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The pegasus mare slowly steps between the two statues of pegasi. On either side of her are a standing mare and a stallion perched on their prospective plinth. Flowing drapery girdled the the lower half of the their otherwise nude figures. 

     The mare stopped and gently rests her left hand on one of the statues. A smile dances across her face. She looks at the audience assembled before her. 

     "I want to thank you all for coming tonight.  My name is Silvia and I'm so thrilled that so many could make it this opening night reception. I also want to thank the Canterlot Central Gallery for graciously hosting this event. "

     The mare notices several guests looking at her dress. Flowing up the right hand slit of her black satin dress was a cockatrice embroidered in numerous shimmering threads. An impish smiles dances across her face. 

    "Ah! I see several of you have noticed the totem on my dress. She gently runs her hand over the embroidery. As a creator of statues I feel a certain almost spiritual connection to them."  

    A patron reward for Sylvan Ryan.



J. McDermott

Very lovely! But something is setting off my alarm bells. I've a feeling this lady is someone to be very cautious around. =)


Something with that mare really creeps me out and sets of my alarm bells!

David Webb

So quick to judge based upon appearances. Just because she likes some animal, doesn't inherently make her evil or malicious. Then shall we claim that everyone who likes dragons are greedy warmongering dealers of death? It's a logical fallacy to apply blanket statements to people.