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Why was this movie the best? I had so much fun! Sometimes when a movie is all over the place in tone it doesn't work for me but this one DID! I genuinely love those guys❤️Hope you enjoy! 

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[Full Reaction] Lethal Weapon 2 (1989)


nick bell

Do you love Joe Pesky again?

Jaccob Cortes

"Just like the bad guy, from lethal weapon 2, I've got diplomatic immunity, so Hammer you can't sue" -Peter Griffin

Neill Shaughness

This is my favorite in the series, but I think LW4 will be your favorite. It feels like a big fun family reunion.

Gábor Árki

"Do we do it on three? Or one, two, three, then do it?" I've been looking forward to this the whole week. This is probably my favorite in the series, but I can tell with much confidence you will equally enjoy the remaining two movies as well.


YES! Listening to the intro... the new superman, Batman Vs Superman, Justice League is a must. Superman II was her pick... so i guess sonner or later its gonna happen. Fingers crossed! I remember watching LW2 in the cinema.. seems so long ago especially when you consider apartheid was still a thing in SA. BTW Patsy Kensit who played the love interst was in a pop band in the 80s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-PYqUHfTMA She's married musicians a couple of times, Dan donovan fromBig Audio Dynamite, Jim Kerr From Simple Minds and Liam Gallagher from Oasis.

Odd Thomas

2 is definitely the best, but 3 is fun (and it has a post credit scene by the way!). 4 is the weakest, but has a great opening.

Celeste McAllister

I love when a sequel is better than the first,Danny & Mel make a great team,it's action,cops,investigation a shoot em up bromance with especially slimy bad guys! "I'm shooting the breeze,shooting the fish!" 😀🐟 from Richard Donner the director of 'Superman' 78...


This is a very fun sequel. You can finally love Joe Pesci again. He plays a butthead really well but I love so see his comedic chops in this one. Wonderful watch with you Cassie. Loving me some True Detective as well.

David Crabtree

Looking forward to watching this! I hope you continue this movie series, Lethal Weapon 3 is my favorite, followed by 4!

Zane From Canada

"Before Lethal Weapon 2, I never knew there could be a bomb in my toilet. But now I check every time." 🤣 -Homer Simpson

Jon Johns

I luv 4, too, Brooke. Like a family reunion, as someone else already said.

Jon Johns

Cassie having so much fun during this is making my whole weekend! DH, know what I mean?

Odd Thomas

Bond movies! Yay! Honestly any of them I'd be happy to watch but it sounds like you're starting with Connery, which is cool

Adam Hendry

Fun little fact- after they fall from the window into the pool, in the background you can a couple of shots of the building they used for "Die Hard"... One year I was in L.A. for holidays and we drove down to Century City. Just down the street is the Warner Brothers Studio if I remember correctly...


I’m happy you are enjoying the series so far. I rank the movies as they were released in terms of best to worst. Glover and Gibson have great chemistry together.

John Cranberry

LW2 was always my favorite, but LW4 was bloody awesome too. Love you Cassie, always 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘


It's good to see so much smiling and laughing with this film in between the True Detective episodes.

Patrick Egan

I'm so glad you're enjoying these, Cassie! I think you're going to enjoy the 3rd and 4th movies even more than the first two. The third one is probably my favorite in the series, but all four of them are very good, a rare thing for a series of movies like this.

Odd Thomas

Speaking of great sequels, I hope you get to Die Hard 3 soon; it's the best one imo

Rick Williams

Great movie. That was fun watching it again. It Has been a while since I saw this movie. I like revisiting the 80's. I forgot just how good the movies from when I was a kid were. Great Reaction. The 80's & 90's had some great movies. You need to watch more of them. And the rest of the Lethal Weapon movies.

Zane From Canada

Everything you loved and all the feels you felt, you'll get again with LW3 and again with LW4. 😁🤣😲😢😭🙂 Plus, some new characters. 👍

Gábor Árki

This reaction was everything I was hoping for and more. I didn't have a particularly good week, but this made my weekend and put me in a really good mood now. Cassie, hope this also helped a bit with your January Blues. The Apartheid lasted until the early 1990s. By the late 80s, a lot of countries put various trade sanctions in place and this pushed the South African economy to an unsustainable path. In 1990 prominent political prisoners have been released and negotiations started to end segregation. The first multiracial elections happened in 1994 won by Nelson Mandela. Invictus (2009), which I did suggest a few times, is a really good and inspirational movie about the aftermath of the Apartheid. As I wrote above, this is probably my favorite entry in the series, although number 3 is very close. I love how Murtaugh's family practically adopted Riggs into the family. The chemistry and bickering between the two are still amazing, to begin with, but then adding Joe Pesci as a third wheel just elevates it to the next level. Even though this is not a series where I think the bad guys are particularly important, but the movie really shines in this aspect too. Joss Ackland is a great character actor and his portrayal of Arjen Rudd is one of the most memorable villain performances for me. The way he delivered that "diplomatic immunity" line is just so repelling yet memorable. As said in the outro, it is really hard to balance between so different tones but this series can really pull it off, and I think LW 2-3-4 does a better job in this regard than the first one. They still go to dark and sad places but not as much as the first one, meanwhile the entertainment value is definitely upped a bit. That end scene when Riggs is shot and then Knockin' on Heaven's Door starts playing is always giving me some chills. Although for today's viewers, it is obvious he can't die, cause there are other movies, in 1989 it was very much a possibility. So much so, that earlier versions of the script did contain that ending. This got already way too long. So all in all, after this one, I can't wait for a Lethal Weapon 3 reaction. 😃 PS: Lethal Weapon 3 has a fun post credit scene!

Odd Thomas

When Riggs says "Well it still is!" at the beginning car chase, that is SO not Mel Gibson's voice, lol


I knew you'd love this one which is why I was really hoping it would win in the poll.


I LOVE the Lethal Weapons series because you get an old, worn out police veteran and family man on the verge of retirement - paired to a danger-prone, lonely widower who is armed with a wicked, almost childish sense of humor - and they become a FAMILY. Somewhere in there is a crime story with action, comedy and good fun. Riggs is cooking chili while Trish is sorting out daily vitamins into little bags for Martin (presumedly because she’s doing it for her husband also and this man keeps him alive on the job). “Where does Trish keep my laundry?” It’s a big family and I love that! They don’t make ‘em like this anymore and the next two are my favorites of the bunch.

Victor Trujillo

Thanks Cassie for watching. I love all your reactions.I grew up watching those movies, love the Lethal Weapon franchise. I hope you watch the 3rd and 4th one. And supposedly Mel Gibson is directing the 5th movie, can’t wait for that one.

Matt Rose

Glad you dug it. It's my favorite of the series, easily.


I’m too old for this…

Steve Holton

Glad your week is going better now! I enjoy your comments. Joss Ackland also good as the Soviet diplomat in The Hunt For Red October. "Naval activities? I don't know much about that, though I was never much of a sailor."

Sindre Kristiansen

I'm always a bit taken aback at how happy I get when you upload a movie reaction. This one was particularly great. I grew up with LW (and other 80s and 90s movies you have reacted to) and I think your reaction is basically spot on for what the movie is trying to do. It's a good balance of friendship, love, action, and humor. It's very endearing to see you go through so many emotions in the span of one movie. Both Danny Glover and Mel Gibson give great performances. I'm excited to see your LW3 and LW4 reactions. Have a great weekend, everyone <3

Mike Lemon

"was that (apartheid) still going on in the '90s"- The laws were repealed a couple years after this movie. A few decades after that racist laws against whites were passed. Murder of white farmers became a real problem around the same time.

Matt Rose

Of note: this is the last one written by Shane Black. In Shane's original ending for LW2, Riggs died. When the producers didn't keep that ending, he left the series so different screenwriters took over. Since you're digging LW1 and LW2 so much, I really can't stress enough: you need to see KISS KISS BANG BANG. Instead of Mel Gibson and Danny Glover, you've got Robert Downey Jr. and Val Kilmer. It's a blast.

Mike Lemon

Judging from a quick math problem, assuming a 3'x3'x3' cube of the money shown in the container (without adjusting for actual bill dimensions), stacked 3 high, 3 deep, and 3 wide, that is about $18 billion in cash. About $43 billion in today's dollars.

Joon S

And Michelle Monaghan (True Detective, a couple Mission Impossible movies). Can't believe you forgot to mention her! KKBB is a must watch. Make it happen people!

Andrew Hogan

The fact that Cassie is starting to speak in movie gibberish is hilarious.

Mike Lemon

And don't forget him (Ackland) playing the sit-up champion of the 27th century.

Peter MacColeman

Agreed. That’s why they had the song knocking on heavens door in the scene. The extended cuts of these films add so much to the film.

Ahmad Zain

Hey! Love your reactions, will u please watch Christopher Nolan's Tenet., It would be a cool reaction with u and carly

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

I just noticed, when they're waiting to watch Rianne's commercial, the show on the TV is an episode of Tales From The Crypt called "And All Through The House", you can't really see her face but the woman in that scene is Mary Ellen Trainor, she plays the police psychiatrist in the Lethal Weapon movies.

Just Plain Bob

In a world of wonderful Cassie reactions, this one is in my top 5.


We all need a lotion break every now and then because sometimes - you know just sometimes - the world can wait. 🤝😁 I salute you. (the relief seemed worth it) lol

Matt Rose

She might like THE NICE GUYS more, actually. It might be more her speed. In a just world, we'd have had a couple of sequels to this film.

Robert da Spruce

Does Cassie need to institute a rating system based on how many times she snort-laughs during a movie? This one was a two snorter! 😂 Great reaction Cassie! I hope you continue on with the series when you have time.

Andrew Rose

That song from George Harrison at the end "Cheer Down" just clicks into so many emotions for me from that time of my life.. funny how it brings back the nostalgia like it does. So glad you watched and enjoyed this movie with us. Thank you Cassie!!

Brad P

Seeing this film in the theater with a big crowd was a fantastic experience. It was great fun watching it again through your fresh eyes.

Brian Lowery

These two movies were written by Shane Black. If you want more like them, I recommend: The Long Kiss Goodnight The Nice Guys Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang

Seth R

Can’t wait for Lethal Weapon 3 & 4


I cant tell you how excited I was to see that this was uploaded. please watch all 4!!!!

Patrick Gibbs

Lol “Good for Rianne! She had a hard… last movie” 😂🤣 Your commentary cracks me up sometimes! ❤️

Shawn Kildal

A little bit ironic that the vote was for Lethal Weapon 2 and that Cassie voted for Superman 2 because Richard Donner did direct Lethal Weapon 2 and was fired from Superman 2.

Shawn Kildal

Just a guess, but I don't think Cassie is going to have any snort laughs from the Godfather 2

Johnny Salinas

After Lethal Weapon 3 and 4, Try "Conspiracy Theory" and "Forever Young" 😊

Björn Karlsson

Hahaha I got so confused when I read your question about it. 🤣🤣🤣 I had no idea what you were wondering about 🤪🤪🤣🤣🤣 So I had to look up that word on Google 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I probably looked like a living question mark 😬😬🤣🤣🤣


"In a just world, we'd have had a couple of sequels to this film." Amen to that

Björn Karlsson

Hmmm...... I think you wrote on Discord last week about the french movie Amour 🤔🤔🤔 Pls check up my reply 😊

Mike LL

I'm glad you watched this movie with the Three Stooges, er this fun movie with Rigss, Murtaugh and Getz.

Jonathan Hall

Watching this made me so happy. I love all the Lethal Weapons. Even the 4th one that usually breaks the trilogy rule is enjoyable to me.

Larry Darrell

Mary Ellen Trainor, a Richard Donner regular; as well as being married at the time to Robert Zemeckis, making her a regular of his, and who directed the Tales from the Crypt episode, written by Fred Dekker, who also wrote The Monster Squad with Shane Black, which Mary Ellen appeared in as well.

Larry Darrell

Ransom would be the 9th film directed by Ron Howard for her. Superman II, Lethal Weapon 3 or Conspiracy Theory could be her 7th Richard Donner film.

Johnny Salinas

I saw it at the drive in with Batman back when I was a kid. It was so much fun 😀

Larry Darrell

Perfect use of Bob Dylan's "Knockin' on Heaven's Door." Dylan wrote the song for his soundtrack to Sam Peckinpah's, Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid (1973), which Dylan also starred.

Scott Macaulay

I think she'll like the Don Corleone early years parts tho. She kept wondering what his story was in the Godfather watch.

Jason Mangen

Ok. Ok. Ok. They F you at the drive thru. True then as it is true today

Terry Yelmene

"How can they do that? I think I snot laughed twice and almost cried!" "There was such sadness and yet it was fun too," "And Leo... it was My Cousin Vinnie again!" I think this was great, but somehow I liked the reaction for LW1 a little better. Still, this was excellent.

Cassie Tremblay

i think i need to do a whole reaction video to parodies from family guy, simpson, south park of movies i’ve watched!

Erik Daniel

I've been beyond excited since the second I saw this drop. Just getting through (another) sickness and I think today is finally the day I get to watch. It's like Christmas all over.

Christopher B.

Great fun time, Cassie! Just based on your reaction in the moment I felt like I could almost feel your sense of anger and emotional betrayal when the movie went super-dark and revealed the truth about what happened with Rigg's wife Vicki, and then Rika as well.

Bill Maurer

Riggs (Gibson's character) was planned on being killed off at the end of the movie. But the producers knew they would not make and $$equels from his dying off. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0097733/trivia/?ref_=tt_trv_trv

Matt Mabry

So, true story, Pesci got the, "Ok, Ok, Ok" line from and get this - Walt Disney World employees. Yes, back then, the employees were taught to say, "OK, OK, OK" as a placating tactic for upset patrons on in the park. Great reaction again!! I am wondering though.... do you recommend these movies to Carley?


The “Nakatomi Building” was actually part of 20th Century Fox. My aunt was a paralegal for one of the studio attorneys and the legal department was in that building. I’d go there with her and we’d park in the garage where Argyle was hanging out in the limo.


My cheeks hurt from smiling! Thank you for enjoying things so much!


Hey Cassie, that was fun. Thanks! Ever since you saw My Cousin Vinny, I’ve been waiting for this. I think it’s been a while since I’ve heard you laugh out loud as much as you did in this movie and I don’t think I’ve ever heard you snort laugh… but don’t worry… I snort laughed a couple times too. Joe Pesci is just too funny… Okay, okay, okay, okay. That was a catch phrase for a while after the movie came out. This was a comedy/drama/action/thriller all rolled into one 🍿

Erik Daniel

Well I just laughed and smiled for 2 hours straight lol. Your love for Leo Getz made me so happy haha. Especially when you noticed Leo copying Murtaugh in the South African consulate and pushing no one at all lol. Little things like that make his character so great and a favorite in this house. Also, side note, Riggs calling the main baddie a D.H. really, really tickled you lol. And in turn, got me pretty good. I'm sure it might have been mentioned, but Pesci got the idea for "okay okay okay" when he asked for directions while visiting Disneyland and that's how the teenage employees were talking. He tells the story on the Lethal 4 blu ray I think. You said you're quoting Bull Durham all the time, "Here we go now"? I'm sure "Okay okay okay" will make an appearance too lol. Thanks for a great movie night Cassie, that was too much fun.

Miles E Coburn

"The Last Boy Scout" is also a pretty good / funny movie. But I don't think it would really be in Cassie's wheelhouse.

Joe M

Please finish up this series of movies Cassie. You’ll definitely enjoy the next two.

'Pappy' Johnston

Cassie, did you recognize Rudd, (Joss Ackland), from Hunt for Red October? He was the diplomat who had to go to the State Dept. and try to get help to sink the Sub, saying Ramius was intending to launch on the US. Also Richard Donner, who directed the movie, also played the Captain as well as one of the dealers on the riverboat in Maverick, also directed by Donner. Speaking of which, now that you are so familiar with Lethal Weapon, go back and watch the scene in Maverick where the gang is robbing the bank for the Riggs/Murtaugh (Gibson/Glover) cameo reunion! (Oh.....and then watch OPEN RANGE and Tombstone because they will be twi westerns YOU WILL ACTUALLY LOVE!!!! LOL)


I had to do a double take because I don't think I'd ever heard her snort laugh before!


When that part comes up with the reveal of his wife’s death and then finding Rika dead I knew you were going to lose it Cassie.

Clay F

I liked his new girlfriend. I was happy for him. Too bad they killed her. Apparently, they had killed his wife too. Joe Pesci was funny in this movie. This movie was released in 1989. South Africa apartheid ended in the early 1990s. Nelson Mandella was released after being a political prisoner for 27 years. I remember the cries around the world to free Mandela. I remember the worldwide economic sanctions (resisted by President Ronald Reagan) against South Africa to persuade South Africa to end the evil apartheid. Nelson Mandella was elected president of South Africa in 1994. INVICTUS (2009) A good movie depicting Nelson Mandella becoming president is "Invictus" (2009) (directed by Clint Eastwood) [nominated for 2 Oscars] that stars Matt Damon and Morgan Freeman (as Mandella). CRY FREEDOM (1987) Another movie I like is Cry Freedom (1987) (starring Denzel Washington and Kevin Kline) set in late-1970s apartheid-era South Africa.