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I don't want to spoil too much for those of you who have not seen this. This has my heart rate through the roof.  I thought the effects were incredible, especially for a 23-year-old movie... I felt like I was in the storm!! Enjoy!

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[Full Reaction] The Perfect Storm (2000)


Robert da Spruce

I was expecting Dante’s Peak. Okay I can work with this. 😀

Matt Rose

You really, really need to see THE ABYSS now.

Gábor Árki

"I felt like I was in the storm!" - I know that feeling. The town I grew up in had only a makeshift cinema in a regular theater by pulling down a screen on the stage, with mono audio. For a proper experience you had to travel to the capital. This movie was among the first few I've seen in a multiplex cinema with a proper large screen and surround audio, and it was a very memorable experience. Also, I kept thinking throughout how they will be saved, because surely the movie was made because of how they survived, right? 😲

Shawn Kildal

That's a big no, from me anyway, for Joe vs. The Volcano and St. Elmo's Fire. Much, much better movies out there to choose from.

Shawn Kildal

Was really looking forward to Dante's Peak as well. I guess I can wait a couple of days. Plus, it's worth waiting for if it means Carly joins in the reaction.


would like to have seen this one in the theatre, that must’ve been quite an experience for those who did…


Saw it in a bay area THX theater, took my high school girlfriend. Worst date movie ever. Thrilling and then… well you know.


I think we should wait until it gets the proper remaster. It’s also barely available in HD.

TinCan Cosmanaut

This was written by Sebastian Junger. Fantastic writer! He understands the human spirit

Robert H

Agree! I own the movie and there is a great commentary track with him that is worth the purchase alone.

Shawn Kildal

I just looked and I can't find The Abyss anywhere to stream, rent, or buy (except a DVD version). Such a good movie. I also think we should wait until it becomes available like True Lies did

Sean Stuart

Such a good read. Couldn’t put it down probably 13 or 14, then saw the movie. When my family did a visit of northeast states in summer of 2001. My top 2 requests were see Gloucester and go to either Yankee Stadium or Fenway. Ended up seeing Mark Musina beat Pedro at Yankee Stadium and had a great afternoon exploring Gloucester and seeing some of the sites.

Daniel Fuchs

Hey Cassie, if you liked Wolfgang Petersen's film, you should also watch other films by him: Outbreak (1995), Das Boot-The Directors Cut (1981) a german war movie. Is there actually going to be place 2 in the next few days: Dante's Peak?

Josh Phillips

In light of recent events, it’s a great reminder to never underestimate the power of the ocean. From a little fishing boat like the Andrea Gail, to a large ocean liner like the Titanic. They are all at the mercy of Mother Nature and always will be.


YES! As a former submariner, I 100% want a Das Boot reaction. The way it was filmed feels like you were on patrol with them. We used to watch it while out to sea, which was kinda surreal..

Brian McGovern

I think Cassie needs to watch some comedies now. 2 movies in a row where she has been a sobbing mess.😀 She has ear t herself some comedies I think. At least Dante’s Peak won’t end up with the same result.

Jesus F Christ

The best version available of The Abyss was released 30 years ago - the laser disc special edition from 1993. Still no release date for the 4k transfer. Maybe after Avatar 3? Too bad, because it was a groundbreaking movie that really paved the way for Terminator 2 and Titanic. It's a shame a whole generation has mostly missed out on seeing it.

Ryan Towell

I always liked this movie. Another great one about the Nor'easter storms is the movie The Finest Hours. It's a Coast Guard film true story set in 1952. Stars Chris Pine, Casey Affleck, Ben Foster, John Ortiz and Eric Bana. And there's a love story in it too. I think it's one that Cassie and Carly need to watch together.

Paul Deaconu

RIP to all the passengers on the Titan

Timothy Roberts

Good time to watch The Guardian. Shows what rescue swimmers for the Coast Guard go through in the Bering Sea. Kevin Costner and Ashton Kutcher.


I want to see Greyhound, alas its only available on Apple+ and shows no signs of being offered elsewhere.

Bill Hayden

Do yourself a favor, and skip Joe vs the Volcano

Allen Bond

What's wrong with seafood? :P

Terry Yelmene

This is a tremendous, beautiful and poignant film about flawed characters facing challenges they’re desperate to overcome but in the end… can’t . The Perfect Storm isn’t a disaster movie. Those are shallow, surface only, actin thrill rides. This movie helps you care about ‘who’ and feel ‘why.’

Ryan Towell

Cassie cracks me up.. She wanted a disaster movie, and she's shocked and becomes a wreck cause this one actually had a disaster.. ha.. I remember this story when it happened. I think I heard at some point that Bobby's remains were found washed up somewhere along the coast of Mass.


I like the movie for its intensity and visuals and all, but I still ask myself "why did they make this movie?"

Steve Miller

I agree completely. A lot of intensity lately, even with 007. A good time to take a break with a rom-com that has a guaranteed happy ending.

Russell Teo

Sadly I can’t figure out where to stream this great movie which I dare say is James Cameron’s best work, even when there’s wild accusations from all cast they almost died when shooting this. Those of us who saw this in a large screen cinema, will know what is sudden implosion & bells sickness

Russell Teo

Das Boot is Wolfgang Peterson’s greatest work and probably the best under surface war movie ever. Makes Crimson Tide looks like kindergarten sand box play

Russell Teo

Complete agree. Skip Dante’s Peak and go for Abyss & Das Boot (original 6hr German TV release)

Russell Teo

The book & movie are tribute to all our fishermen/women who risked their lives everyday they are out exposed to unpredictable elements, while barely eking enough for their families & more critically to maintain & upgrade their boat, which make em take more risk, just to make ends meet. This movie actually spawn all the Discovery Channel Diedliest Catch reality TV series. And if you really love this book & movie; the sea, and it’s director Wolfgang Peterson, the next one should be a WW2 submarine movie called Das Boot from 1980. You probably can watch the shorter movie version avail in any steaming version, but be sure to watch it in undubbed German. The dubbed English version sounds like Looney Tunes


Some interesting trivia. The CGI for the movie, especially the sea.. one of the guys that that worked on it was Masi Oka who played Hiro in Heroes and Max in Hawaii five -0

Rick Williams

Maybe, maybe not. Depends on what you judge it against. I think it is a fun movie. I don't over think it. I just enjoy the journey. And Cassie will actually be happy at the end. Can't say that for Perfect Storm.

Odd Thomas

Disaster movies that deserve more recognition: Deepwater Horizon Only the Brave The Finest Hours


Dante's Peak does suck but it's not fair to ask her to skip poll winners because that's clearly what people want.


Cassie, if you're reading. Lars and the Real girl and Green Card are some rom-coms that you haven't seen (and only i've voted for it seems!) but they are both movies that you and Carly will love. Strong Vote of confidence from me, but i stand by my predictions or i'll eat my hat!

Matt Rose

As of now, the best version to own is the Special Edition blu ray which has both the theatrical and the extended cuts. It's coming out on 4K Laserdisc in July (remember laserdiscs????) and it's rumored to be coming on 4K (along with TRUE LIES) later on this year.

Matt Rose

It came out the same day as THE PATRIOT and my wife and I saw both that weekend. Damned good weekend.


It's a testament to the countless unsung heroes around the globe who tirelessly work in jobs that are grossly underpaid and laden with potential danger, all while the rest of us take their efforts for granted.

Gábor Árki

It's been rumored to come out "this year" for 15 years now. There hasn't even been any official release announcement yet afaik. A 4K remaster has been prepared back in 2016 according to multiple sources, maybe even the DP or someone else high up. The best official version you can get is some anamorphic Asian DVD from 20 or more years ago. Unofficially you can get the theatrical in form of an HDTV rip from Captain Sparrow land. From the Special Edition there is fan-made reconstruction (SEHD) using the theatrical HDTV and a color corrected and upscaled DVD for the picture, and some Asian DVD with a DTS mix. He is a fellow patron here (or was last year).

Mike LL

I knew this would be a tough watch for Cassie, but it actually was not as tough as I thought. I believed Cassie would be more traumatized than she was from this movie, knowing how she was not exactly fond of the open water from the Overboard reaction.

Stick Figure Studios

Once upon a time, way back in 1990, I watched JOE VS. THE VOLCANO.... and hated it. Then, 30 years later, I watched it again and I can now admit that I was completely wrong. It's fantastic. Definitely see it.

brooke atkins

Um she’s doing it this week. Some people like movies that others don’t. It’s all opinion. No need to crap on people’s choices.

Gábor Árki

Well, this reaction did surprise me a bit. I knew the third act would be a tragic and heartbreaking finale for Cassie given how the story ends. It was for me too, and one of the reasons this movie still stands out for me. I also expected the first act would be well received because the movie does play on the heartstrings very much and makes it very easy to like all the characters. But I did not anticipate that it is the second act in the storm that would be so hard for Cassie to watch, feeling more like a nightmare or a horror movie instead of an edge of your seat suspense. When I first watched it in cinema, I was certainly expecting a different movie. A typical disaster movie tends to focus on heroes who save the day or people who survived. It is very unique in Hollywood to make a movie about an event when they all died at the end. Of course, it is only based on a true story, and the emphasis is on based here. There are a lot of changes, exaggerations and dramatizations added, not to mention most if not all events depicted on the Andrea Gail are fiction. I think Russell Teo's comment summarizes it nicely, and it is best to see this movie as a tribute. I guess after this movie it will be harder to convince Cassie to react to another movie about a daring sea rescue attempt of the Coast Guard during a blizzard, but I'm still throwing in some support for THE FINEST HOURS (2016). It is also based on a true story and without giving anything away, it's less emotionally draining.

Matt Rose

There's more traction for it this year. Again, a laserdisc of THE ABYSS in 4K is coming out next month. Per The Digital Bits, THE ABYSS, TRUE LIES, and TITANIC are all supposed to be in the works for the Fall. AVATAR just hit this week on 4K, so we'll see.

Gábor Árki

I agree most of what you wrote, except the theatrical cut of Das Boot. I think the longer DC works better. Btw, is the theatrical even available? In Europe you can dominantly (if not exclusively) access the DC version. The only theatrical version I know of is part of a pricey Blu-ray box set.

Celeste McAllister

I 2nd for 'The Abyss' be aware it's not available for streaming,you'll need a DVD to watch along..

Russell Teo

Agree, DC is the best. I think all Streaming service offer Theatrical & DC, depending on which year (licensing). I actually got both movie version. Actually looking for the German TV 6hr release to stream, as I only manage to find a DVD 1080 version from Amazon EU. The original TV mini-movie-series version are still the best but it’s a Holy Grail harder to find than the banned Luc Besson’s The Professional which include the child-love scene.

Russell Teo

RIP & Condolences to the affected victim and families of Titan submersible. Alarm bells have been raised repeatedly since 2018 even by their own insiders. The XBOX remote which don’t have working battery YouTube video by one of their founder which giving a intro/tour to his unproved composite carbon fiber is already a dead giveaway, & mind you he wants up to $250G for that. I won’t even board any cab, limo, share-driving vehicles which is not well-kept, or dirty/muddy. For lack of better words, those ppl who paid for the dive signed a waiver & understood the risk. And sincerely I couldn’t give a flying rat ass about some tycoons and their children dying on “paid-science-exploration”. Tragic & sad all this maybe, no one will remember this come Monday


Hey uhm I just tried to use the react library and it has a new design. Yeah I don't like it. Not one bit. I loved the old one. It was clear and easy to read. The new one uses blue font on black background. I hate to say it because someone put a lot of work into it but I think it is so bad that it is unusable. Is there any way to use the old one?

Rick Williams

The ocean is no joke. People think about how fun to go out and sail around. And it is. But, you have to respect the sea. Pay attention to what weather is coming. I never cared for this movie because it is not a good ending. I guess you could take it as a cautionary story of what not to do. I knew it would be hard on you, Cassie. Good job making it through.

Odd Thomas

So I watched this on Amazon as its in HD and for some reason they've zoomed the original 2:35:1 aspect ratio into 1:85:1. (Cassie seems to have watched the correct version, so maybe it's a UK thing?). It's a really shoddy job on Amazon's part and I'm baffled as to why they did that. I recommend getting the blu-ray instead.


Amazon is the worst quality streaming service in terms of video quality by far. They’re always messing up ratios and giving us highly compressed 1080p movies and advertising them as 4k HDR. Always rent from Vudu or something like that. Amazon doesn’t prioritize quality.

Steven Ashford

Yeah the Ocean doesn’t care who you are. It’s no joke. As for the submarine, yeah, they didn’t make it imploded. There’s nothing to get off the bottom of the ocean.

Christian Rennie

These ocean disaster movies really get to me. So sad. I saw the movie "White Squall" when is was a teenager and it got me too.

John P Tucker

I know you have become a big Kevin Costner fan, so here is a much watch recommendation for you….”Message in a Bottle” another movie based around the ocean. Also might want to check out “The Guardian” has Costner and Aston Kutcher, about Coast Guard Rescue Swimmers.

Roger Wayne Alms

They had radio contact before the storm, so the ice machine breaking is true I think. The storm sequence is conjecture except for the Coast Guard chopper going down. I agree The Finest Hours is a must watch. I remember when this disaster happened. Cassie's heart is always in the right place. Dante's Peak is not true but also tugs at your heart strings and I can't wait for the reaction. Thanks for sharing.

Terry Yelmene

If Cassie would be in the mood for a pure romantic story and want to add to her already impressive reads to Kevin Costner movies… well you are suggesting a winner with, ‘Message in a Bottle.’ Great movie! And it features one of Paul Newman’ last great performances - along with another film called. ‘Nobody’s Fool.’

Zachary K. (Verified Swiftie)

Swordfish are NT which stands for Near Threatened Species. The government has cut down on their fishing. George Clooney and Mark Wahlberg were in Three Kings (1999) with Ice Cube.

Katie Jackson

Completely agree. Cassie needs a Rom Com palette cleanser after all the doom and gloom. For Rom Com suggestions I want to add America's Sweethearts, The Wedding Date, Fools Rush In, One Fine Day, Nine Months and Six Days-Seven Nights. Unbelievably Cassie hasn't seen any of these according to her suggestion page and Letterbox.

Blake Evans

One of my all time favorite films with one of my all time favorite film scores by James Horner. He also did the music for Braveheart, Titanic, Legends of the Fall, and Apollo 13. Also, another great real life disaster film with Bugsy (John Hawkes) in it as well as Jake Gyllenhaal is Everest (2015). Highly recommended.


Casse would love The Guardian! I think it's an underrated movie - seemed to fly under the radar, but it's a good one for sure.

Brian McGovern

The problem I found with James Horner is that he has a particular style. A lot of his music sounds the same and there are a few videos on YT that highlight this. I do like some of his music though, but you can pick his music a mile away.

Luke Godfrey

Cassie, as you like true stories you should give 'Deepwater Horizon' a watch. Mark Wahlberg is excellent in that movie. And if you like the Coastguard you should watch 'The Guardian' starring Kevin Costner and Ashton Kutcher. Excellent film.


So, really we should have been kinder to Cassie and told her to read the Wikipedia page on the Andrea Gail before watching the movie. It was kind of painful watching her have hope and know how big a disappointment she was in for. I knew the Andrea Gail’s fate before watching it the first time and I don’t think it spoiled it for me. Big props to the stellar female cast in this film-Cherry Jones, Karen Allen, and in particular Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio and Diane Lane. Cassie, you mentioned the chemistry between Clooney and Wahlberg-they actually had just made the film Three Kings together like a year or two previously. Maybe time for more Clooney-he has a lot of awesome movies to watch. Assuming you have seen the Ocean’s trilogy, my personal suggestions would be Oh Brother Where Art Thou (my fav Coen bros. Movie), monuments Men (a true story WWII movie),and Goodnight and Goodluck ( directed by Clooney and based on a true story)


White Squall and Captains Courageous are 2 of my favorite ocean-theme movies


Even though this movie has some sort of true events I can tell you George Clooney’s character and Mary Elizabeth Mastrantino’s character the female captain who made the distress call for the Andrea Gale weren’t related to each other. But the real Linda Greenland did went to sword fish in the 2008 and was part of Swords: Life on the Line a Discovery show and she would talk about loosing her friends on that day on the show. And other than that great reaction Cassie.

Josh Phillips

I love The Finest Hours! That and The Guardian are fantastic Coast Guard movies!

Aaron Mann

Another underrated Mark Wahlberg movie, and also a true story, is Patriots Day. It is a movie based on the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing. And you should definitely check out The Guardian at some point. A wonderful movie showing the bravery of the Coast Guard. Kevin Costner is in it.

Robert da Spruce

The moment I saw you getting attached to the characters, I was kinda dreading the end of the movie Cassie. 😢 Also, Gloucester is pronounced “Gloss-ter” The Coast Guard Rescuers seemed to interest you. So when you recover from watching this one, I echo the recommendation of watching The Guardian (2006) starring Kevin Costner and Ashton Kutcher.


If there had to be an upside for this movie, I yelled out shooter McGavin just before you did. I never seen this one before and in spite of the sad ending I enjoyed it. I'm glad you're going to watch romancing the Stone that might be a bit of a palette cleanser

Grant Parker

Just want to add another recommendation for The Guardian (2006). Coast Guard and Kevin Costner would be a combo you'd probably love :).

David Collins

Diane Lane deserves way more credit for her role in this movie (Markie Mark's girlfriend) than she ever received. The scene where she freaks out on the boat's owner shreds me every time I watch this. Can't wait until Cassie watches Lonesome Dove. We need to get that some traction.

Mike LL

I was used to the old one as well, especially in that the reactions were listed in the order they came out, so as a long time member I knew which were the older ones and knew where to look. But the new one is actually much easier to use, you just type in the name of the reaction at the the top in the Title box and it appears just below. Super easy to use.

Jon Johns

It's odd, I think the inspiration for "disaster" movies was Twister, a kind of fun movie, with not so much tragedy... Yet all these disaster films chosen are just traumatic tear jerkers... Are there other films like twister that are 'disaster' themed, but not just heart wrenching tragedies?


Surprisingly few come to mind. Sure you have a lot of adjecent category (alien invasion / other disaster) movies of that ilk. But thinking about it, most natural disaster movies tend to have a more serious approach. Which would seem the more logical (and perhaps easier) route to take. Armageddon and 2012 are movies that certainly have a lighter tone. But there are more movies out there that don't have jokes in them and will have some dramatic moments, but not anything near like in The Perfect Storm. I think the upcoming Dante's Peak will be more of a less heartfelt, more Hollywood style 'save the day just in time' kinda movie. Although it has been many years since I've seen it.

Jon Johns

Armageddon came to my mind, too. I don't remember seeing San Andreas, with Dwayne Johnson, is that one less tragic? I think Dantes Peak might at least be less dramatic, but it does have some scenes in it... Eww 🤢 scenes...

Braeden Chappell

They weren't stated to be related to one another. But they were coworkers in real life, as they both worked for Bob Brown (who owned both boats)

Terry Yelmene

...this time... it was Cassie throwing the down-on-their-luck fishermen of the Andrea Gail a kiss goodbye... that's all it took... an instant 'Perfect' PiB Classic Reaction!!! From there it... it became apparent Cassie had never even seen the effect of a hurricane before, not to mention one out at sea. Cassie didn't understand "the eye of the storm." And in the end, Cassie didn't understand the fishermen of Gloucester. Thank you for reacting to this one Cassie.

David Freese

Which react library are they speaking of?? Cause I use the Request one from Planner and I don't see a change. What I'm I missing??

Braeden Chappell

Love this movie so much, but really wish they stuck more to the facts. Thanks to radio contact with other boats in the fleet, we have a very good timeline of events they went through on their final trip and the film isn't entirely accurate to that. It's also not made explicitly clear, but these guys work 20hr days on the fishing grounds of the Grand Banks, where they spend about 20 to 30 days per trip. I think the biggest thing that irks me is that the film shows them all CHOOSING to steam through a storm they knew was dangerous, but this isn't what happened. They were halfway home, had an underreported forecast calling for "mild weather" and the three storms collided overtop of them. The real story was moreso tragic and really not their fault.

Mike LL

David, the Reaction Library is in the pinned FAQ post that is always at the top of the main page here in Patreon. It used to link to a spreadsheet that listed all the reactions in the order they were posted in, but now the link goes to the list in the Reactions list in the Request App that you are familiar with.


Just watched this one. I think I’ve seen it before, but never understood the appeal or point of it. I supposed Cassie’s natural reaction at the end is what they were going for, but it’s just not my cup of tea. (that’s a first for me!) 😧 Funniest Cassie Quote Ever: “I don’t eat fish, so I’m not part of the problem!” I think I blew mashed potatoes halfway across the room. LOL

John P Tucker

Yeah I believe “Message in a Bottle” is a Nicholas Sparks book as well.

Michael J

Yea like I said. I missed seeing that was on the right side of the 3 movie pic. Then looked again latter, and was like, ohhh and that one to. Yea pretty good one.


Boy I would love her to watch Lonesome Dove. Such a great miniseries


Good movie and fun reaction, but having watched Deadliest Catch a lot over the years since I last saw the movie makes a lot of the action, storm, and rescue scenes seem a bit more over the top. (and yes I know the show is a somewhat dramatized reality show but they do show real footage of storms and coast guard rescues)


Nah Mike, the new one is way worse because it is super hard to read. And typing in the name of the reaction makes no sense if you browse the list to see what you missed. And my question wasn't answered: Is there a way to use the old one?

Richard Maurer

@ Russell - at least it's better than Volcano (I know, that's not saying much).

Richard Maurer

Yes, overfishing is main reason they had to go out so far to find them, especially the bigger ones.

Richard Maurer

I'm sorry that the movie was so upsetting for Cassie but how is reading about what happened make the end any better? I mean yes it's a bad end but by reading about she would know through the entire film what was going to happen to them and it would still be sad, but now it would drawn out through the entire film.

Richard Maurer

Bob Brown couldn't have been too happy about his portrayal in this movie. They made him out to be a bit of a scumbag (I have idea what he's like in real life).

Richard Maurer

Most of them have at least one likeable character die, to go along with the "villain" character, who inevitably dies badly. It's almost like they have a formula, isn't it?

Richard Maurer

That's why they say "based on a true story". Movies that are fictionalized accounts of true stories will always change things to make them more dramatic. If they stuck strictly to the facts it would be a documentary.

Richard Maurer

That was funny, but also ironically true. I don't eat swordfish because they're a threatened species. So, like Cassie, I'm not a part of the problem either. At least not that particular problem.

Richard Maurer

And this is a completely dramatized movie, so naturally it's a little over the top. But then again, no one on Deadliest Catch ever faced a storm of that magnitude either.

Uncle Phoenix

“The Guardian” and “The Abyss”.


The Guardian is a good movie that highlights the Coastguard Rescue


This is one of my favorite movies. Something about that kinda ocean/fishing culture, towns right on the oceanfront, etc. This movie made me really want to go to Gloucester up in Massachusetts, someday.


Please just chuck Deep Water Horizon into the mix one day. That movie is criminally under rated. It completely changed the way I look at the oil and gas industry and put it all into perspective. It is a wild ride. I’ve never been so on edge in a film.


For those that want to stream The Abyss (and I hope I'm not posting something that I shouldn't on here), but each movie I watch along with her and Carly, I watch using Chrome on this site: tinyzonetv.to I've used other browsers but Chrome works best for me.

Godzilla Jones

Joe vs the Volcano is my favorite Tom Hanks movie (followed closely by The Money Pit) and is so worth it for you to watch. I think you'd very much enjoy both it and St Elmo's Fire, which is a solid brat pack flick with and extremely well regarded soundtrack.

Vlad D

Hi Cassie. I just watched this reaction. The actress that played mark walbergs wife is the same actress (Diane Lane) that was the singer from Streets of Fire. I felt really sad when I saw you were thinking about that guy and how hard it will be for his boy.