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It was well after midnight when the brainstorming session with Scarlet Tips, Keyboard and myself finally wrapped up in my Equestria dreamscape. 

    The whole thing had gone on way later than we'd planned but at least a lot of ground had been covered, and almost more important Keyboard didn't see me as a threat to her job anymore. Peace talks  It had been a great chance mend fences and move forward. 

    It was when we realized it was two in the morning and Silver Mirror had become rather quiet. The boisterous mood of the evening had faded. The ticking of pendulum clock in drawing room was steady companion to us. We decided to wrap it up and call it a night. 

    The first hint I had something was amiss was when I encountered resistance upon opening the door. Something was blocking the door to our suite. The key worked fine but something heavy, obstructed entry. I could see that there were lights on in the suite since I could see it leaking out under the door. Several knocks didn't get the desired results; although I did hear what sounded like bodies shifting and moving. Putting my ear to the door I could hear numerous snores and moans.

    After several seconds I gave up and went downstairs and took off and flew up to our large personal patio on the second floor. Peering in through the windows and the glass doors I was presented with a scene of hedonistic decadence. Tongue Spelunking Our bed, sofa, chairs, and floor were liberally covered with at two dozen ponies, zebras, and griffins who were apparently sleeping off the effects of unabashed debauchery. Fortunately the patio doors opened outward so I could gain entry. Once inside it was easier to fly over to our bed than attempt to step around all the bodies populating the floor. 

    Lying on our bed like some exotic, barbarian queen was Petina. Using a barrel of some zebra stallion as a cushion the mare was reclined back with the pegasus mare Amethyst Dream tucked under her left front leg and the palomino earth pony stallion Golden Hoofs under her right. Projecting from beneath the blanket and linens was Scratch's haunches. Her hind legs were loosely wrapped around Petina's neck. Resting on top of all of this was the Celestia plushie. As I entered Petina stirred and glanced over at me.

    Not finding an easy path to the bed I just hovered over and landed. "So. You seemed to have been busy tonight." I said with a deadpan voice. 

     Petina sighed and looked up at the ceiling for a moment. Then with a look of pure bliss she glanced over at me. "Sweet Celestia! I needed this. I'm, so, glad we came down here. This, is, wonderful!"

    I glanced around the room. "Soooo, you know where Carousel is?"

     Petina nodded her head over to a pile of sleeping ponies on the sagging sofa. Protruding from beneath it was one of her legs and her tail. "She's got company for the night." She glanced around the room. "Fraid all good sleeping arrangements are taken."

     She leaned over and looked at the floor. "Aaaannndddd, until room service comes in I really can't recommend sleeping on the floor. It's. Welllll, a bit of a mess at the moment. I might recommend you primarily hover if you want to keep your hooves clean."

     I rolled my eyes. "Yeah thanks for advice." I lift a front hoof and look at it. "Well goody. I'm going to see if I can find a couch downstairs in the main parlor. Sleep well."

     The white mare shrugged her shoulders and looked sheepishly at me. "Um, yeah. Oops! Sorry about that dear. I'll make it up to you I promise."

     I sighed and then flew off to find a nest for the evening.

To be continued.




It’s not an orgy....it’s team building.😏


Exactly. And it was definitely simple because none of Petina's toy boxes got used.


Bad optics to not invite all involved parties, though.


Petina enjoys "making it up" to others, doesn't she?