bias? I cant stop listening to the song and album. Song definitely top5. We'll see in 5 months how it holds up. I've been into Kpop for 2 years. ROCKET PUNCH is the first group i stanned at debut. So i may have sentimental bias. But Bouny didn't make my top10 of ½ year. So I think I have some objective. A kids song? Well that i guess explains me but never admitted it. Funny you mention Lazy Town. Not really now, but im my 20s I watched kids programming. Especially Lazy Town. I watched it more of appreciating the artistic craft in teaching children. And Sporticus was a cool character. Robbie Rotten I felt was a well written antagonist for children. And tie it back to kpop, Stephanie was a great dancer. Yeah, I love Rocket Punch. Adorable and talented girls. And at least Woollim gave Sohee a little rap in the title track. Summer Punch she gets more.