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Ayy, Let's go! So hyped to watch this :)!


love me some more new jeans content


Song is amazing! My take on it is that the new girls girls were real and they were friends with her but they all got into an accident and only she survived. I think that pretending that her friends are still there is a way of coping for her. It would also give some sense to the deer. They could have been driving and the deer got in their way and they crashed. I think the boy feels bad for her and in the end he ends up helping her through it because they walk away together!


That's also the theory I believe in. I know there are a lot of other takes out there, like a parasocial relatioship between the idols and the fans or a process of coming of age. But this one feels the best to me, especially because of that cast that Park Ji-hu is wearing. They could've used something else otherwise.


I think the way to view this side A and side B is more like episodes 1 and 2 PD as it's written 1 and 2 respectively under the title Ditto in the opening so it's viewed more as a continuation and not repeating the scene in different views as the first one where she still stuck in her past/ fantasize and the second one she moves on. The 2 theories that I like the most are where newjeans is Heesoo's idol and she fantasizes about them with her and the one I like the most though it's dark, but the theory where Newjeans is her friend but died in an accident so she is still stuck in her past but then moves on, a lot of the scenes implying so too with the writing on the cast, etc, cause thinking 'bout that theory makes me sad and chills watching this. Also, extra notes this song's genre is baltimore club, which is never used in kpop but I really love it like it's hype but also chill. *unrelated but I just listen to this and I really recommend big times for PD and anyone seeing this comment, the cover Chaewon just released for a Christmas special though it's not a Christmas song as I melted listening to this and I feel sadness and warmth (I literally cried listening to this, for real) the MV quality and how it's shot really help with the emotion too, it's Chaewon's cover of Utada Hikaru's First Love https://youtu.be/rboiHxBqdZk


i feel like the girls aren't real at all since they interact with no one but her and the deer makes her accept reality. i also feel like her walking with the boy means she or he more or so her finally had the courage to talk to him. the phone call might be either the guy or the girls in her head trying to reach out and have her come back to them, but she doesn't answer as she knows it's not real and has to move on. i think she might be an outcast to if the girls are her only friends and the possibility that they're not real which is also why she needs to move on and live in the real world. than them lastly dancing in the dark school yard is like they're dying or something since she's trying to keep them out of her head.



Alex P

My favorite interpretation is that this is a story about fandom. But regardless of what the plot is supposed to be, and whether or not this story is contained in these two videos or continues on, I think they nailed it. The amount of demographics that can relate to different parts of this video is astounding to me, and makes me think once again that HYBE is playing chess when everyone else is playing checkers. Song/Videos/Concept/Execution all 10/10, and you know that choreo is about to be viral too!


I also think the girls are dead and Heeseo struggles to move on


Adding onto my theory comment on the side a video, I’ve seen the theory that the vhs tapes she watches are just her memories stored away in a box that she can revisit (since we see shots where the tv is just static), and that she moved on with her life with the boy she likes, either from her obsession with newjeans or from her grief of losing the girls (whichever theory you believe!)


That's so cool, I had no idea this sound had a specific genre associated to it


I think the overall theme is about loss, loneliness, grief, overcoming and acceptance. In Side A she has these imaginery friends, or memories, or idol group that she loves (depending on which theory) to give her confort and help her get through life. But in the end the New Jeans girls can't replace real life relationsships (for example this guy). And if she indulges to much in the phantasy/memories it can also be isolating. I think the glitching is the slow realization that she has to move on. In Side B she starts to distance herself from the girls. Just like an idol group accompanies us for a while but eventuelly we fall out of love. Or if we are going with the dead friends theory she starts to overcome the loss. She stores them away and continues her life without them. But then in the end, when she is older, she is looking back and she is finally able to cherish the old memories. She smiles and for a brief moment the memories come back to life. It's a very sad but also happy ending. This feeling of nostalgia when you grow older is something so universally human, I think that's the reason why this piece of art resonates with so many people and everyone has their own personal interpration.


Yeahh, I saw an article mention it as the genre and it's never used in kpop before, also if you search Ditto's genre it will also come up the same.


NewJeans and the company said that the MV would contain a heart-warming story between NewJeans and Bunnies(the fandom) are together. So, one of the theories that i like on the internet is that the mv tells us about the one-sided relationship between a Bunnies and NewJeans. Starting with Side A, which tells us about NewJeans being gone. The mv mostly consists of vodeo footage that was shot by Heesoo. Heesoo watches NewJeans danckng from the camera in all places, walks in the rain with NewJeans even though she has an umbrella for herself, and she manicures Minji’s pinky nail (not Minji that manicures on Heesoo’s nail), and the encouraging massagea on Heesoo’s bandage. then, when they fall asleep, Heesoo has a dream in which she mer a deer staring from afar. But after she wakes up, the entirety of NewJeans existences is gone. this could be interpreted as the school years of kpop fans. the mc name is Ban Heesoo, which is the same pronounciation of the fandom name in korea, Bunnies. So, Heesoo is like fans who can only see NewJeans member through media (the camera). Stanning and idol might be weird to others, just like how Heesoo’s friends react when looking at her. But, Bunnies will keep spending their their school years happily, shown by the rainy scene where they are all together. In the livestream after Ditto was release, the members said that the deer means a peculiar sense of distance where you want to get closer but you can’t. it seems to mean the distance between fans and idols. Hardcore fans feel this distance at one point sometimes and them return to reality. This is shown where the NewJeans’ massages on Heesoo’s bandage disappeared, meaning that the fans realize “the idols’ words were not spoken to me”. Just like the manicure Heesoo gave Minji is left on Heesoo’s finger, meaning that fans realize “the love that I sent to an idol is left as history only for me.” so the Side A mv gives you the sadness of nearing the end of stanning an idol. But scene of Minji at the end of Side A is could be both touching and painful. On the chalk board, Minji is drawing Heesoo and this seems to show that idols are imagining their fans who are watchinf through media amd feeling their presence, telling us that fans’ love is not one-sides. And then, Minji erased the drawing a little bit, which seems to show that they also feel the moment when the fans left them. Soo starting with Side B, which tells us that NewJeans will always be waiting. Side B refers to fans who quit stanning. Heesoo’s starts to feel embarassed from recording when her classmates and even her crush looking at her. Heesoo’s camera, which used to only to film NewJeans, is now filming her crush. Watching NewJeans members who are happily dan inf even without her, Heesoo seems ro be coming back to her real life. She breaks the camera, walks in the rain alone, and ignores a phone call from Minji. This phone call symbolises “Phoning”, NewJeans’ paid fan-communication app. this means that Heesoo starts ignoring an alarm from the app. And the deer, which used to give the odd sense of unapproachability, leaves for good when Heesoo starts walking with her crush, not NewJeans, telling us that Heesoo’s stanning has ended. Then, after a long time, Heesoo, who is now adult, takes the video tape to plays the moment when she was with NewJeans. And suddenly, NewJeans just come to Heesoo as if nothing happened. It is like telling us that they will become a beautiful memory when fans look back after leaving. Also as a side note, “Ditto” means same in Latin. So basically the song seems to say that NewJeans think dearly of their fans, just as their fans think dearly of them. I found this theory on a youtube channel called Doyouram. It is a good kpop update channel that update daily so you can check them out on your own!


PD did you notice that Heejoo is the actress that portrays Onjo on All of us are dead?

William Wang

Actually, if you consider the DV in the music video to smart phone nowadays,you may understand why the MV is talking about the relationship between K-POP Idols and fans.You watch your idols music shows and variety shows everyday in school.Idols give you happiness and get rid of your loneliness.Seems like you always with them whenever they have good things or bad things.However, the reality of your life has become more and more important that you may have to stop loving them(and you know idols are not that real in your life).After several years you grown up,you may already forgot them, but the time you spend with them was not waisting,it just have become the memory in your life. When I first came into K-POP 10 years ago ,there’s no other Kpop lover in my class.Also,my country was hating Korea that time due to the sport competition. I always had to hide in the corner to watch my idols.Which is why this music video gives me so many emotions. I hope Pd loves it and please react to the ditto it’s live version.It really fits Christmas and the winter.Happy Holiday’s:)


pd, have you watch the Korean movie called “Ditto” (2000)? I don’t know if this makes sense, but I have see someone commenting about the movie and how the characters are from different eras but somehow they can communicate with the radio. Maybe in the MV the way the girl can see newjeans is using the cam record


my interpretation is actually that they're her imaginary friends. a lot overlaps with what you already said but I think she's dealing with some stuff and is very lonely so her mind comes up with these friends that she can have fun with, who won't judge her. in my mind, the deer was also a symbol for this fantasy world or childhood in a way? and she only gets with the guy when she gives them and this fantasy up and lives in the real world. that's why the deer leaves when she walks with the guy. that might also explain why the second video is colder, like the reality is colder than the illusion in the first video. and she decides to finally face it and make friends in the real world instead of running away into her fantasy world. that's what I gathered after rewatching it a few times..


I think the reason Side A is shot warmer and Side B is shot colder because in the lyrics it says “Summer’s already gone and it’s Autumn. And in Side B she’s older, hence later or Autumn.

Christian Oettl

For some reason my mind went to the conclusion, that she was friends with them, but then something happened, an accident or something. And now she's alone but still imagines seeing them. But the boy sees her and comforts her while she leaves in the rain without them and is sad watching the video back imagining them visiting her once again. But I feel you with the side C, cause it leaves a lot to interpretation. But I also like that after what feels a long time a MV of a Kpop group leaves one with a lot to interpret


NewJeans reacted side A & B on youtube, maybe you can check it out also? Bc Danielle and Hyerin actually cried during their reaction :D So my theories just sinked, they were really sad in some scenes. I feel like it's about mostly friendship? Like all of the footage is real but they're no longer frineds or close anymore? Deer is a metaphor for idk, maybe innocence or something?


I can't wait NJ releases the dance version or performance version, the choreo looks amazing!


this is the theory that i think makes the most sense as well because otherwise the cast wouldnt make since.

Falco II

All I know is I am on an emotional roller-coaster watching side A and B


Since the meaning ditto is "the same thing again". Hence there are two videos that invoke the same act. The story is how Heesoo remembering or reminiscing the girls. In Side A, you see Heesoo going for the videotape at the start of MV. Trying her hardest to reminisce the girls. Acting the same way as if the girls were still alive. Using the camcorder as a coping mechanism. Heesoo avoids any interaction(boy) as if she trying to relive the past. But if you look at side B, Heesoo remembers the girls at different locations. But you never see her using the camcorder. She did use cam on boy, as if she starts noticing him. Eventually Heesoo moves on as represented the breaking of the cam. She start doing stuff differently instead reliving the past like the rain scene. Where she doesn't act the same way as the past. Eventually she moves forward. As she found a new friend or love with the guy. They both move forward. And you see Heesoo remember the girls by watching the videotape at the end of MV in side B. Both videos invoke the same feeling of remembrance. But one video clings on the past, while the other moves into future.

mini !

my theory is that its about the relationship between fans and idols. in side A, she's injecting the girls into her life and they're always with her. I think the handicam is a replacement for cellphones, since fans can constantly get updates on their idols from their phone and feel like they're always with them. instead of seeing her idols on her phone at any time, she films them practicing and hanging out all day on the camera. and the end where its revealed they were never there, is like her realizing idols aren't actually there. they aren't actually your friend; its just a band-aid to feel less alone. and I think side B is her letting the girls go and trying to let go of her obsession with them as idols. especially the scene where she's walking away from them in the rain I think is symbolic of her letting them go. and the deer I believe is meant to portray the distance between fans and idols. deer are a common animal most people see kind of often, but they're still distant and out of reach usually. idk this is just what my interpretation was when I watched it and I've seen others have the same idea ! so basically the girls are real and also not in the footage. just like in real life, idols are constantly accessible to us through our phones, but they aren't truly there the way someone in your personal life can be. they help people get through issues everyone has in life such as loneliness or feeling different and cheer us up, but someday you grow up and let go of your obsession and turn to other people in your real life (like when she was walking with the boy instead of the girls in side B.)


It's funny... I thought it was kinda obvious after first watch. They were real... in the past and she really filmed them. But then "something" (car accident... in the winter... with a deer) happens. She survives as the only one with the arm injured. She cant't let go of them and those happy times... still pretending that theyre there continuing to film them for example. Maybe the camera and her filming was part of why the accident happened. So loss, lonelyness, grief and survivors guilt. The boy that she had a crush on for a while finally helps her to work through it (and let the camera go for example). In the present as an adult she comes back to her old room and watches her old tapes revisiting her memories and youth now from a better place herself. Still very bittersweet and sad. Of course that was just my personal theory and is not the only possible one

Brianna Martin

I believe that you're correct where the girls are either ghosts or in her head. She wants to talk to the boy she has a crush on but doesn't have the courage to and she sees or imagines these girls who are fun and carefree, who she wants to be. Eventually she does decide to go forward and let the girls go by dropping the camera and talking to the boy, then they get together and she's walking away with him. Eventually we see her return to this room but she's older and as she watches the tapes and reminisces, the girls come back to her again, still just a part of her memory though.


I'm so curious as to what's PD's take on your theory is. Like with the cast on her arm and her filming when they aren't there


This is exactly what me and my sister figured. It’s honestly the only plausible answer. They are very much real but she the last one. Where she walks out in the rain with her umbrella they were looking at her leave but they didn’t move. And they next shot she they weren’t there anymore. Like their memory only lives at school idk. But yeah


just wanted to let yall know that the demon slayer movie reaction hasn't dropped yet

Elise Green

do they have it scheduled or something?? i'm curious myself haha. so excited for their reaction


Yes. PD posted a Schedule for the entire month. Demon Slayer movie is supposed to drop today and Jujutsu Kaisen 0 movie tomorrow.


Hey PD (and Blaire too!), the Demon Slayer movie reaction still isn’t up. Hope y’all are having a great Christmas weekend! When y’all post it, could you possibly also say when tomorrow’s Jujutsu Kaisen 0 movie reaction will go up too? So that we can reach out if the time comes and goes too


Now that I’ve watched it a couple of times I think side A is about grief and or loneliness and she has lost them in an accident or she’s imagining them as friends. Side B is about growing and distancing herself from the fandom to fulfill her own life. It’s a masterpiece in film making because both sides can be interpreted in two different ways.

Wind Sam

Just my theory. The story is about 민희진's past. It is about she was unable to achieve her ideal girl group(Fx) in SM. She have to move forward, but this regret is still deep in her heart. NewJeans is Ditto...


I believe it’s about the relationship between idols and fans, on side A is like when she has them with her all the time and everywhere, even at school. But she also have some other interest beside her idol, the boy at school which make appear in her head from time to time while she is watching or looking at NJ. And then the loneliness also come to her because even she likes NJ so much, but in reality, her other friends at school who haven’t share the same interests, don’t understand her and thinks she’s weird. For the side B it’s about the turning point of her life when she decided to leave NJ behind and focus more on her school and relationship with boy she has a feeling for. She has some confusion about her decision while thinking about NJ too as she went up the stairs left and right. And when she makes the choice to put NJ aside (when she let her cam’ recorder fell to the ground) she remembering NJ. And then you will see she decides to walk in the rain alone with her umbrella and left NJ behind. Also when you see she walk to her home after school with the boy, the deer, as NJ said is the unapproachability kind of sense, just walk away from her, and she looks at the deer tearfully and dearly like it’s time to say goodbye for now. And when she become older, she take a look at her videotape about NJ, like when you look back at the good old days about your idol. Your idol is still there. When NJ back to Heesoo’s room, they also said ‘오랜만이다. It’s been a long time they haven’t been at her place. I’m sorry if my English can’t express well but the side B just makes me cry or at least get a tearful eyes every time of watching, even when I am watching your reaction video of side B. 🥹🥹🥹


Plus, as many comments said, the phone call from Minji in the second half of B side MV, implies the Phoning, the interaction platform between NJ and Bunnies, their fans.


The video is private ??


Wow that made me tear up just thinking about it :(


I wish so much that you react to "NewJeans Code in Busan". But it's actually paid content on Viki. But please react to more NewJeans stuff like guides, MAMA Stage or Light Jeans / Making Jeans / Jeans' ZINE.

Daniela Porras

Pd-nim please react to the OMG video of new jeans! All the videos apparently are connected 🎉