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This drawing is inspired by the anthro MLP setting where Spypone's Skyfall OC operates as part of Princess Luna's own security detail. Link. Link 

     Princess Luna inserted a reloaded magazine into the grip of the massive semi-automatic pistol. Cycling the action she raised the pistol and started to take aim, but then paused and lowered the weapon. Remembering the first magazine she'd fired from the behemoth pistol her horn flared and small force wall appeared in front of her face. Once again she raised the weapon and pressed trigger. 

   The pistol roared and rocked in her hand as it sent a 11.45mm projectile rocketing downrange. The alicorn was very happy she'd remembered to erect the force wall as she watched the spent brass casing bounce of it instead of her face. The first time she'd fired it several of the spent casings had struck her. 

    The giant pistol thundered 7 times and then went silent. Calm returned to firing range. Removing the now spent magazine and confirming the chamber was empty Luna set the still smoking pistol down on a bench and looked over at the pony who was creator of this monstrous mechanical creation. The stallion anxiously smiled as he addressed the princess. 

    "So your highness! What is your opinion? Would you consider the possibility of your security forces adopting it? Yes it is a rather large pistol, but with a shoulder stock attached the pistol can also operate as a small semi automatic carbine. So it is multi-purpose system, and 11.45mm cartridge is without equal at this time!"

     The Prussian Blue alicorn looked back at the pistol on the bench and then over to it's creator. She arched an eyebrow as she spoke. 

     "The problem I see sir. Is that I haven't test-fired a very large pistol today, but instead a very small field gun. The weapon is large to the point of encumbrance. It fires an excessively powerful cartridge for the job. It has more parts than my pocket watch. Even worse it has an alarming tendency of hurling spent cartridge casing into face of the operator with great gusto."

     At this moment Luna glanced down and noticed there was a spent cartridge casing lodged down in the cleavage of her breasts. Reestablishing eye contact with the stallion, the mare casually reached in with one hand and extracted the wayward piece of brass. She then flicked it away. 

    The stallion swallowed and looked the princess eyes. "So, um. That's a no."

    Note. The pistol in this drawing is a Gabbett-Fairfax Mars pistol. They were a series of early 20th century pistols. The Gabbett-Fairfax Mars, not to be mistaken with several other pistols from other period manufacturers that were also called Mars, never went into proper manufacturing. Instead the Mars were a series of unique, handmade, prototypes. Each one slightly different from its brethren with a wide range of features, calibers, sights and barrel lengths.  

     Ian McCollum at Forgotten Weapons has in the past has done a couple of video about it. Link. Link. 



Silent Kosmos

Well, personally the barrel reminds me more of a miniature naval gun like the british BL 14-inch Mk VII for example. But damn! She looks awesome handling it!


Certainly glad to serve as a little inspiration, for all the moving mechanisms in weapons of that age, while they may only be a blur at best in the eye of the shooter in the moment, they were intricate work indeed.


Many of the devices from that period were not designed with absolute efficiency of manufacturing. A great variety of the pieces required multiple, intricate machining, polishing and hand fitting to make them function properly. True drop-in components come later. Especially if they were not being issued by major militaries.

Ayumi Silverfox

There really is so much to love about this piece. From the interesting firearm to the smaller details in both her outfit an casing bouncing off. This would make a fine picture on anyones wall 🥰


Lessee...Mars #4 but in .45 caliber? The functional definition of a hand cannon, for sure! Luna might not like it as being problematic and impractical, but some others might have another opinion... Queen Chrissy would probably just love it! 'Axe


what Luna would really like would be a long barreled Luger carbine in .45 or maybe .50 grizzly? 'Axe


BTW, Just how tall are the Royal Sisters??? I would guess at least 2 + meters or more. 'Axe


No Luna doesn't normally go for excessively large, overpenetrating hand cannons. She's perfectly fine with a 9x19mm in most cases, or at most 10mm Auto depend on the scenario.


Actually Chrissy prefers 9x19mm due to the wide range of loads available. From +P+ AP rounds to subsonic rounds. She finds it the most versatile cartridge readily available. Very useful for a covert organization.


wasn't too far off, Luna ='s ~1.9 meters, Celly tops out at 2m 3cm or so. 'Axe they ain't little girls.


It is interesting that Ian ,just today, did a profile on the pre-war Belgian 1935 GP "high Power" with all its' hardware. Right down Lunas' alley, not to men tion Chrissy. the 9x 19 really did become the universal choice for most of thre world. Still like the 1911, myself, though. 'Axe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPb-6SDXh1Q