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A recent moment from my Anthro Royal Equestria Security Force (RESF) dreamscape.   

    Page Turner watched as her phone completed it's connection to the pony on the other end of the line. Finally the screen lit up and the unicorn could see Twilight Sparkle looking back at her. The alicorn was sitting cross-legged on the bed in her hotel room where the conference was taking place. The violet mare had removed her jacket and her tie was undone and draped across her shoulders. 

     "Hello Dear." Page Turner in these situations was comfortable with being informal with the princess. Besides she wasn't just part of Twilight's security detail. She was also the princess's soulmate and lover. "How are you doing love?"

      "Oh things are going great!" Said the alicorn with a big smile...too big of a smile. "The talks are going well, and I think we'll have secured the Trade Accord by the end of conference! So things are great!"

      Page Turner slowly shook her head. "I didn't ask how the conference was going. I asked how you were doing. So how is my partner doing tonight?"

      Smile remained on Twilight's face for a couple of seconds. Then it collapsed and her shoulders slumped. "Aaaagggghhhh!!! This has been torture! Trade Minister Akluka of the Senta Trade Ministry is nitpicking over, every, single,  trivial, detail of the accord! He's complained about the font used in the document. The font Page Turner!" The princess toppled onto her back. "Arrrgghh! I could use a hug right now!" 

     In spite of Twilight's distress Page Turner couldn't help but laugh. After a second she replied. "Well it was your idea to not include me in your security detail. I believe you said I would be a distraction during the conference." 

    Twilight sat up and grasped either side of the laptop monitor. "Oh sun and moon I could use a distraction right now! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid me! I should've brought you with me! Ugh! I'm sorry love!"

    "You could do a quick teleport back to the palace if you wanted." Grinned unicorn. 

      "No I can't!" Moaned the princess. "One of the conditions Minister Akluka put in for this conference was that once it began neither party could leave the hotel until the conference has concluded! Barring medical emergencies. And the whole hotel is warded so if anypony does leave, either by physical or magical means, all parties will be alerted! I'm trapped!"

    Page Turner arched an eyebrow and smiled. "Oh poor dear! You do need a distraction don't you? Well you're lucky and I know how to distract you." 

    Slowly the unicorn extended her arm away from her face to show the princess the ensemble she was wearing. The unicorn slowly stretched out on the princess's bed, and then began tilting the camera up and down so Twilight could admire Page Turner's outfit. The unicorn giggled. 

    "So dear is this distracting?"

    The alicorn bit her lower lip and nodded her head.

    "Need more distractions love?"

     Twilight's wing snapped open and she started nodding her head even faster.

     Page Turner grinned.




Page Turner needs an enchanted plushie of Twilight so she can "play" with her from a distance~

J. McDermott

Oh, my... Page Turner is very gorgeous. And very thoughtful of her partner! Twilight is quite lucky. =)


I’d like to also point out the equally provocative dressed Twilight plush in the corner ^^