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Ok longest intro ever, sometimes we use these intros to catch up haha! 

This was SO.MUCH.FUN! It had everything I wanted and more. I take it back by the way, what I say at the end of the intro ;) At the beginning it was hard for me to picture him as BOND but by the end, I was 100 percent IN! Here we goooo....

Direct link in case the above player doesn't work. 

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PS: The Magnificent Seven (1960) YT edit is giving us copyright trouble, hoping to clear them up and post tomorrow... sorry about that!


[Full Reaction] Casino Royale (2006)



I have a lot to say about this movie. Going back to 2005 when he was announced, it's hard to overstate the immense trouble that happened online. EON botched his reveal, the tabloids made fun of him, people complained that he didn't look right, that he was blonde, too skinny, with the wrong kind of haircut. Some girl launched a website called "CraigNotBond.com" (and Craig later admitted that the early internet chatter was hurtful, before he realized he shouldn't Google himself). It was a mess. ..... And then the trailer came out, and people were intrigued, because he looked like an ex-military badass and NOT what they expected. And then the movie came out.... And people were blown away. Blown clean away. I saw the movie twice in 2 days. Back to back. I have never done that with any movie before or since. I was gobsmacked. I ADORED it. ..... And then came the arguments on the James Bond discussion boards and forums, whether or not this was the best Bond movie ever. And that went on for weeks. People said "Oh of course not, it's just recency bias!" But as the months and years wore on, I became more comfortable calling this my favorite movie in the series. Once I finally admitted it, and I'm still comfortable saying that today, it felt good. It is my favorite Bond movie, period. I adore it. I never tire of watching it. Some people say Skyfall is better, but to me Casino Royale is a masterpiece.


100% agree. Out of the entire series of 20+ movies Casino Royale just gets everything right. "Recency Bias" be damned. I love so many of the classic Bond films but for a real spy thriller that wants to take itself a 'little' seriously no film has ever come close

Cole Jennett

Like if you love Vesper!😍


Those eyes. Those freckles. That smile. You bet. Vesper ❤️

TinCan Cosmanaut

OK just dont get your hopes up for the next one, cuz it happened during the writing strike! It's not bad but its the weakest of the bunch. but they all get better and better after

TinCan Cosmanaut

This is in my humble opinion the best bond movie ever made

Sean Stuart

Been curious about your other reactions but been craving this reaction glad i just work dinner shift on Friday

TinCan Cosmanaut

There are more Bond girls, but Vesper is my favorite… I don’t know who even comes 2nd

Marko T.

This is based on the first Bond book.

Gábor Árki

I didn't want to add to the hype before, but I can say it now. Craig is not my favorite Bond. But Casino Royale is my #1 Bond movie and Eva Green's Vesper Lynd is my #1 Bond girl. I'm excited for this reaction. PS: I don't mind the long intros (or outros). I think if anyone is not interested, they can easily fast forward.

James UK

This was a great start to the Craig era. Based on the first of Ian Fleming’s novels it easily rates as a top tier Bond movie. It’s a bit of a change for those of us who grew up watching Roger Moore in the early 80s but it was probably what the series needed after the ridiculousness of Brosnan’s final appearance as Bond. For those who didn’t grow up watching the older Bond movies Daniel Craig is Bond. He’s not close to my favourite, probably because nostalgia is a powerful thing. I think most people would acknowledge his second movie isn’t at this level but I always find it works better if you watch it as soon after this one as possible.

Brian Lowery

One suggestion: it’s better to go into Quantum of Solace by thinking of it more as Casino Royale Part 2. It’s really a direct continuation of this movie.

Ramzi M. A. Ramzi

Wonderful reaction. I knew it was gonna be epic. My favorite comment in the reaction: Bond’s…romantic?! 😄

Alberto Blanco

Cruel Summer is Bananarama

Steve Mercier

Watching this when I get home from work...


Amazing what happens when you are faithful to the source material, in this case, Ian Fleming's first Bond book. But then, they had to go make a sequel that was never written with Quantum of Solace. Your mileage will vary with that one.

Matt Rose

Cassie: a suggestion, if I may - watch the next film, QUANTUM OF SOLACE, very soon. I say this for a couple of reasons: 1. Plotwise, it has immediate continuity with CASINO ROYALE. Indeed, the beginning of the film takes place immediately after the ending of CR. The entire film plays almost like an extended epilogue to CR so the sooner you watch it, the better. 2. QOS was produced during a writer's strike and was unfortunately a victim of being filmed with an incomplete/underwritten script. I don't want to pre-sway your opinion on the film but it's definitely not considered to be one of the 'good' ones. In its favor, it's very well acted and the production design is top notch. You'll want to get this one out of the way quickly so that you can move on to SKYFALL.

Matt Rose

Regarding Daniel Craig: I'm not surprised at all that he's immediately Cassie's favorite. You should remember, this franchise has been around since the 60s now, and the franchise (and the lead actors) have always been a reflection of the era in which they were produced. You're now in the modern era with the artistic aesthetic of the past 20 years, so you're going to find that the Craig run of films is more indicative of current action filmmaking standards. Also, bear in mind that the Craig run of films were made while the Bourne films and the Mission: Impossible films provided competition, so everyone had to adjust. Enjoy! Craig isn't my favorite of the Bond actors but he's very good.

Andrew Rose

So glad you both enjoyed this as much as we did... Loved the reaction!! When I went to re-watch this with you two I'd forgotten everything pretty much except "To the right! To the right!" that had an indelible mark in my memory for obvious reasons. 😆😆😆

Björn Karlsson

Mads Mikkelsen 🙂🙂👍👍

Matt Rose

One of my favorite actors and one of the rare actors who can pull off 'good guy' and 'bad guy' roles with perfection. I also love that he has a reputation for being one of the nicest guys in the business.


Also, I think it's prudent to say a few more things about Daniel Craig. He will never be the favorite Bond of a certain set of older fans. And that's fine. But it's also worth noting that he held the role longer than anyone else. He was Bond longer than Roger Moore (Even though Roger did more movies). An entire generation of people knows nothing but him as James Bond....and part of the reason he stuck around as long as he did was because he brought Bond back to the $1 billion club and also, he was Barbara Broccoli's personal choice and first casting as lead producer. Her father had cast Pierce Brosnan, even though she took over producing during GoldenEye. Craig was her pick. So with him we get a Bond exploring the post 9/11 world, from the 00's to the 2020s. He literally got his own era. Some fans did not like the narrative turn of his movies, and that is a fair observation. But he did his own thing and he did a good job. And I do think his movies will stand the test of time, even if they are considered separate from the original series from 1962 to 2002.

Matt Rose

I remember the whole 'Daniel Craig is Not James Bond' uproar in 2006. CASINO ROYALE silenced most of those detractors, thank goodness.| It's funny to read about the other actors who were considered back then, though. Henry Cavill was reportedly the #2 pick and was the preferred pick of director Martin Campbell, but Barbara Broccoli felt he was too young (and she really wanted Daniel Craig). Sam Worthington, Antony Starr, Rupert Friend, Matthew Rhys, and Clive Owen were others in consideration.


Cruel Summer was Bananarama!

Alex Gorell

Best Bond film. Best Bond, best Bond woman, best Bond villain. I remember watching this in theatres with my dad and both absolutely loving it. I’m glad you two enjoyed it. Unfortunately none of the other Craig Bond’s come close to as good as this one but outside of Spectre they are all enjoyable.


Yeah, I touched upon the initial outcry in my original post above. I remember it very well. Because I was very active in multiple Bond discussion forums at the time. You had people totally against it, and you had people who had seen his movie Layer Cake and telling people to give him a chance. To his credit he certainly shut the haters down really quick when the movie came out (personally, I think it was because no one was expecting him to look like a legit ex special forces commando guy...he was RIPPED and acted cold and efficient . But yes, the other names mentioned just seem odd now. Henry Cavill was always too young, and even he says that now. He was 22, and that's just not the age that you want James Bond to be. Matthew Rhys has also talked about failing his audition recently. Apparently Bond is not an easy audition, and you have to perform several classic movie scenes, including the seduction scene from From Russia with Love. There are a few audition tapes that can be seen. I remember seeing Sam Neill's from 1987. It'll be interesting to see who they pick going forward. Undoubtedly there will be another fan outcry. 😂


Intersting Clive Owen was in contention. That man seems to pass up a load of commerical opportunities. Read recently he was offered Iron Man but passed and it was handed to RDJ. Anthony Starr as well? Thats a full 7 years before his breakout role in Banshee. I hope Henry Cavill gets it, this time around.


I remember reading that this shift in Bond was down to the Sucess of the Bourne Idenity. I really feel this was the best bond movie. that Craig did. The next couple were so-so, but it finished off strong in his last outing.


When I heard this film was coming out I was really excited. I had so many questions relating to Bond's backstory since Dr. No and was disappointed that this film answered hardly any of my questions. But I do highly praise Craig's performance. I just wish they did a better job during the writing process.

Matt Rose

Cavill just turned 40, so unfortunately...I think he's aged out. I fully expect the next Bond actor to be roughly 32-35. Regardless, Barbara was firmly on the Daniel Craig train and got her way. He aced his auditions and impressed her greatly with his turns in LAYER CAKE and MUNICH.

Cole Jennett

It’s mentioned earlier, but Ace of Base did a cover and that’s the version I’m familiar with too.


I hated No Time to Die when I first saw it. But the second time I saw it I liked it. And I think that Cassie's reaction to it is going to be very, very interesting to watch. In fact, it's my most eagerly awaited reaction after this one. Even though Skyfall is a wonderful movie, what I'm looking forward to is NTTD.

Matt Rose

I've seen THE HUNT, ANOTHER ROUND, and RIDERS OF JUSTICE. All three are excellent with ANOTHER ROUND being truly exceptional.

Jon Johns

I love when "Craig haters" even grudgingly admit this is a good movie. I recently reread Casino Royale and was surprised at how well this script was adapted.

Jon Johns

I think it's appropos that there is currently another writers strike right now, and it will show just how important and valuable they are. Also, I thought Bourne came out much closer to 'Craig 2' (Aka Quantum) but the Bourne series already had 2-3 films out by the time Quantum came out. Much like M:I 2, Craig 2 is one of the least fav's of the series, afaik...


If I remember correctly they did have background information on Bond on the official website for this movie. Back then, movie official websites were more than just places to get tickets. So they had Bond's official dossier and in there there was information about him being SAS in Bosnia or Kosovo, and then Afghanistan before being accepted into the 00 program. And there was a write-up. I could be mistaken but I distinctly remember something like that. They even had his birthdate. So maybe all of that background information was part of the story breaking process but didn't make it past the script stage. Since this functioned as a reboot, they weren't going to include stuff about Dr. No. This James Bond was born in the late 60s, like the actor who portrayed him. For something like you wanted, I think You probably would have been happy with Quentin Tarantino's version of this movie, since he wanted to make it with Pierce Brosnan and actually set it in 1960. But EON was never going to go for that.

Jon Johns

Which is actually a pretty quick read (or listen) and this film adapts the book very well!

Jon Johns

There are a few "during lockdown" YouTube videos of Craig & Mads doing a zoom call with each other, telling tales, swapping stories. (I think maybe to promote / market No time to Die?) Anyway, the mutual love they share with each other confirms your point, Mads is a big ole sweetie.

Jon Johns

I recently saw a Siskel & Ebert review of Dalton's 1st film, and Ebert hated the fact that Dalton had no humor, or 'fun' -- this reflects that particular fandom who loved Moore, and even Connery when he was being cheeky.

Jon Johns

Me too, NTTD is a fantastic coda to this stretch of films. In no other way could they tackle that storyline except in this pocket series. It would never work in the previous era of films, and I can't spoil anything else, but if you know you know. Also, Eilish's theme to NTTD is in my top 3 bond songs of all time...

Matt Rose

Any interview you see with the guy is great. Very friendly, very open.

Steve Holton

Barbara Broccoli first scouted Daniel Craig as a prospective Bond after viewing his chilling performance as a royal assassin in Elizabeth (1998). But Craig’s compelling performance as a low-level organized crime affiliate trying to go straight in Layer Cake (2004) allowed Broccoli to convince all stake holders he was ideal as the next James Bond. And as Cassie and Carly indicated, Craig excelled in his inaugural outing as Bond. Ian Fleming wrote his first James Bond novel “Casino Royale” in a burst of creativity days before his marriage. And Craig brilliantly captures the character’s journey toward ultimately embracing commitment in this film.


M stands for Missions Cassie

Matt Rose

I blame director John Glen for Dalton's shortcomings. Dalton always looks like he's trying to solve a complicated calculus equation in his head. There's no warmth allowed to shine through at all.


It was the Navy, I was mistaken. I found the original information that they created for Craig's Bond. "Bond's record with training earned him placement with the 030 Special Forces Unit, rather than deployment as a swimmer-canoeist with the standard SBS Units in Poole. During further training with 030 SFU, Bond earned certifications for the operation of assault helicopters, Harrier-class jets, fixed-wing aircraft, hovercrafts, marine assault vessels, armored vehicles, and other crafts. "Bond served with distinction in the 030 Special Forces Unit. He proved adept at training other candidates, initiating athletic competitions, and fostering a creative environment. During his three-year tenure with the 030 SFU, Bond rose to the rank of Lieutenant Commander. He saw covert service in Iraq, Somalia, Iran, Libya, and active service in Bosnia. Upon completion of his duties in Bosnia, where Bond was credited with saving the lives of nearly 100 men from a Serbian militia in one village. Bond was recruited by the RNR Defence Intelligence Group and awarded the rank of Commander.”

Sean Stuart

Great reaction! If you want to see Daniel Craig as villains watch Road to perdition with Tom Hanks and Paul Newman . Timothy Dalton plays an interesting character in the Rocketeer and Pierce Brosnan maybe most popular role outside of Bond is Thomas crown Affair.

Stick Figure Studios

The first Bond cast since the passing of original series producer Albert "Cubby" Broccoli, Daniel Craig came onto the scene with a firestorm of controversy. Fortunately, the movie silenced most of that as it turned out to be one of the best of the series (drawing in even non-Bond fans). Like SPY WHO LOVED ME in 1977 and GOLDENEYE in 1995 (which, like CASINO was also directed by Naryon Campbell) this movie re-invigorated the franchise for a whole new generation. Craig became the first Bond since Dalton to be dark, tough, gritty and, perhaps most important of all, vulnerable. Good job picking up on the fact that he was still a little green in this essentially his first mission. He's not quite the experienced, classy James Bond we are familiar with yet. A big part of the pleasure of Craig's early films are watching him *become* the Bond we all know and love. When he utters his famous introduction as the last lines of the film, he's really earned them. Notice that is the only time we get his theme music (only teased at is throughout the rest of the film) in all it's glory. Unfortunately, while Craig still has a couple more very good entries (SKYFALL especially) none of them are going to quite equal this one (in my opinion at least). The follow-up QUANTUM OF SOLACE in particular is generally considered his weakest entry (I don't want to paint your picture for you, but since you're doing all of Craig's tenure instead of a poll to presumably cherry-pick his best as you did with the other actors, you'll have to endure his clunkers this time). Those who are suggesting you basically look at it as "CASINO ROYALE part 2" are correct. To whatever degree it works, it works as a continuation of this story and the other Craig adventures follow suit (a decision that was not without its ramifications). A couple pieces of info you might find interesting: M's real name (not revealed in this film but elsewhere) is Olivia Mansfield. The torture scene that Carly could "do without," comes right out of the original Ian Fleming novel and if you think it's depiction in the film can make you ill, it's protracted description in the book is shockingly graphic and vivid. It's a miracle Bond is ever able to do anything remotely amorous again after the abuse he suffers in that story. The opening song "You Know My Name" is by Chris Cornell (who sadly died by suicide a few years back). I thought it was amusing how you both started debating who sang that tune immediately after his name appeared in the credits. :-) An excellent reaction, ladies. So glad you enjoyed this film. Looking forward to revisiting the rest with you.


The plane they used as the Skyfleet prototype in the Miami International airport scene was actually a 747 kept at Dunsfold aerodrome in the UK. I had the pleasure of visiting that plane during my time with the Air Training Corps.

Björn Karlsson

Flickering lights/Blinkende lygter from 2000 (with M. Mikkelsen of course) is the best danish movie I've ever seen (I'm swedish btw). Check it out 😄😄😄 And request it, I'm the only one who has done that. Imo very strange, cos there is lots of danes on Pib 😀😀🤔🤔


"This is too good. something's going to go bad..." vs. "Are you kidding me...? What was the point of the entire show?!" They definitely fixed some things that didn't quite work in OHMSS.


You know, you might think about posting your full reactions to Sync. The Homies use Sync, and they don't have to censor the movie, they can just have it running with full video and audio along with their reaction.

Odd Thomas

Honestly I think this is my favourite Bond movie, period. It has all the tropes from the best Bonds compacted into one film: stunts, suspense, tragedy, great villain, romance, comedy... Skyfall is almost as good. Almost. People love to hate Quantum of Solace but the action in that film is chef's kiss. The opening is one of my favourite Bond sequences.

Matt Rose

I agree that QOS is overhated. While the script is lacking in many regards and the editing it waaaaay too tight in many of the action sequences, the acting is first rate and the production design is top notch. I'll also agree that the opening car chase is pretty awesome, one of the few instances in the film where the really tight editing actually works.


I do not like Craig era of James Bond. I won’t say more until the other movies are released. It just didn’t feel like traditional Bond to me. This movie turns James Bond into James Bourne.

Mike LL

It is possible that the Homies don't operate in the U.S. Popcorn in Bed has to operate under the copyright laws of the United States, and copy right holders can take action against those that use their property. It is tough enough just to get all their videos on YouTube!

Mike LL

I'm an old school Bond fan, as in Connery is my Bond. I've seen this film 4 or 5 times, but I have to admit that I enjoyed it this time more than any other, seeing it through the eyes and with the enthusiasm of Cassie and Carly. I might just be beginning to see what modern Bond fans like so much about this movie! 😂

Just Plain Bob

This is probably the most book-accurate of the Bond films. During World War 2, Ian Fleming (writer of the books), was the personal assistant to the Director of Naval Intelligence. The story for Casino Royale supposedly came from a real operation run by the intelligence service. PS: Cassie should really watch Layer Cake. Not only is it a great movie but it’s his performance in that film that convinced the producers to cast Daniel Craig as Bond.

Stick Figure Studios

That's good. Every generation has their own Bond and every actor has had something of value to contribute to the character/franchise.

Gábor Árki

This is not just my #1 Bond movie, but I think my #1 PiB Bond movie reaction so far. Even if I don't consider Craig to be the best Bond, Casino Royale is a masterpiece of the Bond franchise, featuring a fresh and gritty take on the character. The movie really has almost all the best elements of the franchise rolled into one. The plot is complex and interesting, with twists and turns that keep you on the edge of your seats and this reaction captured every emotion, every twist, every thrill. Craig also does an excellent job portraying the rookie 007. He has such a fresh and energetic vibe. But I think what really makes this movie the best though is Vesper Lynd. She is the most complex Bond girl put on screen so far. She is smart, witty, beautiful, and mysterious. She is not a damsel in distress, but a complex and conflicted character who has her own agenda. Vesper is the ultimate Bond girl and Eva Green is the perfect actress to portray her with such a depth. You truly believe Bond would fall for her because so does the audience. It also makes you understand how her betrayal broke his heart and why that makes Bond become the cold and cynical spy we know. The only thing that I miss is a touch of the humor and charm that the previous Bond films had. Just a little bit of cheese to balance out the grit, not too much to ruin the realism, similar to the ones the Dalton movies had. But this first movie works well even without that.

James UK

That is my overarching criticism of Craig’s Bond. He doesn’t need to go full Roger Moore but just a hint of that aspect would create a nicer blend to the character and films.

Bryan Erickson

Screw Taylor for using that song title!


And 'fans' just never learn. Not long afterwards, there was a similar backlash to Heath Ledger being cast as The Joker...


Something very sexy about Eva Green that goes beyond looks.

Richard Rolen

I'm an old guy, and I've watched all the Bond movies over the years. Craig is by far my favorite Bond and Judi Densch is by far my favorite M. I always felt most of the earlier JB's were just too cheesy to be believable, (with the exception of Pierce Brosnan who humanized him to a large degree...) but the Craig series brings Bond back to his rough Scottish Boy roots with a fair sized chip on his shoulder. And the stern mother/cut-up son relationship with M is just priceless!

Just Plain Bob

This is probably my favorite Bond movie in the entire franchise (and by "franchise", I'm including all the movies from Connery through Craig). Unfortunately, in an effort to appeal to modern audiences, they tried to tie all the Craig movies into one continuing story. I say unfortunate because, much like the recent Star Wars sequel trilogy, little or no thought appears to have gone into developing an over-arching story. As a result, subsequent films meander, become increasingly ridiculous as to motivations and rely on a degree of omniscience on the part of the baddies that defies belief. If you're going to spend more than 12 hours telling a story, it might help to have some sort of outline (or story bible, as many showrunners refer to them) to make sure the whole thing makes sense.

Night King01

This film is a masterpiece in my opinion. I think it got to what Ian Fleming originally envisioned for the character. With the exception of OHMSS this is the most accurate bond to the original novels. The only difference or main difference is that some action scenes were added and the whole first act and third act were changed in order to give setup for the poker game and also give a more action packed finale. The middle is almost verbatim except it’s poker in this not baccarat like in the book.

Night King01

If you notice the detail in the beginning when he kills Dryden there is a flash of his family photo when bond shoots him showing his cold and remorseless execution of his mission as an mi6 assassin.

Night King01

Sebastian Foucan did most of his own stunts. All the free running was him since he is one of its founders. The only time they doubled him I think is when he runs away from the debris when bond rams the excavator into the construction site. He had a safety wire on him but he could have done it without one probably but for insurance reasons they needed that on him.


What is funny about Roger Ebert not liking Dalton at first, but coming around with License to Kill, was that he loved Casino Royale. I think because it's based on a Fleming book it still has a Connery vibe to it while still being different.


I don't know. I think Quantum of Solace works less right after Casino Royale because you realize how dumb some of the plot points are. I don't want to spoil it, so I'll keep quiet for now.


Not sure if others have mention it, but this film shows the origins of all of bonds little foibles like the aston martin car, the vodka martini shaken not stirred called a vesper, his treatment of women in the future as he was majorly betrayed by Vesper. Also the fact that he isnt as refined as bond of future missions as he is only just starting out.

Richard Rolen

Not my favorite, but I actually like him better than Moore. Almost as good as Connery stylistically, and actually a much better actor.

John Drake

Yeah, there was a show called Jump London back in 2003 that had French parkour dudes free running around London. Foucan did a jump off the conning tower of HMS belfast onto a gun turret - about 25/30 ft, like it was nothing.


I'm with Carli. I've seen all of the Bond movies and to me Daniel Craig is the best, and he wasn't my first!


I hadn't watch this one in years. I remember going to the theatre to see this one. Really loved it, great action Craig is great as bond and I don't see how anyone could not fall in love with vesper. Really fun to watch with you ladies.

Rick Williams

Great twists and turns. Very good movie. I never saw the betrayal coming at the end. Great Reaction, Ladies.

Story Archer

I absolutely fell in love with Eva Green in this. For people who are fans of hers and appreciate truly phenomenal acting, you should check out the Penny Dreadful series. After the second episode, you'll be hooked (considering it's Victorian Horror themes, it's not something I'd necessarily recommend to Cassie & Carli but it is a truly special and phenomenally well-executed series).


Will you two be watching all of the Craig films? I hope so. Unlike the previous films these tell a complete story when viewed together.

Night King01

I have the reason for this. Quantum of solace wasn’t originally supposed to be a continuation of casino royale. When the writers strike happened in 2007 they had to essentially rework the entire movie because they had no writer which led to Craig and the director Marc Forster literally rewriting scenes on the day and coming up with things on the fly. I’m surprised the movie even came out in the state that it was in given all the problems and they are the first ones to tell you that. Yeah they hit the continuous story thing in spectre which felt really tacked on. The only reason the organization is even called quantum is because they didn’t have the rights to spectre which is why they don’t say their name in this movie either

Night King01

I guess it’s a matter of what type of bond that you want. In terms of accuracy to the source material this film is probably the most accurate to what bonds character is in the books which is essentially Jason Bourne but even more cold and an alcoholic. The original films took the names some small details and that was about it unless it was something like from Russia with love or OHMSS, or license to kill but even they had their goofy moments That being said the films after this other than Skyfall just went downhill for me those went way too far down the Bourne route especially quantum of solace

Brian Pelts

I read all the original Fleming novels back in the 90's, and Casino Royale was the one that really stuck with me so I was so excited when they announced they were finally adapting it. I'll forever have a deep emotional attachment to this movie thanks to where I was in my life when it came out. The "I have no armor left" speech will always wreck me.


Love that you’re watching the Daniel Craig Bond! He is my favorite too. Fair warning the 2nd film is the weakest of Craig’s outings, so don’t give up. You mentioned the shift in tone over previous Bonds. Between Brosnans last Bond film and Craig’s first, the Bourne movies came out. I read an article that said that the Bond movie’s shift in tone was in part a reaction to the success of the Bourne films. I don’t know if that is true, but it makes sense if it is. If you haven’t seen The Bourne Identity movies, I suggest giving them shot-really good spy/secret agent action films starring Matt Damon.

Robert da Spruce

Great reaction Cassie and Carly! I really enjoyed that! I’m glad you’ll be watching the entire series. Looking forward to the next installment!

Mike LL

Oh, Cassie, feel free to watch the Austin Powers movies now at any time!


Even if Cassie could do this, many viewers here actually prefer to watch along with their own copy so that they have full control over the volume of each. That would be lost if it was all in one.

Richard Bourne

A solid reboot and back to basics for Bond. This tops the gambling scenes in Dr. No and Thunderball both, as it should, being Casino Royal.


Since Casino Royale is so faithful to the book, and it is the first book, and Dr. No, From Russia With Love, Goldfinger and On Her Majesty Secret Service were extremely faithful as well... In a weird way I don't consider Casino Royale a complete "reboot" because it provides character context for the prior films which is cannon per Ian Fleming. To me, the reboot starts with Quantum of Solace.

John P Tucker

Casino Royale was an origin story. It’s how Bond became 007. If you didn’t notice there are no women in the intro, he never says Bond, James Bond until the end, and they don’t play the Bond theme song until the end. Also the song is by the late Chris Cornell who was the lead singer of Soundgarden and Audioslave.

Larry Darrell

Exactly! The Events in Casino Royale happened to the Previous Bonds. This explains Why James Bond was the Way He Was.

Larry Darrell

"Bond's Romantic???" (Loooonnnngggg Sigh). Yes, Yes, Yes. James Bond is a ROMANTIC. I have been trying to get this Point across for 4 MONTHS. James Bond is a Caring, Loving, Sweet Romantic, who was Betrayed and learned Not to Trust Anyone. Casino Royale, which is the First James Bond Novel, written by Ian Fleming, who's stories were the Basis for the Films Dr. No through Licence to Kill, is the Origin Story for James Bond. This is the Origin Story for the James Bond portrayed by Sean Connery, which was the same James Bond Character, through to Timothy Dalton and Pierce Brosnan. This is the First Time the Ian Fleming's story was accurately portrayed on Film. Back in the 60s, anyone who had read the Casino Royale novel, knew this story, and knew this story belonged to the James Bond that they were seeing on the Screen. Casino Royale explains why James Bond put up so many Walls/Armor within himself, to hide his True Nature. Being a Secret Agent for Mi-6 means he cannot allow himself to get close to anyone. He cannot trust anyone. Everyone is an Enemy First, until proven not. Everyone James Bond meets in the Field, is Discardable. Especially the Women. He doesn't allow his Romantic side to come out anymore. This he Protects the Most, because it is his most Vulnerable Quality. He obviously learned this the Hard Way. Casino Royale explains even More why James Bond completely broke down after the Death of Tracy. He allowed himself to Love Another again and She was taken away AGAIN. James Bond IS... ALWAYS HAS BEEN... and ALWAYS WILL BE... a ROMANTIC.

Larry Darrell

No Time to Die is One of the MOST "Un-Bond" Movies of them All. Right alongside another Very "Un-Bond" film, which will remain Nameless for Now.

Larry Darrell

I mentioned in the comments for The Magnificent Seven (2016), about Reading the Credits in the beginning won't Hurt the Film Experience. I guess they still need a little work. They're doing better though. At least they knew the Song Credit was there... only they started to read on the last few. Wah Wah. That's OK. I'm sure they'll get it one day. ;-)

Larry Darrell

I prefer the older method of making Bond Films myself. The Original 16 Films, in my opinion, ARE a CONTINUATION of a Story. They are a Continuation of James Bond's Story. That's all the Films have to be. Plot Points from each film don't have to be connected in each film. You can drop little nuggets here and there, over time, which is what they did in the Original 16. These Little Nuggets reminded you that you were watching a Continuing Story. In the Original 16, the Best Nugget was reminding the viewers about Tracy. This always brought you back to the moment when James Bond was holding his dead Bride in his arms, telling her "We Have All the Time in the World." That Moment was the Anchor Point for James Bond and the Viewers. No Matter what Mission he was on or No Matter how much time had passed in Real Life, this Moment Connected All Films. The Creators don't have to Always Connect the Next Film to the Previous One. This would allow the Creators much more Freedom to make many different kinds of Great Stories. Stories that are Connected because they all center around the One Same Person, James Bond. Then at Anytime, Many Films Down the Road, the Creators can always make a Film that Centers around a Pivotal Character Moment from the Past. I think this is what they did with Licence to Kill. I know it was unintentional, but having Licence to Kill be the last for 6 Years, provided a Terrific Ending for the James Bond character. An Ending to an Amazing Story that Continued through 16 Films.

Richard Bourne

Good point, only a reboot as to the movies, I realize Casino Royale is actually the first book. That was back when Bond carried a Beretta 418 in .25 ACP rather than the Walther PPK in .380 ACP (a/k/a 9 mm short). This was a fantastic start for Daniel Craig.


Not sure if anyone posted this or not, Cassie, but the opening song was by the late, great Chris Cornell who you might know as the frontman for both Audioslave and Soundgarden. Sound garden came out of Seattle about the same time as Nirvana and Pearl Jam with the whole grunge movement. As a Seattleite, I have great affection for the man and his music. You should check him out singing this live. The man was so talented and excellent live. His death is a big loss.


Yes, I'd thought about that after I commented...perhaps it is the case. I doubt Bulgarian laws do much about copyright infringement. However, the Homies do have to censor the video and audio when they put it on YT and Patreon, and they often get DMCA'd on those platforms, but not Sync. So I'm wondering if it is the Bulgarian laws, or something about the Sync website that you can get away with more stuff on there...

Jerrod Acree

After listening to both songs Bananarama wins. Swift song is to poppy and becomes annoying. Made for young girls.

Patrick Toscano

I find it cool how the director of this movie Martin Cambell also directed GoldenEye.

Russell Teo

Best Bond ever

Alex Villarreal

Love Eva Green! The only Bond girl in the Craig era that had real chemistry with him.

CG Shunk

Interestingly they were also both in The Golden Compass


This is my all time favorite Bond movie. Ahead of Skyfall, ahead of Goldeneye, and ahead of the legacy Bond movies. The directing, choreography, shift in tone and Daniel Craig before he grew tired of the role all contribute to it being my favorite. Also hot damn Eva Green is absolutely breathtaking in this movie and I've had a crush on her ever since.

Adam Harris

Daniel Craig is my favorite Bond and I've seen every Bond movie. Casino Royale is one of my favorite movies of all-time and now you know why. Such a gorgeous movie. The settings, the script, the action, the suspense, the romance, the acting, and the characters. There is nothing wrong with this movie and I wouldn't change a thing. I cannot wait to go through Quantum, Skyfall, Spectre, and No Time to Die. Quantum is not as good as the others, but I still enjoyed it. Lets continue on this journey!


Speaking of Daniel Craig, if you wanna see some more of his dynamic acting skill, watch Logan Lucky with Channing Tatum and Adam Driver.


btw the one that Carly doesn't like, I think it came out during a Writers Strike. Not a 100% sure, someone check me on that.

KTVindicare (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-09 00:08:39 Casino Royale > Skyfall > Spectre > No Time to Die > Quantum is my order for the Craig era.
2023-06-07 08:14:15 Casino Royale > Skyfall > Spectre > No Time to Die > Quantum is my order for the Craig era.

Casino Royale > Skyfall > Spectre > No Time to Die > Quantum is my order for the Craig era.

John Cranberry

These are not Bond films, these are mediocre action films 😏


Great movie, great reaction. A reboot indeed. I love they allude to the Bond staples like the drink, car and the music, but never quite get there. Also he is not flawless yet. We see how he (sad actually) gives up on love and all that after that tragic event, puts walls up and becomes 007. And with the magic Bond line and the theme finally blasting through he is now the Bond we all know. Such an epic moment.


I felt Craig's version of Bond was closer to the books. Bond was more rough around the edges earlier in his storyline.


I'm a little late to this one (missed the email!), so I won't go on and on about how much I love this movie. I'll just say: 🥰Vesper🥰

Ryan Towell

the bad guy in this plays a good guy often too. He was great in Star Wars Rogue One, and he starred in one of my all time favorite westerns, called The Salvation" he was the good guy in that one too. And Eva Green the woman playing Vesper is also in it. And yes the filming location is Europe, it was filmed in Czech Republic

Ryan Towell

Also, do you both rewatch your reactions by chance? I don't know whats more entertaining watching the film or watching Carly's reactions, especially in action films. :) Funny stuff. She really gets into these action movies.

Clay F

Excellent flick. A pleasant surprise when I first watched it years ago. Enjoyed y'all's reaction. Daniel Craig is my favorite Bond after Sean Connery. I suggest this Daniel Craig movie: "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" (2011)


Haha, talked right thru the name of the opening song and who sang it, then you started guessing who may be singing it, lol


You know there's one scene they won't like, likely spoiling the movie for them.

Clay F

Good concern but not "spoiling." She loved the Outlander series that had much worse content. ENews on Outlander: "the most graphic and disturbing .... ever to air in the history of television." Agree, while I appreciate your sentiement, Cassie can handle TGWTDT fine and would like TGWTDT.