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  • EL7Z UP


Yuna Chon

Hi are you gonna check out the riize performance? Its so good and I really recommend it!


Ujungs (WJSN fans) have KNOWN yeoreum has dark and intense performances in her—but it would be hard to tell from any title tracks! She’s done lots of covers and any other bside concert promotions, trust me she’s main dancer for a reason and she has this BEAST inside of her let’s just say she (along with WJSN) has a lot of FEMALE FANS,,,,


It’s a shame you won’t be reacting to Queendom Puzzle. You get to see sides of sooooo many idols that differ from their group concepts.


El7z Up is so, so good, and I can't explain enough how neat it is to see such talented girls from underrated groups come together like this. Lovelyz was (and still is) my ultimate group and Kei is my ultimate bias, so to see her finally being appreciated by more people brings a tear to my eye. 🥲 I can't wait for the Cheeky MV and 7+Up album reactions!


What makes Ateez's performance even cooler is the fact that when they performed this, Crazy Form hadn't been released so it was the first time anyone heard that song


Seeing Xiaoting here just solidifies my anger about her not being the center of Kep1er that group would’ve been SO different with the image being curated after HER. The group would’ve looked less messy as a vibe. I stand on this hill. Sorry Chae Hyun stans and Kep1er fans who are tired of this opinion. But I genuinely think Xiaoting centre would’ve really fixed ALOT of problems this group faced from beginning to end.


Queendom Puzzle really did give so many brilliant performances with new and old songs. Cheeky may be their title but SNAP was one of the first performances in Queendom Puzzle, so it's pretty perfect that they used it. With this one, there's now three versions of SNAP. Nana and Yeonhee had never performed it until MAMA, too


ateez literally had the best performance of the night


Coachella is not ready for ATEEZ!!!

coin purse

the guy in the heart puffer in the boynextdoor performance is taesan!


BoyNextDoor killed it!! Please react to their variety shows I think you would really like them!

k (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-14 14:46:53 So glad you saw this el7z up performance since you aren’t reacting to queendom puzzle! Bc Yeoreum is the SUPREME! Seriously one of my favorite performers ever in the industry.
2024-02-14 14:46:53 So glad you saw this el7z up performance since you aren’t reacting to queendom puzzle! Bc Yeoreum is the SUPREME! Seriously one of my favorite performers ever in the industry.
2024-02-14 14:46:53 So glad you saw this el7z up performance since you aren’t reacting to queendom puzzle! Bc Yeoreum is the SUPREME! Seriously one of my favorite performers ever in the industry.
2024-02-14 14:46:53 So glad you saw this el7z up performance since you aren’t reacting to queendom puzzle! Bc Yeoreum is the SUPREME! Seriously one of my favorite performers ever in the industry.
2024-02-14 14:46:53 So glad you saw this el7z up performance since you aren’t reacting to queendom puzzle! Bc Yeoreum is the SUPREME! Seriously one of my favorite performers ever in the industry.
2024-02-14 14:46:53 So glad you saw this el7z up performance since you aren’t reacting to queendom puzzle! Bc Yeoreum is the SUPREME! Seriously one of my favorite performers ever in the industry.
2024-02-14 14:46:53 So glad you saw this el7z up performance since you aren’t reacting to queendom puzzle! Bc Yeoreum is the SUPREME! Seriously one of my favorite performers ever in the industry.
2024-02-14 14:46:53 So glad you saw this el7z up performance since you aren’t reacting to queendom puzzle! Bc Yeoreum is the SUPREME! Seriously one of my favorite performers ever in the industry.
2024-02-14 14:46:53 So glad you saw this el7z up performance since you aren’t reacting to queendom puzzle! Bc Yeoreum is the SUPREME! Seriously one of my favorite performers ever in the industry.
2024-02-14 14:46:53 So glad you saw this el7z up performance since you aren’t reacting to queendom puzzle! Bc Yeoreum is the SUPREME! Seriously one of my favorite performers ever in the industry.
2024-02-14 14:46:53 So glad you saw this el7z up performance since you aren’t reacting to queendom puzzle! Bc Yeoreum is the SUPREME! Seriously one of my favorite performers ever in the industry.
2024-02-14 14:46:53 So glad you saw this el7z up performance since you aren’t reacting to queendom puzzle! Bc Yeoreum is the SUPREME! Seriously one of my favorite performers ever in the industry.
2024-02-12 07:30:52 So glad you saw this el7z up performance since you aren’t reacting to queendom puzzle! Bc Yeoreum is the SUPREME! Seriously one of my favorite performers ever in the industry.

So glad you saw this el7z up performance since you aren’t reacting to queendom puzzle! Bc Yeoreum is the SUPREME! Seriously one of my favorite performers ever in the industry.

k (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-14 14:46:53 Also i have to mention this, if you ever do watch any queendom puzzle performances, Yeoreum performed Mmmh by KAI for her introduction performance! It’s totally worth checking out!!!
2024-02-14 14:46:53 Also i have to mention this, if you ever do watch any queendom puzzle performances, Yeoreum performed Mmmh by KAI for her introduction performance! It’s totally worth checking out!!!
2024-02-14 14:46:53 Also i have to mention this, if you ever do watch any queendom puzzle performances, Yeoreum performed Mmmh by KAI for her introduction performance! It’s totally worth checking out!!!
2024-02-14 14:46:53 Also i have to mention this, if you ever do watch any queendom puzzle performances, Yeoreum performed Mmmh by KAI for her introduction performance! It’s totally worth checking out!!!
2024-02-14 14:46:53 Also i have to mention this, if you ever do watch any queendom puzzle performances, Yeoreum performed Mmmh by KAI for her introduction performance! It’s totally worth checking out!!!
2024-02-14 14:46:53 Also i have to mention this, if you ever do watch any queendom puzzle performances, Yeoreum performed Mmmh by KAI for her introduction performance! It’s totally worth checking out!!!
2024-02-14 14:46:53 Also i have to mention this, if you ever do watch any queendom puzzle performances, Yeoreum performed Mmmh by KAI for her introduction performance! It’s totally worth checking out!!!
2024-02-14 14:46:53 Also i have to mention this, if you ever do watch any queendom puzzle performances, Yeoreum performed Mmmh by KAI for her introduction performance! It’s totally worth checking out!!!
2024-02-14 14:46:53 Also i have to mention this, if you ever do watch any queendom puzzle performances, Yeoreum performed Mmmh by KAI for her introduction performance! It’s totally worth checking out!!!
2024-02-14 14:46:53 Also i have to mention this, if you ever do watch any queendom puzzle performances, Yeoreum performed Mmmh by KAI for her introduction performance! It’s totally worth checking out!!!
2024-02-14 14:46:53 Also i have to mention this, if you ever do watch any queendom puzzle performances, Yeoreum performed Mmmh by KAI for her introduction performance! It’s totally worth checking out!!!
2024-02-14 14:46:53 Also i have to mention this, if you ever do watch any queendom puzzle performances, Yeoreum performed Mmmh by KAI for her introduction performance! It’s totally worth checking out!!!
2024-02-12 07:53:19 Also i have to mention this, if you ever do watch any queendom puzzle performances, Yeoreum performed Mmmh by KAI for her introduction performance! It’s totally worth checking out!!!

Also i have to mention this, if you ever do watch any queendom puzzle performances, Yeoreum performed Mmmh by KAI for her introduction performance! It’s totally worth checking out!!!