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Applebloom spun around and looked up at Last Thing in my Equestria dreamscape. She'd never seen this mare before, but the filly was positive that she didn't work in the observatory. Her 

     "Um, hello! Uh, didn't hear ya come in. Um, I'm a waiting fer my astronomy lesson." 

     "Who, are, you?" Last Thing's voice trembled slightly as she took a step forward. 

     The filly took a step back "Uh, um, my name is Applebloom!"

     "Applebloom." The mare repeated the name. She took another step forward. "Tell me Applebloom why are you special?"

     The filly swallowed and took another step back. "Um, well I'm a Princess Luna's personal student, and I'm, ah, training ta be her assistant. Oh and my sister is a Applejack. She's one of the Elements of Harmony. Heard of them?"

     The unicorn another step forward and the filly retreated another. "Do either of them know what you are capable of doing?"

    There was something about this mare that Applebloom found very unnerving. She was standing right in front of the filly but the mare sounded like she was across the room. Also the filly found herself struggling to keep track of the mare. It was as if the mare was visually slippery, but the filly didn't dare lose track of her. She couldn't explain why, but Applebloom was certain something terrible would happen if she stopped looking at the mare. The filly's mouth suddenly felt dry. 

     "Well, uh, um, no. In fact Luna has said she's never seen a pony with as much potential as I do. She's thinks I'm really gonna change things!"

     "That's what I'm afraid of. That's why I have to stop you. You mustn't open the gate!" The Dark Mare took another step forward forcing the filly to retreat further. 

     "Uh, m'am, have I, um dun something wrong? If I did I didn't mean it? And I haven't opened any gates except the ones at our farm!"

     "Whether you mean to do it or not I'm going to make certain you can't. I have to stop you to save everypony else."

     Applebloom then saw the knife hovering behind Last Thing. The filly's eyes went wide and she bolted out the open door. Last Thing cursed her sloppiness and quickly pulled her Time Anchor and set it back 10 seconds. Then she pushed the button—

     Applebloom then saw the knife hovering behind Last Thing. The filly's eyes went wide and she bolted for the open door. The mare tried to grab her with her telekinesis and failed—

     Applebloom then saw the knife hovering behind Last Thing. The filly's eyes went wide and she bolted for the open door. Last Thing grabbed hold of the filly with her telekinesis and slammed her against the far wall near one of the desks. In desperation the earth pony snatched a large bottle of ink off the desk with a front hoof and threw it at the mare hitting her square in the face. for a brief instant Last Thing lost her control and the filly dropped to the floor and then bolted for—

     Applebloom then saw the knife hovering behind Last Thing. The filly's eyes went wide and she bolted for the open door. Last Thing grabbed hold of the filly with her telekinesis and slammed her against the wall nearest her. Charging forward Last Thing telekinetically drove the knife into Applebloom's chest. The mare-in-waiting felt the blade pierce the filly's heart. The filly's eye's went wide and her body convulsed. After a minute or so her body went limp. She released her telekinetic hold and the body flopped to the floor like a rag doll with knife still stuck in the filly's chest. The mare stared at the lifeless body and the growing pool of blood for a moment and then she turned to leave—

     Last Thing was confused. She hadn't initiated this reset. Her telekinesis still held Applebloom's limp, lifeless body against the wall. The knife was still driven into filly's chest She started to release her grip on the lifeless body when she felt another force reach out and grab hold of her. As she watched the filly's head slowly rose. With eyes still closed the filly yelled at her.

     "What gives ya the right ta meddle in others plans! Ya got no business nosing in ta things ya don't understand!"Applebloom's eyes snapped open revealing two glowing yellow-green orbs—

     Last Thing screamed and frantically backed away from Applebloom while waving the knife in front of her. The filly looked both confused and scared. "Uh, m'am please put the knife down! I, I'm not gonna hurt ya and I don't want ya hurting me!"

     The unicorn looked at the filly with a mixture of fear and anger. "Don't want to hurt me! Don't want to hurt me!" She screamed. "You cannot imagine the horror you've caused me! I've been drug through damn Tartarus because of you!"

    Last Thing started advancing on the filly with the knife in front of her when a brilliant blue bolt struck her in the chest. The mare was thrown several feet and collapse in a heap on the floor. Then Luna's voice boomed.


     "Applebloom are you all right!" Luna galloped over to the filly's side. "Are you injured?!"

     The filly stare was fixed on the unconscious mare. I,I, I'm fine! Who, who is she princess? I, I'd never seen her until now, but, but she, she was screaming and hollering at me and, and."

     Luna knelt down and wrapped a wing around the filly as she started to cry. A few seconds later several guards came thundering into the observatory. "Your Highness what happened?" Asked the senior most guard. 

     Luna looked Applebloom in eyes and then spoke. "Corporal. Last Thing appears to have had another bout of seizures. It made her delirious and in her delirium she attempted to attack Applebloom while she waited for me to arrive to give her her lesson in the observatory. I want an inhibitor ring on the Last Thing immediately, and she's to be restrained and transported to infirmary. Notify Doctor Steady Pulse of her condition immediately. Also inform my sister and let her know that I will be comforting my student in my office. 

     "Yes your Highness!" The guards then set about doing their tasks. As more guards continued to arrive. When Luna was certain the mare was properly restrained she looked at the filly. 

     "Applebloom let's go to my office okay. I have some questions and I'll have some hot chocolate made for you. I think instead of having you walk all the way through the palace I propose another way. Have you ever teleported before Applebloom ?"

     The sobbing filly looked up and shook her head. Luna smiled. "Very well. Please close your eyes. It can be a disorienting experience, but don't worry Little Bloom. You'll be safe with me."

     Then Luna closed her eyes and a black globe enveloped her and the filly. It vanished and with it the two ponies. 

To be continued. 




Poor Last Thing. We knew this encounter was inevitable and that it ends tragically. I wonder what will happen to Last Thing after this? Retirement, obviously, but I wonder what else? Poor girl needs a break after the hell she's been through her whole life.


You'll have to see hopefully Patreon won't screw up the rest of her story arc.


Looking forward to it. I just hope its something nice. Your subconscious is not known for being kind.


Ok. I am both confused (sand that has nothing to do with Patreon) and beginning to understand all too clearly. I am starting to root for Last Thing in that her attacking Applebloom was a GOOD thing.


I have the bad feeling that Little Bloom IS the great danger.