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The Kulture Study: Red Velvet 'Chill Kill' MV REACTION & REVIEW

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Thanks for the reaction PD. Hopefully whatever caused the delay is fixed/solved and we can get an update from you too soon


the tag for this post is under redsquare instead of red velvet


thank you!💗


I hope your Taemin reaction is coming as well. 🥹🙏

Carly Zrinyi

Thanks PD!!! Love Chill Kill!


Once it’s fixed! I’m going through a lot rn and do not want to burden my audience until I have a solid plan to present. Thank you for the encouragement 🙏🏻


Really hope you and Blair react to red velvet killing voice when you have time !!!


Red velvet did a great job show casing the theme bright tragedy this comeback! Noted with the dark verses and bright chorus. And for the music video the friendship was bright while the rest was tragic