South of the Border, Part 1 (Mexican Twin Sisters TFTG) (Patreon)
By FoxFaceStories
A Story Tier Prompt
When a group of college students go south of the border to Mexico for spring break, best friends Angus and Jared decide to party a little too hard. Their insensitivity to local custom annoys a local bruja, who decides to transform them into a pair of Mexican twin sisters who can’t even understand English anymore. They can only turn back if they help her with the household chores, but things take an unexpected turn for all three.
South of the Border, Part 1
“Spring break ya’ll!”
Angus’ cheer was picked up by the rest of the group in the tour bus, much to the chagrin of their driver. His best friend Jared was the other loudest individual, standing up in his seat and holding up a half-empty beer.
“Fuckin’ spring break, hell yeah!” he cried, throwing the beer down the aisle. A number of the girls laughed, cheering with him as well. The music was blasting loudly as they crossed the border into Mexico. It was the well-deserved holiday they’d all been looking forward to: the hard partying students from Texas State were more than excited to finally hit it hard in Cancun, celebrating on the beach, in the bar, and - of course - in the bedroom. Angus and Todd were the main instigators of this journey. The two had been inseparable best friends since high school, and now that they were twenty one years old, they had scrounged enough cash along with their friends and girlfriends to go celebrating: big time.
“This is gonna be so awesome, dude,” Angus Izaac said, taking another drink of beer as the true journey by bus began. He was a tall, muscular white man who constantly wore shades regardless of whether he was indoors or outdoors, and always had a shit-eating grin on his face regardless of the situation. There was a lot of ‘regardless’ about Angus actually: he loved to flaunt the social order, make a party where there wasn’t one, and move from babe to babe. His surfer blonde hair and easy confidence made him a hit with the ladies, and so he was keen to get it on with some sexy ‘Mexicanas’ when they arrived. He liked foreign girls, and even more the notion that he could just love ‘em and leave ‘em, so this trip was tailor-made for his preferences.
“Hell yeah it is!” Jared replied. “I can’t wait to get totally shitfaced and party till the sun comes up - especially with these sexy ladies here.”
He grinned at some of the girls, some of whom even smiled back. They all knew why they were here, and there were worse pickings than Jared Hartley. He didn’t have the height or natural good looks that his best friend had, but he was built like a brick shithouse, being a rabid gymgoer. He was also the craziest partier ever: there was no one who could outdrink him, or out-bombast him at a party. He was always the centre of it, and while he didn’t have the same success with the ladies as his friend, he didn’t have the higher standards either. Suffice to say he always ended up in another woman’s bed the day after a party, with no knowledge of who she was or how he got there, but happy all the same. He’d heard that there were plenty of great drugs to try in Mexico, and that it was easy as a tourist to get ahold of them and bribe the police, and so, content in this stereotype, he was more than happy to go along with Angus’ spring break idea.
“This is gonna be the best trip ever,” he said.
“Hell yeah, brother!” Angus replied, fist-bumping him. “Mexico won’t know what hit it!”
Mexico did have a good idea of what hit it, actually. Far from being a surprising new set of partygoers mixing things up, Angus and Jared were entirely unaware that their kind of hard partying was just the annoying norm for many of the locals in Cancun. It was one of the most popular tourist destinations south of the border, after all, and there were seemingly as many tourists - mostly from America - as there were locals.
Not that it mattered to the pair, and not that they recognised it either. Along with their fellow college students, they were slamming down drinks, getting utterly wasted, and dancing long into the night. Angus found a few local girls he was able to convince to fuck him, while Jared indeed got his drugs, though it cost far more than he expected.
“Ah well, when in Rome, right brother?”
Angus laughed, and fistbumped his friend again. They had booked a ritzy tourist hotel that was close to the beach, and each morning they liked to watch the sexy latinas, as well as the girls they had brought along, walking and sunbathing and swimming in their revealing bikinis. The two rated the women, and made bets on which ones they could convince to go to bed with them. For Jared, he met good success: they were throwing some wild parties around the bar, after all, and almost got kicked out more than once.
There were other activities, of course. The girls wanted to go out on the tour to see the whale sharks, while some of the other guys wanted to partake in local festivities and chill. But not so for Angus Izaac and Jared Hartley. The pair were here for two weeks, and both had an eye to take it all in as if they had flooded their system with a combination of ecstasy and cocaine (a mix Jared was probably already on at points). And so, when the gang wanted a rest from the endless partying, drinking, dancing, and fucking, the two leaders of this Spring Break expedition took their business elsewhere for the day, choosing to go further into the city itself and be closer to the locals.
“Been looking for the genuine experience anyway,” Angus said. “A lot of these girls are hot, but they’re not local. I can’t cross a country off the list until I fuck a nice Latina or Mexicana, or whatever the difference is, here on their home turf, y’know?”
“Amen brother,” Angus replied. “Besides, these places are all too safe. I want somewhere rough and tumble where I can throw my weight around. Show these locals that there’s a new sheriff in town.”
They laughed, clasped each other on the back, and as usual, they gave one another a fistbump. The plan was set: they’d get lost in the city and enjoy a wild night away from the others and the safety of the hotel, and see the ‘real Mexico’, at least as they thought of it.
Angus and Jared laughed as they strolled through the streets of Cancun. It was a long, long strip given the thinness of the city itself, and though they didn’t realise it, it was still pretty touristy. They had managed to wander to the edges though, at a point well past midnight. Both men were utterly drunk, with Jared on party drugs that had resulted in them being kicked out of the last club due to trying to size up and fight several Mexican men who were also there. He’d overestimated his own strength, or underestimated theirs, and so the hot Mexican girls they were trying to impress had only giggled as they were escorted out and thrown to the ground, and threatened with police action unless they returned. Angus had been a bit annoyed, but with how much drink he’d imbibed, he was happy instead to sing loudly with his friend down the street as they headed to more remote parts of the city.
“God, that hot chick had massive tits, didn’t she?” Angus said.
“The biggest!” Jared replied. “And that other girl could have been her twin!”
“Fucking hell, can you imagine twins like that? Doing both at once?”
“I hear Mexican girls like it spicy,” Jared said, cackling. He finished his bottle and threw it against an apartment building wall, chuckling as it smashed into small shards. “I bet they’d be all over that.”
“It’s all that Spanish blood in their heritage or whatever,” Angus slurred drunkenly.
“Nah, it’s the southern air or something. Just does something and makes them all spicy latinas. The hot ones, that is. God, I fucking love their suntanned skin.”
“Olive,” Jared corrected. “You call it olive. I fucking love olives.”
“Yeah, I bet you’d love to taste them, wouldn’t you?”
It was at this point that they practically bowled over an old Mexican grandmother who they hadn’t seen trying to stop them, and probably wouldn’t have cared if they did, they were so drunk. She cried out in something they didn’t understand - neither had bothered to learn a lick of Spanish, after all - and then proceeded to scrabble backwards.
“Woah, watch out where you’re going lady!”
The tiny little old woman scowled as she drew herself up - neither man had tried to help her. In fact, they both had grins on their faces at the amusing sight of the old grandma picking herself up and grasping for her cane.
“What is wrong with you gringos?” she asked in a thick accent. “You ran into me! You could have killed me!”
Angus shrugged. “Lady, I can barely even understand your accent, but this isn’t our fault. It’s a busy street - well, usually busy. Probably. Besides, we’ve been partying. What did you expect running in front of us?”
“I expected you to stop and listen to an old woman as a sign of respect, pendejo!” she replied, waving her cane. “The whole neighbourhood can hear you! I was just visiting my daughter and helping her with her little mija, when suddenly the worst things we hear! Horrible things about mujer - women - and about us as Mexicans, and then the most vile words! And then you hurl a bottle at the wall of my daughter’s apartment and smash it, scaring her little mija as it was going to sleep! Pendejo! Change your behaviour! Respect the place you are visiting, tourists!”
Angus and Jared shared a laugh, but in their drunken state could only respond by cackling out loud.
“Lady, we’re just two boys having a good time! I’m sure we did no damage!” Jared said. “Besides, who’s gonna stop us? We’re owning this town. Why don’t you go back inside and see to your daughter-”
“And is she a hot daughter?” Angus said, chuckling to himself. “She got big milky Latina titties after giving birth, I bet!”
“Maybe we should pay her a visit?” Jared added, also tittering. “Or else we could just go to the next club, get even more wasted, and fuck all the hot Latinas we like.”
“See ya round, old Mexican bitch,” Angus said, spitting on the ground.
It was then that the little old woman’s eyes went wide. She’d clearly never been so affronted in her life.
“Dios mio,” she muttered. “Stop, both of you! I’m going to teach you a lesson you’ll never forget, you racist, sexist, awful gringos!”
The pair stopped in their tracks and looked back. They managed to contain their expressions one last time in response to the old woman’s pouting, then burst out laughing again. She huffed, furious, and pointed out with her cane. She muttered in her native tongue, and it sounded like a strange chant almost, with rhymes and utterances that were a little out of this world. For a moment, it almost looked like her eyes went green, but that was impossible, and both men chalked it up to the drugs and alcohol. When she finished, she spat on the ground, then rubbed her sandal where she’d spat.
“There, you are cursed,” she said, returning to her thickly accented English. “Both of you will find yourselves quite changed soon! Come and see me if you wish to undo my curse.”
“A curse?” Angus said, amused.
“Yes, I am what you would call a bruja of the old ways,” she said smugly, drawing herself up to her full, albeit unimpressive, height. “You both talked dirty shit about Mexican women, about ‘doing it’ with twins, and them having big tetas and all that. Well, you can enjoy it more up close than you could ever have imagined, pendejos!”
She clapped her hands together, as if dusting them off from a long day’s hard work, and turned to head back to her apartment, evidently satisfied.
“Wow, we’re real scared, old bitch!” Jared said, chuckling.
“Yeah, just terrified!” Angus retorted. “Can you seriously believe that?”
“Yeah, just loco, right?”
“Absolutely. Crazy anciana. What an old bruja.”
They shrugged their shoulders, laughed a bit at the ridiculousness of it, and moved on with their night, intent on hitting more bars, more clubs, and hitting on more women. Neither of them seemed to notice that they had just sprinkled some Spanish into their dialect, or that the twang in their voices had a slightly local favour, and not just the southern twang they were accustomed to. Neither realised, in fact, that the curse was real, and that their changes were only just beginning.
The partying continued into the morning, but as it continued, the nature of both young men changed. The old bruja’s curse seemed into their skin and bones, her transformative magic slowly altering their appearances down to a molecular level. Neither noticed: this too, was part of the magic, and intended to make the final revelation of their change all the more surprising and humiliating.
Firstly, Angus and Jared began talking more and more in a bilingual fashion. Spanish words would slip into their vocabulary: hola instead of ‘hey’ or ‘hi’, gracias instead of ‘thanks’ when a drink was passed into their hand, and so on. Angus even told an attractive woman he was flirting with at the first bar that he drove her crazy. At least, that’s what he thought he said. Instead, he gave the local equivalent: Me vuelves loco. But it wasn’t just language, both men began to even move in ways that seemed quite unmanly. Despite attempting to strut their stuff in clubs and attract the ladies or intimidate the men, they were increasingly swaying their hips from side to side, or sticking out their chest and their butts at the same time, as if trying to affect the stance of a sexy woman in heels. Both occasionally stroked their hair or grinned at a man without even meaning to, but while they had an odd moment of recognition that this was wrong, they were incapable of examining it, or why more and more women were turning them down and even giggling at them, despite them seeming to share a language somehow.
This was, of course, the result of the physical transformations that followed. As they partied and danced, their forms altered, and their clothing too. Both men were tall, but they lost height dramatically over the course of several hours until they were both just 5’5 in height, below average for a woman. They shook their asses on the dance floors, and it was obvious why: they were developing large culos that were growing by the minute, bouncy yet firm, round and appealing. Some of the men stared at them, and they couldn’t figure out why.
On their chests, their nipples flared, growing along with the flesh behind them so that slowly yet surely they gained pairs of breasts: big ones, too. They grew even as the rest of them shrunk: in the shoulders, in the legs, in the biceps, though their thighs remained thick. Their hair body hair shrank back in, while the hair on their heads grew out long and luscious and curly and full. Blonde and brunette respectively, both Angus and Jared now had dark, dark black hair, and the same went for their eyebrows as well. Both of them developed attractive green eyes, and their faces slowly changed to become soft, with full brown lips and long, yet refined noses. Their entire skin bronzed, taking on the mid-olive tone that Jared had been correcting Angus on, the kind of skin that both of them went wild for.
And throughout all of this, their breasts continued to grow, and their manhoods shrink. They should have noticed, particularly once their shirts became tight crop tops that hugged their full tits and presented a wild amount of cleavage, and when their shorts became sexy skirts that clung to their asses, conforming to their shape. Their hands became dainty, their feet too, and after finishing up at a bar where a couple of dudes definitely did not want to fight Jared for some reason, and in fact were asking all sorts of weird questions about them, they waltzed out on cute high heels, their culos swaying and giving all the boys a show. A number of them whispered.
“Penejos!” Angus shouted, not even realising that his voice was now high and soft and thickly accented.
“You tell them, hermano,” Jared replied, but then he corrected it: “I mean, hermana.”
They now looked utterly identical, a set of sexy twins who were only getting sexier by the second. Tourists were catcalling them, and it was freaking them out that they were being mocked. Their breasts bounced on their chests, growing and growing and growing until they each had a gorgeous set of E-cups, ripe cantaloupes that they would have done anything to grope and squeeze and shove their faces into just earlier that day.
But still they partied, until it was four am, and both were getting tired. Their long dark curls bounced against their backs as they danced one last time at a popular club. Guys were surrounding them, cheering and trying to get closer. One had even touched Jared’s ass, and he had tried to chase off the man, who just laughed. Angus was trying to ask out some of the girls, but they just giggled and told him that there was ‘another bar’ that was more ‘her type.’ The fact that they thought he was girly insulted him, but all he could do was try his luck with another group and keep dancing.
And then it finally happened. As their bodies finalised their changes, as the last body hair fell away or disappeared, as the last touches of feminine beauty and makeup were applied to their forms, their transformations finished in the only way they possible could: their manhoods pulled back inside their bodies, altering to become vaginal passages, and a new organ that could only be a womb bloomed within each of them. They had crossed the threshold. They were now, as they had so derided and lusted after, a pair of sexy, spicy Latinas.
And in that same moment, they both now realised it, looking down at their busty, curvy, hourglass-shaped sexy bodies, which were now not only the wrong gender but the wrong race. The new set of twins exchanged a horrified glance, both freezing on the dance floor, and realising that they really had been cursed to be women.
“Dios mio!” the woman who had once been Angus cried.
Jared simply screamed.
To Be Continued . . .