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Alchemy of Souls EP 19.mp4


Winter Rian ~ (edited)

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2023-12-07 19:11:30 Tysm guys I'll have so much fun watching this :D
2023-12-07 19:11:30 Tysm guys I'll have so much fun watching this :D
2023-10-14 21:55:05 Tysm guys I'll have so much fun watching this :D

Tysm guys I'll have so much fun watching this :D

Ara J



I haven't watched the last episode of season 1 yet, so I hope I will be proven wrong. But at the moment, I have no idea where the drama is going. It looks to me as if the writers just threw so many great possibilities away. Episode 19 confuses the hell out of me and feels overall disappointing. There are multiple things not sitting right with me. 1. The whole "final fight" felt anticlimactic af. I was waiting for a grand finale. I wanted sword fighting, I wanted magic, I wanted some mind-blowing CGI. Shaman Choi got portrayed as this evil and powerful genius. And don't get me wrong, her identity reveal was really cool. But one basic af looking magic strike against her while she is performing one of the supposedly most powerful spells and she is dead? Jin Mu not fighting and interfering at all? Everyone else just standing around, watching, doing nothing? Such a dramatic build-up, but then whoops, she's already dead. I haven't seen something this anticlimactic in a long time. 2. Jang Gang just came on screen to take the blame and die? What has he been doing these past 20 years? Nothing? Mindlessly wandering around and letting everything go to hell? It screams poor character writing (and I loved all the other character arcs until now) and took away from the actual problem. Cause as evil as Shaman Choi was, she had a point. All the others did corrupt things but didn't face repercussions and she simply exploited that. Her forming a secret organisation of soul shifters in the heart of the kingdom was only possible due to the people in power being unable to face their own wrongdoings and inability to take responsibility. And now, with Jang Gang taking the whole blame and still hiding some parts of the truth, they will not learn. The Queen herself proved it in the same episode later on. You would think after 10 years of imprisonment, she had a lot of time to think and come to terms with not only what was done to her but also what she did wrong. Instead, she proved to be as close-minded and hysterically paranoid as the king. Both of them don't know how to rule. 3. I get that Jang Uk and Mudeok had to give up their magic to get themself and everyone else out alive. But still, that was their life purpose and goal from episode 1 on. To master magic/to get their magic back. But after a super short time of contemplating, it seemed like they just shrugged it off. "Never using magic again, the one thing we always wanted? Well, whatever. Who cares. Not us." It looked like they got over the loss in mere seconds. Obviously, their newfound love softened the blow, but it still seemed very out of touch and unrealistic. 4. And my final complaint. What's going on with the prince? Until now, I really thought he had it in him to be a good, fair and just ruler, even with his faults. But he literally chose the worst possible moment to step back and observe instead of acting. He now knew Jin Mu was the evil guy. He now knew about all the bad things he had done. He now knew about his goals and manipulation attempts. But instead of arresting the fugitive or even killing him, he thinks now is the best time to wait and let him talk? And believe his words? Jang Uk lost all his energy. He can't perform magic anymore. Jang Gang made sure he would never be able to become the Gwanju, but suddenly the prince starts listening to Jin Mu and feels threatened by Uk? Can the ice stone rob all your braincells and brainwash you? I'm seriously asking, cause it just doesn't make sense to me. I really enjoyed the drama until now, so I hope the final episode is the missing piece to make sense to all this. Cause at the moment I'm getting serious Merlin flashbacks and ptsd. (For the confused: Merlin was one of the best YA fantasy TV shows of all time until the last 2 episodes aired. Apparently, the writers found out there wouldn't be another season cause of budget problems, panicked over how to end it, decided to throw the whole plot away and gave us the worst possible ending. Let's just say there is a reason so many "fix it"-fanfics of this fandom exist. And I seriously don't want that to happen to AoS.)

Sarah Batt

Did you know the CROWN PRINCE was a red velvet security guard?


I can’t wait for the next episode.

Daniela Madrid

Omg can’t wait for the final episode. We’re gonna get a double wedding and it’s gonna be a happy ending . YAY!!


The singer for Yul's and Mudeok's theme song is Jeong Sewoon


Aaa so excited for season 2


Oh, you guys are going to be in for a ride the last episode and into Part 2. This is one of the shows I'm glad I didn't watch while it was airing, because the wait in between episodes would have killed me.


I cannot wait to see your reaction for episode 20!😭

Meruka Hinaru

Next week's reaction is gonna be WILD haha. They are not ready for THE episode 20 haha

Winter Rian ~ (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-15 20:26:26 I loved Season 1 so much I can't wait to see the finale next week with you guys. But Season 2 is where my heart is at. It's just about the overall vibe. In general this drama is just an absolute masterpiece and probably my favorite to this date
2023-10-15 20:26:26 I loved Season 1 so much I can't wait to see the finale next week with you guys. But Season 2 is where my heart is at. It's just about the overall vibe. In general this drama is just an absolute masterpiece and probably my favorite to this date
2023-10-15 15:34:23 I loved Season 1 so much I can't wait to see the finale next week with you guys. But Season 2 is where my heart is at. It's just about the overall vibe. In general this drama is just an absolute masterpiece and probably my favorite to this date

I loved Season 1 so much I can't wait to see the finale next week with you guys. But Season 2 is where my heart is at. It's just about the overall vibe. In general this drama is just an absolute masterpiece and probably my favorite to this date


1:27:10 what is that PD :D

Meruka Hinaru

My mom blames me for life because I told her about Alchemy of souls when Season 1 was finished, so she watched it, got obsessed and then when she finished watching she said "Where's the rest?" and I told her "Ah, we have to wait now for season 2 to air" and she got so mad at me XD

Blaire 🌻

Holy moly thank you so much for telling us this! We kept seeing it and weren’t sure if we were crazy and/or if it was only visible in OBS 😂 -B


I really hope yall plan to start part 2 immediately because waiting for you to see it is killing me lol


Extraordinary Attorney Woo is also a really fun drama, I hope you guys decide to check it out at some point in the future!