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A patron reward for Skyline. He wanted a drawing of his OC Remi who I've drawn before. Found in the snow, Remi . The other character is an alicorn ascended version of Octavia Melody. 

     Two beings from very different worlds they travel the roads between worlds and planes seeing what's over the next hill. Remi is a roguish character, but she's got some musical talent, and since I've drawn her with a guitar before I decided to make that the instrument she's carrying in a backpack case. 

     It's a silly thing, but I decided to put the little covey of quail in the bottom left of the picture. I've always thought quail were adorable little birds. 

Tomorrow 7/24/21 starting at 5:30pm Pacific I'll be streaming on Picarto. With the Summer Olympics beginning this will be an Olympic themed stream!



Octavia Melody

Beautiful work Baron. Octavia looks amazing.


Once again, thank you so much for this Baron. You have done smashing work on the pair! And the quail do add a little something more to the pic.

Ayumi Silverfox

It's really neat to see pieces like this where you take different dreamscapes and make something entirely unique. Like on this one while everyone would key into the cutie mark you can also tell by the unique hairstyle they have and even to an extent the eyes. To say nothing of the other smaller details like the light breeze billowing Skyline's cape and Octavia's mane. Very well done and I see that Skyline thinks so as well :)