Late Night Business (Patreon)
A recent event from my Equestria dreamscape that I wanted to get jotted down so I can remember details later when it comes up in the ongoing dreamscape.
Silver Hooves bodyguards came boiling down into the unlit first floor of his mansion. It was after midnight and a minute or so ago somepony, or something, had tripped the interior security wards on the first floor of his dwelling. The elder stallion's bodyguards were now quickly lighting lanterns and oil lamps and starting to check the various dark corners of the house.
Slowly coming down the stairs the elderly earth pony stepped out into main gallery of his house. For 40 years this inhabitant of Baltimare had operated his trading business from here. Silver Hooves specialized in doing businessoutside the kingdom Equestria. The stallion had a reputation of acquiring things that were not available through regular channels. In fact in the last 24 hours he'd acquired something that a particular buyer was very keen to get. In fact in the morning he planned meet with his client and deliver the item.
But that meeting was not scheduled for 12:40am. With bleary eyes the stallion adjusted his glasses and directed his bodyguards. "Check behind the bar, and then the kitchen. If you find nothing then–"
His instructions were interrupted by a sharp whistle from a still dark corner of the gallery. Lamps and lanterns were turned toward the sound. As their light drove many of the shadows away a figure reclining on chaise lounge became visible. An older filly was reclining back on the chaise. Silver Hooves looked at the filly and shook his.
Foals and their fashion these days. Thought the elderly stallion. When I was her age no parent would let a filly go out dressed like that. The earth pony before him had a buttercream yellow coat contrasted by a deep rose red mane and tail. Large red bow adorned her mane, and a matching red tail wrap kept the end her tail cinched together in a bundle.
But it wasn't the filly's hair style that gave Silver Hooves pause. The earth pony was wearing high black leather boots that were something that the older stallion associated more with what younger mares wore to the various night clubs in Baltimare. A studded, black leather collar around her neck was something Silver Hooves thought would appropriate for one of his guard dogs. A blood splattered, white tank top rounded out the visitor's wardrobe. As had recently become popular with younger pony the tank top had artwork silkscreened on it. Although older stallion didn't recognize the odd abstract symbol on the garment.
For several seconds nopony spoke. Finally elderly stallion addressed the newcomer. "Well dear. You've roused me from my sleep. What do you want?" As he said this his bodyguards slowly deployed themselves.
The filly glared at the stallion while she chewed on a piece of hay. "I'm here ta do business with ya!" growled the filly.
One of the bodyguards chuckled. "Hey! It's a school day tomorrow. Shouldn't you be in bed?"
Without breaking her gaze with the older stallion the filly snorted. "Hey! You're stupid and have nothing useful to say. Shouldn't you keep you're mouth shut!"
The mare who'd been on the receiving end of the filly's retort bristled and started to step forward when older stallion spoke again. "Lash! You're not part of this discussion. Don't interrupt us." The unicorn silently stepped back. With the chain of command reasserted Silver Hooves addressed the visitor again.
"So dear. What is this business you wish to conduct?"
The filly chewed her piece of hay for a second. "In the last day ya acquired something very special. Yer gonna give it ta me."
Silver Hooves smiled slyly. "Oh ho! Well dear that's very interesting. Especially since I keep my business is very private. How did one as young as you find this out?" He paused. "And how did you get in here anyways?"
"I got in here because I wanted ta git in here."
The stallion casually waved a front hoof at the filly. "Well dear. I'm sorry to say that the item you're inquiring about already has an interested party, and they've already purchased the item. In their homeland far away it'll be a valuable addition to their estate!" As he said this his tail twitched several times in an apparently random pattern. His bodyguards noticed this and started changing positions.
Slowly the filly reached behind herself and pulled out an old battered purse. With equal care she reached inside it and pulled something something soft and floppy. With a casual toss of a front hoof the filly tossed the object on the floor in front of the elderly stallion. It was a severed ear. A zebra's ear with a distinctive tattoo and ornate gold earring still attached to it. The filly spoke.
"Yer buyer ain't interested in yer item anymore. In fact I don't think there gonna be doing much business ya anymore with ya. If ya want refund them their bits ya will probably have ta mail it ta them in their homeland. I think they're catching the first steamer out of town."
For the first time cracks appear in Silver Hooves calm, refined demeanor. Angry flashed in business pony's eyes and coldness crept into his voice. "You've cost me a very, very good customer dear. You're going to pay for being such a naughty filly!"
The elderly stallion's tail twitched which was the signal for his bodyguards to seize the intruder. When they didn't he turned to the unicorn mare. "Just don't stand there! Seize..."
His voice tapered off as he noticed all of guards were standing absolutely still and were looking down at their hooves. Even with the lanterns the room was dimly lit. Much of the room was still in shadows. However glancing down Silver Hooves could see the entire floor was a lake of complete darkness. Emerging from the darkness was scores of thin, writhing tendrils of inky blackness that had wrapped themselves around the legs everypony and the horns of every unicorn in the room. The female unicorn eyes were wide with fear. She swallowed several times.
"Sir! Sir! I think, think you might. Want. To take her offer!" She was trembling with fear as more and more tendrils wrapped there way around her horn and legs.
The filly spoke again. "Now! The item ya have, yer gonna give ta me now! Yer gonna give it ta me, and then I'm gonna leave and yer all coming with me! And I swear if ya have hurt it I'll give y'all thrashing like ya never had before!"
Silver Hooves played his final card to try and recover something from this meeting. He calmed himself as best he could and looked the filly in the eye. "And what if we kill the item? You're threatening us. What if we threaten to destroy what you've come for tonight? What then?"
The light of the lanterns and lamps suddenly seemed to diminish and the shadows started to creep up the walls, and furniture in the room. The elderly stallion noticed for the first time the shadows emanating from the filly were dripping, oozing, and flowing from her and connecting with the growing pool darkness. The shadows climbing the wall starting transforming into shapes of monstrous abominations. Suddenly everypony started hearing voices. More and more voices. Softly at first they grew louder and louder by seconds. Thousands and thousands of voices screaming, pleading, begging, and crying out in tortured madness. The filly seemed to be unmoved by the chorus. Rage burned in her eyes.
"If ya kill it ya won't die. If ya kill it by Luna's full moon I'll send y'all ta place where ya will spend the rest of eternity screaming fer death! Ya will spend every second begging fer yer death and gitting none. Y'all will reduced ta nothing but pathetic tormented things, and yer screams will join the chorus yer hearing now!"
The filly spat the straw from her mouth. "My name is Applebloom! I'm from Princess Luna's Night Court! And ya'll are gonna turn the colt ya foalnapped over ta me, and them I'm taking y'all inta custody!" Her voice suddenly thundered.
Edit. During this dream arc this piece of music played several times. It rather fits the mood of it. Link