Menu instructions (Patreon)
English: You can play the game with the default settings.
Spanish: Puedes jugar con la configuración predeterminada si lo deseas.
French: Vous pouvez jouer avec les paramètres par défaut si vous le souhaitez.
German: Sie können mit den Standard-Einstellungen spielen, wenn Sie möchten.
Japanese: デフォルト設定でゲームをプレイすることができます。
Chinese: 如果你愿意,完全可以使用默认设置进行游戏。
Korean: 기본 설정으로 게임을 플레이 할 수 있습니다.
Attempts made but features will not be implemented:
1. Attempted to hide male model's head, body, and feet, but performance did not significantly improve and affected POV immersion. This feature will not be added.
2. Hiding buildings can improve performance, but many of my scenes have collisions between characters and buildings. Hiding them would greatly disrupt the actions.
This feature will not be added until I have a better method.
3. FOV plugin is not suitable for VR use. The system's built-in FOV is more appropriate. This feature will not be added.
You don't necessarily need to read the following content. You can play in default mode. If you like DIY and want a better experience, please continue:
1. If you need male hair, please replace the old male model or add your own.
2. You need the girl to wear shoes. If you don't delete TOE_Layer, there will be toe movement and the shoes will look strange. If you dislike this, you can follow these steps:
Select the girl-Plugins-timeline-click the "+" in the upper left corner-Manager/reorder animations-click the ">" of the layer-TOE_Layer will be displayed-Delete layer
The same operation applies to other poses.
3. Change the menu position: edit mode-find Hide_Main_Menu, click control-move or rotate-finish.
4. Player Height is only suitable for third-person use.
5. DIY expressions:
-A. Select the girl-Plugins-plugin#3_extraltodeuslExpRandPlugin.ExpressionRandomizer-Select None.
-B. Record the name of the expression you want in advance, for example, "Enjoying It."
-C. Find the EXP_Style_DIY Atom-Button Trigger-Add according to the example.
-D. Click the 'DIY' button to use the expression you added.
-E. Save the scene. In the future, you only need to click the DIY button to use the expression you added.
-Note: If you click 'DIY' and then 'European', the expressions of these two styles will mix. You can repeat step A to clear the expressions.