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The Kulture Study: IVE 'Either Way + Off The Record + Baddie' MV REACTION & REVIEW

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Definitely get what you mean by Either Way and the almost religious or spiritual feeling of it. The first time I heard this song I thought "this is what heaven must sound like" because I felt so moved by the rawness and almost angelicness of both the song and the music video. Which is actually a very interesting contrast to the underlying darkness that all three mvs have.

cherry park

the behind the scenes video for either way mv was super interesting (yujin's acting in the bts is even more phenomenal imo) also, the hand reaching up in the mv is actually gaeul and the hand that comes after is leeseo!


My interpretation of the Off the Record video, particularly in the context of the lyrics, is that it's about a game of truth or dare. So it starts with them in a circle spinning a bottle to see who goes first, and then goes to Rei "shooting" a question at someone's heart/"hunting" for answers. I think that Wonyoung and Leeseo's scenes (taking photos/stalking vs praying) represent searching out information on your friend's secrets vs hoping you don't get asked an embarrassing question. Liz swinging and in the boat could be seen as representing the freedom that comes with sharing your secrets. Gaeul wearing a veil and ring and kissing a shadow alone could symbolize hiding a crush. And then those "metaphor" scenes are blended in with the "literal" scenes of them whispering, Wonyoung hiding to avoid getting picked, etc. The only one I'm not sure about is Yujin - I don't quite understand how her solo scenes fit in/what they represent. Maybe they represent that she's heartbroken, as she was fluctuating between emotions around that giant heart?


PD, it's Leeseo not Yeseo😂. You will never get this right haha.


I cried while watching Either Way. I was comforted by Off the Record. And then I was hyped/build up by Baddie. I just realised this 😄 I questioned the order of release at first, because the changes in style felt abrupt and I couldn’t see a connection. But now I perceive the songs as being connected by emotions rather then style, genre, video, etc.


I'm telling you Blonde Liz is a whole different beast!!

Roki Korea

Thank you for always interesting reviews. Please don’t forget to take care of Chaeyeon too. T_T

Jennine Saguinsin

hello pd!! just a heads up, this comeback is a triple title track. its just either way and off the record is not promoted as much as baddie. kinda sad but its maybe due to music shows were cancelled by the time either way was released. so happy u enjoyed this cb!!


Off The Record reminded me a lot of Peekaboo or Russian Roulette by Red Velvet with the fun song but ominous undertones in the music video


Either way always gets me.


For the hand shot, one hand is Gaeul and the other Leeseo. Its in the MV behind the scenes.

DITI123 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-17 21:20:39 From what Gaeul said in an interview Either Way represents how other people view them, OTR is about how they view each others and Baddie is how they whant to see themselves.
2023-10-17 18:30:03 From what Gaeul said in an interview Either Way represents how other people view them, OTR is about how they view each other, and Baddie is how they want to see themselves.

From what Gaeul said in an interview Either Way represents how other people view them, OTR is about how they view each other, and Baddie is how they want to see themselves.


I enjoyed all 3 songs so much! Baddie felt pretty red velvet coded to me especially the concept/music video which only made me like it more tbh lmao


Oh my god… Off The Record might be my favorite song of 2023, the music video is INSANELY GOOD and so is the song


Same. I have played that song ever since it came out. The Whole EP is great.