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Hi PD, the EP name should be “I’VE MINE”

ian (edited)

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2023-10-17 10:01:11 They debuted OTT during their first concert and it was great to see
2023-10-17 07:27:42 They debuted OTT during their first concert and it was great to see

They debuted OTT during their first concert and it was great to see


I love this album so much and have been listening to it nonstop since it came out. Payback is definitely my favourite, with Off the Record being second (mainly because of the second half of the song… it’s sooo good!). I Wasn’t the biggest fan of Baddie at first because it just isn’t really the kind of song I enjoy listening to but it has grown on me a lot and I think it adds something to the album that would’ve been missing if it wasn’t there.


Also, if anyone is interested, this is a really interesting interview with Ive about the new album: https://www.nylon.com/entertainment/ive-mine-album-either-way-body-shaming-critics-interview They talk about the meaning the title songs as well as the meaning behind the album. The article also talks about the expectations and perception of female idols. I just wanted to share it because I think it’s a really interesting and important topic!

Winter Rian ~ (edited)

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2023-10-17 12:06:47 I can't wait for you to check out the Studio Choom for Baddie. They ate :D My favorite song from this album has to be Payback tho, it's so catchy.
2023-10-17 09:36:18 I can't wait for you to check out the Studio Choom for Baddie. They ate :D My favorite song from this album has to be Payback tho, it's so catchy.

I can't wait for you to check out the Studio Choom for Baddie. They ate :D My favorite song from this album has to be Payback tho, it's so catchy.


This album, after multiple listens, is now my favorite IVE album. Their discography is literally top tier and no other group is on their level in my opinion. Every song on this album is title track material.

Roki Korea

At about 19:10 into this video, I thought it would definitely suit the PD's taste haha.

Michelle R.

Either Way is my favorite track off this album. The fact that sunwoojunga wrote the lyrics makes so much sense!


Had to literally pause midway to say YOU LISTEN TO KIM PETRAS?!? Thats literally rocked my world. do you also listen to slayyyter?


I probably rank Kim Petras as my favorite solo pop artist! I’ve followed her music about 5 years now? And who is SLAYYYTER???


Ohhh the taste level is immaculate! Slayyyter is another female solo pop artist with similar vibes, she makes some amazing classic pop songs but also leans into some of those 'spicier' songs Kim Petras does. Big fan of both of them, slayyter also released a new album this month called starf*cker, if you've got some free time I'd highly reccomend checking her out.

DITI123 (edited)

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2023-10-17 21:20:39 The three title tracks are a roller coaster of different emotions.
2023-10-17 18:41:19 The three title tracks are a roller coaster of different emotions.

The three title tracks are a roller coaster of different emotions.

Gabi 高书逸

Imo that's their best work so far, even better than their full album. It's very cohesive, lyrics are beautifully written and composed, more mature and the acting is on point 👌 I was not a dive until this album dropped. I really like OTT, it reminds me a little of Doja Cat's Kiss Me More and Apink CHOBOM's Copycat for some reason. Holy Moly is Eleven's sister, there's a nice hypnotic sound to it. Either Way and Off The Record are my favorites, cause I'm a sucker for vintage stuff and mellow pop songs. And Payback ofc is amazing, perfect song to finish the album


Woah finding out SWJA did the lyrics for either way kinda blew my mind because SWJA was the first Korean soloist whose music I fell in love with!!


PD! Rei show on YouTube: “Follow Rei” https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvGP2JpRxVlCGFshQuu-avxGQcth2sMdB&si=XvblwsGLJ1c3cGgd



Aya B

your appreciation of ive's lyrics make me want to learn the language so i can love them even more

Ms. Ren

Payback is my favorite their b-side track!!