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That evening while Petina told Carousel and I about her experience of being a statue in Equestria dreamscape Reborn another pony wanted to confirm some things about an upcoming visit.

     Applebloom laid in bed and stared up at the ceiling. It was after 10pm and apparently her weekly instructional lesson in the Dream Realm with Stone Mane had been postponed due some thing in the palace, the Dream Realm, or elsewhere in the kingdom.

     This was really inconvenient for the filly. She'd hope to confirm some last minute things with Stone Mane before he came to visit at the start of next week, but now she couldn't and he'd be in Ponyville before her next scheduled lesson with Luna.

     She picked up the doll done in the likeness of the colt she cared about so much and held it above her with her front hooves. "It's not fair." She muttered to it. "Yu and I make certain we're there, but she isn't." She hugged the doll and sighed. "Yeah I know. I shouldn't say that. Princess Luna always has a whole heap of chores that she has ta do, but I really, really wanted ta talk ta ya tanight!"

     The earth pony rolled over on her side stroked the doll's mane while still clutching it to her chest. "In fact she really doesn't have ta show me how ta git ta yer dream fabric anymore. I know where yer dream fabric is and..."

     Applebloom bit her lower lip and glanced around the room. As if searching to see if Luna might be lurking in the shadows behind her dresser. Then she looked back at the doll and then confided with it in a hushed tone. "I kin git ta yer dream fabric no problem. I've got my locator pendant in the Dream Realm, and it does point ta yer dream fabric, and I've confirmed that myself during a couple of our git togethers."

     The filly held the doll up and looked it in the eyes. "Soooo. I could just come over and see ya myself. I mean it would be fer a good reason, and it wouldn't be fer that long. Just ta make sure everything is a go fer next week." She paused and looked at the doll as if seeking confirmation from it. "And isn't Princess Luna always saying that it's important ta talk ta ponies instead of just making assumptions and all?"

     She stared at the doll silently for several second and then nodded her head. With a plan forming in her head she set the doll down and began her breathing exercises. In a few minutes she'd descended in REM sleep and had opened her dream eye. As was the norm she stood on a dream version of the front porch of the family farmhouse. It was a early evening and the first stars were starting to twinkle in the sky.

     Applebloom closed her eyes and imagined the locator pendant into existence. Opening her eyes she looked down a found the bottom of a small, flat tin can with an old clock hand spinning from a nail that was nailed into the bottom of can. It hung from a lanyard made of cord.  Painted crudely on the bottom of the can were the words clubhouse, home, Ponyville, Luna, and Stone Mane. All she had to do was think about one of those things and the pendant would direct her to its Dream Realm equivalent.

     The filly closed her eyes and thought about the colt she loved so much. The needle on the pendant began to shudder and rotate; then slowly the whole pendant floated up in the air to point at a specific location in the evening sky. Opening her eyes she smiled and flew off in that direction.

     A few seconds later Applebloom emerged from her own dream fabric and looked out at the much more expansive Dream Realm that her own fabric floated in like some tiny glowing island. She started to move out but then paused. There had been the incident recently when she'd invited Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo into her dream fabric for a bit dream theater and Luna had been in the area and noticed something being wrong. Could the princess be doing that right now?

     Once again Applebloom consulted her pendant and quickly the needle swung in a different direction. Confident the Defender of Dreams wasn't nearby the filly considered another thing. She thought of donning the armor that Princess Luna had given her, but she wasn't planning on fighting anything. She wanted to be sneaky. What she needed was a Sneaky Suit! Closing her eyes she imagined a Sneaky Suit she'd seen Miss Petina wearing one evening before she'd gone out of town with her household. Closing her eyes the filly imagined an equivalent of the black, shiny, form-fitting outfit on her.

     Opening her eyes Applebloom found herself sheathed in the garment she'd envisioned. Although something seemed a bit off. After a second or two of deliberation she realized what was wrong with her presentation. With her mind she tugged the zipper down a few inches. These zipper things were apparently the latest thing in Equestria fashion if Sweetie was right. Satisfied now with her appearance she once again acquired Stone Mane's dream fabric.

     The journey to the colt's dream fabric was quick, uneventful. Applebloom chalked this up to her growing knowledge of the Dream Realm and the effectiveness of the Sneaky Suit. Having reached her destination the filly dived into it and soon found herself in a bright, sunny park that she assumed must be in Stone Mane's hometown of Baltimare. With the help of the pendant she soon found the colt sitting under a tree. A hoofball sat on the grass next to him and he seemed to be taking a lunch break. Applebloom's first instinct was to just trot up to the colt, but she decided to further test the effectiveness of the suit. Careful to not give herself away she crept up behind the nutmeg brown colt. Then in one quick motion she reached out and wrapped one of her left front leg around the barrel of his chest and pulled the colt tight against her. She then placed the lower part of her right front leg across his eyes. Leaning forward she whispered in his ear.

     "Guess who?"

To be continued.



Ayumi Silverfox

Dubious logic exercises on Applebloom's part aside each of the expressions in this one are absolutely delightful! From the wistful to the sultry at the end and the tale you weaved for this one blended them all together so well I could easily visualize Applebloom floating in the Dreamscape with their compass around their neck. Really enjoyed this one quite a bit and very excited to see where this one goes :)


Always love seeing updates on these two, especially more playful moments like these. :-)


So, if she believes the suit makes her sneaky, and it makes her sneaky, if she paints the suit red, would she go faster?


Yeah AB has done some mental gymnastics to justify her decisions she just turned 13, and I remember being that age and my logic at the time was just as dubious at times.


those two are such a cute pair, and just made for each other. Can the combination of Luna, AJ and the rest of the mane 6 keep this under control? 13 is just a little young, but, well Juliette was only 14 after all. 'Axe


BTW, just what is considered the age of maturity for the Ponys? 'Axe