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I had to make a separate entry for the 2020's entire year of comics, since "Force of Nature" turned a year old. Because that comic was so long, and I guess maybe my pages are getting more complicated, the .zip for the entire year is too big to upload to Patreon as a single file. So here are last year's comics as individual .zips for your archiving purposes.

Enjoy, and thank you for your support!


Rose Head

looking forward to 2022 excellent work keep it up and stay strong people are hurting out here man its tough but we need to be fed this content.


Have you ever considered setting up a Mega folder for maintaining your 1+ year old comic archive? Seems like it might be easier to do that and link to it with a pinned post than deal with Patreon's file manager. Their free plan gives you 20GB of storage, which should be more than enough for your entire archive. Just a thought.


Yeah, I should look to off storage. I know someone else who does, I just got so much going on I didn't think about it. Thanks! Something to set up for next year.