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The Kulture Study NewJeans 'OMG' MV REACTION & REVIEW

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Twice reaction when?🥺


YESS can't wait to watch this after work 🥹 I've been obsessed

Giu Bressani

finally!! PD this vídeo is sooo complex, but the most accepted theory is that it's about the way the fans see newjeans. While Ditto was the perspective of the fans relying on them, this is the girls perspective of losing who they are to fit into these personas the public expects from them Like Haerin being a cat, Hyein being a princess, Minji being a "doctor" and taking on a caring role (or Hanni being an iPhone lol). I find it extremely interesting, especially when connected to Ditto!

Virtual TimeLine

Theory by: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKcVpJKEHn8nn2xbQRoaPLQ I just copy and pasted this it is plausible to suggest that this masterpiece right here displays how things can really be internalized & how most people are desensitized to it. i’d like to quote two of the comments i’ve read & also add my own commentary to it: • ““i’ll run whenever you call me~ i exist for you,” hanni’s line may be expressing siri, but it’s a very important line to express idols. she is expressed as a patient who sings for us, tries for us, and then eventually loses herself & thinks that she is an iphone (siri) who has to do anything she’s being told to. an "iphone", basically a metaphor for being a person who has to run & be ‘on’ when the button (app) is pushed. • danielle, who is known to fans for always having bubbly personality, is always smiling & laughing [even] while [just] watching tv with nothing on it (she’s so used to her professionalism that it’s almost as if she is still performing & the public eye is there to watch her expressions closely even when no one is there to criticize her. an extremely uncomfortable and unrealistic dilemma to be put in, right?) • hyein has a princess syndrome, because while always trying to dress up & be her prettiest self for the fans, she forgets reality and confuses herself with fairytales. (snow white, sleeping beauty, and the revenant references) - this also reminds me of (g)-idle’s ‘nxde’ especially the line “put on my beautiful self” as idols when what actually want is to bare their souls, show their authentic self more even when they get hated for it) • haerin - ever since debut, both fans and non-fans have said haerin looks like a cat so much that she actually starts to believe she’s a cat • minji is the unofficial leader of the group (there are no positions in nwjns, but a lot of people, and myself included, think she has leadership qualities) and she’s the oldest. so she’s been known to take care of her members very well. hence, her thinking she is a doctor who’s under pressure to take care of her members.” we can also see that in 2:17, she finally decided to check up on her own self too. she needs someone to attend to her needs as well since she is also still young. when people are constantly telling idols what they should do & how to behave/having such audacity to dictate their lives, it will eventually get into them. there is a chance that they may actually, subconsciously, start believing them. (this also reminds me of the rise of bangtan ep 4 or also known as the times where namjoon expressed his crisis of how he wrestled with his own thoughts that deals with the society’s opinion about him & idols in general, and how he also came up with the resolution of why would he even tried so hard to categorize & box his identity if he is an idol or an artist, when he can just be himself without confinements). because by projecting things towards these artists & feel the need to tweak almost everything about them can be equal to insisting that they should replace their real selves in order to please us just because we are the source of their income and we are the ones making them relevant; which ironically made us become deeply into them and stan them in the first place because there are parts of them that are authentic... that are ‘very human’ which are relatable. and when hanni said, “now i am ashamed that i was worried. it doesn’t matter who i am anymore. i exist for you.” it’s just heartbreaking. because there are k-pop idols who feel sorry and people even guilt trip them when they are expressing their honest feelings. it’s sad that when they finally choose to share their genuine concerns, the public tends to deem them as ungrateful for all the platform, fame/success, support, and all those other things they have — as if all these things would immune them from feeling empty or restless from doing what they used to be passionate about for a long time. when they are being invalidated, eventually, they may perceive that voicing out their thoughts and emotions are pointless since they are always available for fans, but they rarely get to have someone who will listen to them & hold space for them. (it honestly kinda reminds me of the same dilemma in singularity by taehyung. the lyrics “i don’t have a voice,” “i dumped myself into the lake, i buried my voice for you” & “have i lost myself or have i gained you” this is important because as a singer, his voice is what defines him. a symbol of his identity, if you will. it could be interpreted as them sacrificing their real voice and identity in order to please us. or the later half of bts festa 2022 where they’ve expressed their dilemmas when they are experiencing burn out. taehyung even said, “i’ve wanted to show the things that are inside me for a long time now. at some point, having these thoughts started to feel wrong. i became cautious in even mentioning the things i’ve wanted to try. and it was hard to even say that i’m going to try it.” or when hobi said, “so i hope you don’t see this as a negative thing.”, “i hope you’ll understand”.) stans (and even the industry itself) have the tendency to feel entitled & therefore, demand such unnecessary things from them. things which don’t really lessen their musicality/artistry, other skills, and worth. they are being subjected to be stripped off their basic rights just for the entertainment & the audience’s attachment to them which we already know are harmful (e.g., fans are very much enticed to fall in love with them but idols themselves are not allowed to fall in love or being frowned upon & lose support if ever they are involved in dating scandals or they themselves openly admit that someone else’s already own their heart & thus, they’re not available anymore which will crash the fantasies of delusional individuals out there and companies who profit from them being marketed as fans’ potential romantic partners/close friends/family i.e. parasocial relationships). but sometimes, things still need to be put into perspective. this visual presentation & social commentary is truly top tier that we all should learn from & be more mindful of. otherwise, we would all collectively loose our minds without even knowing it. and just go back from “it is what it is” since such unhealthy perception & treatment has always been the norms — especially in the industry that people mostly often apply the “they’re just doing their job” notion & forgot that they are also human beings like us. “i think the team at ador & hybe are VERY self aware of media and newjeans’ market. they know what people say about newjeans!! this is their first comeback and only 5 months since their debut & they’re already challenging the industry and doing callbacks to their debut! a MASTERPIECE of a music video & the song is 10/10! i love the breaking of the 4th wall, i love how they called out their haters at the end of the video, i love hanni dressed as steve jobs. i mean, this video has it all: humor, weird/quirkyness, references, callbacks, serious topic(s), lore, introspection, thought-provoking...” the only one i’ve experienced who goes with this kind of depth, substance, socio-psychological commentaries and other related issues & therefore has that replay value ever since day 1/debut, is bts. so experiencing the craft of newjeans: the concepts & rich message they’re going for so far is both nostalgic and refreshing in today’s era saturated of only aesthetically-focused content without that much of a substance. and the fact that they are doing both is chef’s kiss. sorry if this is long-winded. i just can’t express enough how this is just so promising at all levels. p.s. all the references i’ve mentioned that i personally find relatable to one another are just based on my background as a psych major, my prior exposure to k-pop culture, those similar patterns i’ve observed in how the industry works, and even just from individuals i’ve encountered/get to experience daily (how they turn their thoughts & emotions into art.) thanks for checking out new jeans!


In Hanni's intro, replace iPhone for idol and it will make more sense. Minji is a patient who thinks she is a doctor, Hanni is an iPhone, Danielle is the only one who thinks they are NewJeans, Kitty Haerin is ... a kitty, maknae Hyein is in a world of fairytales.


And right after Minji collects herself with the rest of the members, in the choreo part a couple of seconds later where they are wearing white, there are two minjis for a second.


The actor you noticed is Ko Munyoung’s CEO from Its Okay To Not Be Okay


Hanni - Her's was explicitly outline, she believes she is Siri or an iPhone. Basically, she believes she is a device meant to best service others. Minji - She believes herself to be a doctor, trying to cure the other members and putting them all in an ambulance, but also herself. We she this when she walks up to 'herself,' squatting on the road, and puts herself in the ambulance taking all the girls to the hospital. Maybe she is taking on the burden of finding cures, or comfort for other. Hyein - She is depicted as thinking of herself as a princess, or a character from fictional books. We see this as she is presented in the role of a modern-day Cinderella, while Danielle plays her Prince Charming. We see Danielle wooing Hyein, and then then the clock, or in this case Apple watch, striking 12 and Hyein runs away in a subway 'carriage.' We also see her depicted as Snow White, who eats a poisoned apple and then wakes up not to a prince but a bear. Maybe this combines the Goldilocks story, where Goldilocks steals the bears bed. Hyein seems to have regret for this decision, as she looks at a teddy bear forlornly later. Haerin - She is very aptly playing a cat. She seems to think of herself as one, as in one seen all the other four girls gaze at a cat, and she can later be seen eating what I think is cat food as the other members again watch on. Danielle - We first see Danielle laugh and point at a TV playing static. This sets her up, for later in the video where she is revealed to have the delusion of thinking she is NewJeans or an idol. We see her insisting to the others they are a girl group shooting a music video, and then a medley of videos of NewJeans play. This all ends when Minji in the Attention video says, 'All right, stop.' This is as if, Minji in her role as the doctor, as infiltrated Danielle's deluded memories and is asking her to stop for now. There are lots of other fun things to interpret in the video, but I think it is essentially trying to send the message that in a digital age we are desperately trying to connect to others, but we do so through fake personas and identities, failing then to form real relationships. Automatic_stay4526 sorry for long analysis




this was a really interesting read, i liked seeing the points you made/brought to light. thanks.


this music video is one of the coolest vids I've ever seen tbh. I love how it was connected with Ditto in some of the scenes, and I can't wait to see their next releases to see what other connections they make

Marcel Wannieck

The doctor was in It's Okay to not be Okay. He played the CEO of the publishing company. "I have no idea what I'm watching" same dude. No other music video has ever left me so genuinely confused and questioning my sanity.


I like how even if PD was confused, PD was still able to mention most of many theories being discussed around internet about the MV towards the end 😂 Love the MV so much, it’s not like a grand or elaborate MV set-wise but it’s so captivating! I don’t know how to describe it, maybe it’s the way it’s shot, the camera used which makes me feel like I’m watching a film or a Netflix series (which I felt also for Hype Boy MVs)

Shanna S.

Honestly I LOVE NewJeans, but my favorite part of that video is that they have Hanni dressed up like Steve Jobs… like… the dedication 😂☺️❤️


Pls PD the girls are going to variety shows you should eventually watch, like: - Hal Myeongsoo show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnwx0X3kWJY - Yoo Quiz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4udcYOFCOU - Idol Physical race, part 1 and 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQwpgvYVhuY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3vPzcHJgTY - They did a 3 episodes (1 hour long each) called NewJeans Code in Busan, of course to promote the city, it's on Viki: https://www.viki.com/tv/38904c-newjeans-code-in-busan - Their own variety at their youtube channel called New Zips and so on...


loved how in ditto they spoiled the omg choreo


yes! haha I rewatched Ditto after watching OMG and I was like waaaaait a minute lol


RIGHT?? I realized after a few seconds and I was like I know they didn't do my girl Hanni like that

Alex P

lol, i was going to post this if no one else did!


Adding to that those are all roles that are representing the roles they were asigned by fans: Minji as the leader/mom figure/caretake. Hyein as the (spoiled) Maknea being like a princess. Haerin looking cat-like. And so on. This fits in the idea that OMG is like a satire or comment on how idols can lose themselves and their actuall personalities in the roles they are asigned to by fans or the company. To the point that they can't even seperate them anymore


omg the idol physical race was so good, i second that!!

Meruka Hinaru

It's so funny watching this MV again when you already know what's going on and then see people confused by it haha


IMO, this lore is either only going to be in this comeback or it's as you said going to be in the long run so many things are still in mystery. I think newjeans going to be the master at their MV from the beginning till now all their MV is really good and especially this comebacks MV had a lot of meaning to it, their song is also always so good, and always on repeat. Hybe is really giving it all to their rookies, with Newjeans the MV is just wow and with LSRF the lyrics and concept on their discography are just wow, they don't allow half-baked stuff there. I think your head will explode with all that theorizing PD lol. Unrelated but I'm very much recommending Huh Yunjin's second self-composed song, you will love it and the lyrics too are really deep PD.


NewJeans is currently breaking so many records its insane! They joined BTS and IU to be the only acts in history to have a song reach over 400+ hours of Perfect-All-Kill - so the first girl group ever! (Ditto btw) 😫 They are also the fastest kpop group in history to reach over 500million streams on spotify ! I love everything about them, I really suggest you to watch their appearance on "Yoo Quiz on the block" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4udcYOFCOU Their CEO Min Heejin joined them there aswell. Its pretty interesting to see her talk about the relationship she has even with the members' parents/family. I'm so happy for them, they really deserve everything. I really hope you decide to get to know them a little better in the future PD! There is a lot of variety to watch right now aswell! Hanni is also appearing on LeeMujin's Service next week, I can't wait to hear her honey voice! But I know there are so many groups these days so its really hard to make space for new ones. 😅

Wiktor (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-01 01:44:13 This is a theory I’ve personally come up with. I haven’t seen this theory around. But if it is. Fairs. - Each NWJNS member is in a “mental ward?” Right? Each has their own problem? Hanni - Thinks she’s an IPhone, Minji thinks she’s a therapist but she’s actually the patient, Haerin thinks she’s a cat, HYEIN thinks she’s a princess (ghost? Cant decide) and Danielle thinks she’s in a girl group called NewJeans, made up of her fellow therapy mates… that’s the plot I’ve so far gathered from this MV. But looking back at their previous MVs and Songs… Each MV in a way focused / told the POV/Story of each of the members “issues”. - HypeBoy & Attention - Danielle - Made Up GirlGroup She is in? The MV she made up in her mind are those. - there could also be a big meaning to WHY Danielle and Haerin “shared” an MV and not had their “OWN” like the others… - Ditto - the whole “death” of the NWJNS members? / being imaginary - correlation to HYEIN and her depiction of a “ghost” in this MV & Danielle’s “fake girl group”. - Ditto & OMG - HAERIN - the cat genre throughout. - OMG - Minji & Hanni - the Intro was all about Hanni thinking she’s a IPhone and Minji thinking she’s the girls “therapist”? Those are the correlations I’ve made so far… EACH members “issues” which we learned in the OMG mv are scattered in their previous MV’s. I love the idea of altered reality. What is and isn’t real? - could OMG be just another members “issue”? Or was it purposely there to tell us / hint at the lore we where previously given? Like the catalyst mv to the lore? My big picture lore theory : “NewJeans are just dolls - almost like a child or someone is playing with them”.- by this is mean… think of NEWJEANS as “sims”. Now I can’t give you the real explanation to why I think it’s that… as there’s not much evidence I can provide. It’s just a hunch I’ve had - the way they dance - the moves are very “puppet like”. That’s the best I can give rn. The choreography, the dance moves… it’s screamed “puppets” to me after looking back at it all. Any popular theories? I would love to hear them!
2023-01-13 18:43:38 This is a theory I’ve personally come up with. I haven’t seen this theory around. But if it is. Fairs. - Each NWJNS member is in a “mental ward?” Right? Each has their own problem? Hanni - Thinks she’s an IPhone, Minji thinks she’s a therapist but she’s actually the patient, Haerin thinks she’s a cat, HYEIN thinks she’s a princess (ghost? Cant decide) and Danielle thinks she’s in a girl group called NewJeans, made up of her fellow therapy mates… that’s the plot I’ve so far gathered from this MV. But looking back at their previous MVs and Songs… Each MV in a way focused / told the POV/Story of each of the members “issues”. - HypeBoy & Attention - Danielle - Made Up GirlGroup She is in? The MV she made up in her mind are those. - there could also be a big meaning to WHY Danielle and Haerin “shared” an MV and not had their “OWN” like the others… - Ditto - the whole “death” of the NWJNS members? / being imaginary - correlation to HYEIN and her depiction of a “ghost” in this MV & Danielle’s “fake girl group”. - Ditto & OMG - HAERIN - the cat genre throughout. - OMG - Minji & Hanni - the Intro was all about Hanni thinking she’s a IPhone and Minji thinking she’s the girls “therapist”? Those are the correlations I’ve made so far… EACH members “issues” which we learned in the OMG mv are scattered in their previous MV’s. I love the idea of altered reality. What is and isn’t real? - could OMG be just another members “issue”? Or was it purposely there to tell us / hint at the lore we where previously given? Like the catalyst mv to the lore? My big picture lore theory : “NewJeans are just dolls - almost like a child or someone is playing with them”.- by this is mean… think of NEWJEANS as “sims”. Now I can’t give you the real explanation to why I think it’s that… as there’s not much evidence I can provide. It’s just a hunch I’ve had - the way they dance - the moves are very “puppet like”. That’s the best I can give rn. The choreography, the dance moves… it’s screamed “puppets” to me after looking back at it all. Any popular theories? I would love to hear them!

This is a theory I’ve personally come up with. I haven’t seen this theory around. But if it is. Fairs. - Each NWJNS member is in a “mental ward?” Right? Each has their own problem? Hanni - Thinks she’s an IPhone, Minji thinks she’s a therapist but she’s actually the patient, Haerin thinks she’s a cat, HYEIN thinks she’s a princess (ghost? Cant decide) and Danielle thinks she’s in a girl group called NewJeans, made up of her fellow therapy mates… that’s the plot I’ve so far gathered from this MV. But looking back at their previous MVs and Songs… Each MV in a way focused / told the POV/Story of each of the members “issues”. - HypeBoy & Attention - Danielle - Made Up GirlGroup She is in? The MV she made up in her mind are those. - there could also be a big meaning to WHY Danielle and Haerin “shared” an MV and not had their “OWN” like the others… - Ditto - the whole “death” of the NWJNS members? / being imaginary - correlation to HYEIN and her depiction of a “ghost” in this MV & Danielle’s “fake girl group”. - Ditto & OMG - HAERIN - the cat genre throughout. - OMG - Minji & Hanni - the Intro was all about Hanni thinking she’s a IPhone and Minji thinking she’s the girls “therapist”? Those are the correlations I’ve made so far… EACH members “issues” which we learned in the OMG mv are scattered in their previous MV’s. I love the idea of altered reality. What is and isn’t real? - could OMG be just another members “issue”? Or was it purposely there to tell us / hint at the lore we where previously given? Like the catalyst mv to the lore? My big picture lore theory : “NewJeans are just dolls - almost like a child or someone is playing with them”.- by this is mean… think of NEWJEANS as “sims”. Now I can’t give you the real explanation to why I think it’s that… as there’s not much evidence I can provide. It’s just a hunch I’ve had - the way they dance - the moves are very “puppet like”. That’s the best I can give rn. The choreography, the dance moves… it’s screamed “puppets” to me after looking back at it all. Any popular theories? I would love to hear them!


Yesss!! Was waiting for this one! Lol not you saying you’re so confused but at the same time understanding / explaining everything correctly pd🫡 hahaha. I’m not a newjeans fan, I’m a casual listener, I enjoy their music a lot and their MVs too! And with this being their first comeback, I think the concept they portrayed here was the whole purpose of creating a project like them (I mean, i feel like is the main idea from the ceos or creative directors for debuting them), because this is a weird first comeback, and I mean it in the best way possible, imo it’s very early in their career to show this much of existential / philosophical concepts because in the end they’re a pop group… this type of topics / problematics don’t fit in pop culture! They should but y’all may know what I mean, pop consumers enjoy more simple things, etc etc. but, in the other hand, there’s ppl like me lol who enjoy both things and when pop and “alt” culture mix it just feels like a masterpiece😭 but it also makes sense why they debuted with such a cool / refreshing concept! To attract pop stans! and I’m so mad and jealous, as a creative person myself I wish I worked with the ppl who created this concept because it’s insane, the contradiction, the symbolisms and metaphors of what reality can be, social construction / structure, capitalism, etc. and from the perspectives of women!!!! It’s beautiful!!! I’m literally gagged that something like this is being done in frikin kpop, one of the most superficial industrys out there lmao, this is the most real thing that has ever been done in kpop, and I lowkey don’t have the right to say that bc I’m an early 2010s stan, I was not during 1st Gen lol but ooooops I’ll still hold my statement until someone changes my mind🤷‍♀️. I’m amazed, still disgusted for the things that have been around about min heejin, do not support the type of content she likes💀, but I know she’s not the only one getting profit from the project so, the girls and the other ppl working in ador need to pay their bills sooo the show must go on! Can’t wait for what they have left to show!! Thanks for the reaction pd! (Excuse my grammar, my English is not the best of the best😭)


It's a meta commentary about the relationship between idols and fans from an idols perspective. The lyrics are a dialogue from NewJeans with the fans: "This song it's about you baby (...) when I'm down (...) feel like I'm crying (...) pretend to be okay (...) it's you, you worry about me (...) it's you, you make me laugh (...) boy what do you say?". But as idols they are "starting to get confused between 'what others say about me' and the 'real me' (...)" since they only "exist for you [the fans]" (like Hanni expresses during the beginning). They're NewJeans but with all these different expectations put on them, they lost their own identity and sense of self: Hanni (in her Steve Jobs cosplay outfit) thinks she is an iPhone. Hyein thinks she is a pretty fairytale princess that died after eating the poisonous apple. Haerin thinks she is a cat (fans sometimes say, that she looks like a cat). Minji as leader tries to take care of them and thinks, she is a doctor. Danielle (who is known for always smiling and who in the MV laughed while looking at an empty tv), is still confused but tries to convince them, that they're NewJeans, breaking the 4th wall ("We're shooting a music video right now. Aren't we?").


That's awesome, I came up with a quite similar theory! I also think every member has their own metal "issue" like you described. Hanni - IPhone, Haerin - Cat, Minji - Patient/Doctor. I think Hyein thinks she's the protagonist of all the fairy tales, they are all named when she first opens the book on the first page. And I think Danielles mental "issue" is thinking she's a member of NewJeans. (But then the were actually shooting a mv when she called it out, so what i reality and what isnt?) Anyways this is obviously just my interpretations in most likley completely wrong haha


this is my take on it- the music video was just a camp way of expressing the idol's side of the parasocial relationship between an artist and a fan. hanni's monologue in the beginning really brings that to light: "when you call me, i will run to you anytime anywhere. i exist for you" it brings the concern of artists having to exist only for the fans- they're trying to say they're real people too. she's an "iphone", basically a metaphor for being a person who has to run and be 'on' when the button (app) is pushed. danielle is very smily/bubbly type of person. fans always comment on her happy attitude and when she's watching the tv static and laughing at it, i think it shows that she's stuck in the label that people cast on her. so she's just laughing at nothing in that scene. hyein has princess syndrome, because while always trying to dress up and be her prettiest self for the fans, she forgets reality and confuses herself with fairytales. (snow white, sleeping beauty, and the revenant references) haerin- ever since debut, fans and nonfans have said haerin looks like a cat so much that she actually starts to believe she's a cat. minji is the unofficial leader of the group (there are no positions in nwjns, but a lot of people and myself included think she has leadership qualities) and she's the oldest. so she's been known to take care of her members very well. hence her thinking she is a doctor who's under pressure to take care of her members. i think the team at ador and hybe are VERY self aware of media and newjeans' market. they know what people say about newjeans!! this is their first comeback and only 5 months since their debut and they're already challenging the industry and doing callbacks to their debut! a MASTERPEICE of a music video, and the song is 10/10! i love the breaking of the 4th wall, i love how they called out their haters at the end of the video, i love hanni dressed as steve jobs. i mean, this video has it all- humor, weird/quirkyness, references, callbacks, serious topic, lore, introspection, thought provoking... no one is doing it like newjeans. i mean that literally, this has never been done before


Nothing is wrong or right atmmm!!! I love hearing all these theories!


Oh! Would really love you to see this interview of them, wherein they also briefly get to talk about songwriting and processes. I thought it was fascinating to hear how talented and involved they are! https://youtu.be/zybsnUBtlSQ


My theory: Goin back to Ditto, everyone pretty much assumes its from the POV of a fan and their parasocial relationship with idols. The girl filming in the video's name = Ban Heesoo = Bunnies = NJ fandom name. And in the start of this mv Hanni was reaching out to the bunnies/Heesoo askin what do we want her to do for us. And OMG is from the POV of idols who lose their self identities, partially due to fans always applying an image to an idol even if the idol is nothing like that at all. In this video, Minji is the doctor/leader identity and gen pop koreans think, as one of the oldest, she should lead the group. Hanni is the people pleaser who will do whatever it takes to please the fans. Haerin is representing how people apply animals or colors or fruits to idols even if it doesn't match the person at all. Everyone calls her a cat due to her eyes. Hyein is like the princess because people think she has to be taken care of really delicately due to her age (which is pretty true) and she's slowly losing who she is. And I Danielle is representing the one idol who can separate reality from the fandom/group. She knows at the end of the day they are just New Jeans, but people think that's crazy/not enough.


That probably is the best description I've seen so far about this video and honestly it makes sense from this lens!


Hi PD you should definitely watch their live stages from today: Ditto: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaO0Wq3Acfs OMG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-p1ftgMVWOc