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Alchemy of Souls EP 18.mp4



i get more excited for your reaction the closer we get to the end of season 1 & start of season 2!!

Sami Casingal

I’m not Mudeok and I sometimes don’t understand her thought process, but the answer seems straightforward and easy to me. Maybe that’s my personality talking, but I would rather remain powerless than lose the people I care about. Power isn’t everything, and like it’s shown here, too much power and you could lose so much, if not everything. Too much power doesn’t always equal true power in my opinion (if that makes sense)

Meruka Hinaru

SAME! I'm so ready for the last 2 episodes and I'm pretty sure they will be not ready at all hahaha

Daniela Madrid

I don’t think you’re ready for the episodes to come. Like there’s nothing I can say without spoiling something. But the last two episodes are really something. Can’t wait for your reaction


such a great episode! the scene with the crown prince and mudeok was very emotional as was the last scene with her and jang uk. i couldn't not shed a tear. so excited for your commentary on the ending of this season!


I feel like as a trained assassin, who has lived her life just chasing the goal of survival and revenge, mudeok is only just now learning of the weight of having people you care about around you.


The first time I watched this episode, I didn’t like it. because with the surreal sort of feeling of the inside of the ice stone + the use of non-linear storytelling + so many changes of perspective, I was super confused and disoriented during my first watch through of it. But seeing it again now, I feel like I appreciate it as one of the most memorable episodes in this season


You guys gotta watch the second season after you finished season one.

Nell ♡

pd you should watch "extraordinary you" next. rowoon and jang uk's actors are the male leads. it has a very unique storyline